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What The Floopy?!?!


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Ash Wednesday

Their dating situation sounds pretty dumb but I'm not sure what can and will be done about it outside of what their parents know and how they choose to handle it.

Edited by Ash Wednesday
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I think one makes a rather hasty judgment when one automatically assumes that any 22-year-old dating any 16-year-old must only be in it for the bum. Most men in their early 20s these days are not that mature. (Geez, most men in their THIRTIES these days aren't that mature!) For all we know, he is a totally decent, respectable, and respectful young man who happens to like her for her personality. If you're rolling your eyes right now, you're cynical. Get that fixed. ;-)


I'm not saying it is definitely the case that he's a great guy who loves her and all. I'm saying you can't possibly know what is the case until you've met the guy.

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I agree that appearances can be deceiving.  And FP has only seen his online profile.  I would not my daughter in that kind of relationship though, and I agree with HSM on that.

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Some of my best friends are 5-6 years apart. She got married to him at 19. They were "seeing each other" while she was in high school I think 16 or 17, but it was kept super casual due to the age difference. They've been happily married for 8 or 9 years and have 4 kids.



16 and 22 sounds like super bad mojo... but it's quite possible that it's a genuine relationship, the guy is not out to get her, and there's no bad mojo.

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for clarifications sake, I would have an extremely hard time with that type of relationship as the father of the daughter. There'd be some pretttty darn strict rules, assuming I knew the guy well and didn't force a breakup.

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She's 16 and thinks this is "adult" and "cool." That's her rationale, Miles. 


But he's 22 and should be dating within his own age group. I don't know what would possess a 22-year old man to pursue a teenager, besides the hope of taking advantage of a naive girl.

I easily found him through Miles' Facebook. It seems he only made it to middle school and is unemployed. Do I know him, no, but I do question his maturity and his direction in life [b]based[/b] on the information I just found.

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My first girlfriend was 14, and I was 17. Her mother sat me down once and talked to me. Apparently, she felt comfortable with me enough to allow it. Of course, I was a really good guy back then with intentions of waiting until marriage. She ended up dumping me because she wanted to move faster than I was willing to move.


I guess what I'm trying to say is "older" doesn't necessarily always equal "more sexual".

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I don't care how grown up a 16 year old girl may seem to be, I don't care if it's a sexual relationship or not, a 22 year old in modern times has no fracking business dating a 16 year old girl. There is a lot of growing up and development between 16 and 22. Dude needs to find a woman to date not a underage girl.

If I were the father I wouldn't be understanding or bother with a convo other than stating stay the blank away from my daughter. If he didn't cqre to listen to me he'd be kissing my two closed fists and my foot not my 16 year old daughter. Sorry if that makes me a bad guy but I do not care.

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If I were the father I wouldn't be understanding or bother with a convo other than stating stay the blank away from my daughter. If he didn't cqre to listen to me he'd be kissing my two closed fists and my foot not my 16 year old daughter. Sorry if that makes me a bad guy but I do not care.

:| No comment. I'm guessing you have no children. *Nothing* makes a man more attractive to a teenage girl than having "Daddy" say "no."



It's a sticky situation. One size does not fit all.

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I'm initially wary of any romantic relationship with an age difference of 6 years with the youngest in that relationship being younger than 20. And even after that, it's still a little weird. My 18 year old sister is dating a 24 year old. A guy older than me by 2 years. I knew him before they met, and I know he's a decent guy, which is the only reason I don't kick his ass for even looking at my sister. Anything greater than 4 years with the youngest in high school is even worse. 


I don't know the situation they're in, I don't know the individuals involved. All I know is that, as a 22 year old man, I'd never consider going after a girl in high school.

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Did you ever end up talking to her?


And that alarms me. My Confirmation sponsor is 7 years older than her husband, but they started dating WAY into adulthood, so it's different. I'm curious to know if her parents know...

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Miles..... is there any chance that she is just trying to get your goat and get you peeeeeeved?   And have a bit of a laugh at your expense?


I don't like the sound of it myself, but I don't think there is much you can do except pray... and that is a lot.


Hang in there... praying for both of you...

Edited by AnneLine
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