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Obama: Muslim, Socialist, Homosexual


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One of those things there is kind of a good thing. It also happens to be the thing farthest from what he actually is. :|

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One of those things there is kind of a good thing. It also happens to be the thing farthest from what he actually is. :|


You're going to say good things about Islam on PM? That won't end well. :|

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I actually hadn't thought of her, but boy, she really would react badly. :|


That's because satan has closed her heart to the testament of the Prophet.  

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  • 3 years later...
On 1/9/2013, 8:57:25, Debra Little said:

I'm disturbed by recent reports that Obama intends to nationalize the Churchs and the banks and force Priests to gay marry sodomite couples. I'm also discouraged that Obama will revoke the tax exempt status of the church but not of mosques. Does anyone else have an opinion on this?


i don't think he's doing that. 

He is!

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Most Muggles are unaware of the fact that many Conservatives in the Wizarding World (Yes they exist) are also convinced he's a Death Eater sympathizer on top of being a Socialist Muslim Nazi.  Which doesn't make any sense considering he's a Squib, but eh, propaganda. 

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2 hours ago, Papist said:

Obama lovers are so cute. I just want to pinch them on the cheek.  

Obama is too good for you

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