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Why I Am No Longer An Atheist Part 2


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Sometimes I have deep misgivings about the nature of Mother Terresa's work. Reading of her work, I really feel that she overemphasized the value of suffering, almost to the point of fetishizing it.  I think she basically put most of the money donated to her order under a mattress rather than take any steps that might have alleviated some of the physical suffering and discomfort of those in her care. I am not condemning her, and letting the dying fear loved and supported is more important than just giving them blankets and medicine. But if she could have done both, it would have been better for her to do so.


I don't think this is historically accurate, although I have the same objection to many saints, including my own patroness, Saint Therese.

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I don't think this is historically accurate, although I have the same objection to many saints, including my own patroness, Saint Therese.


Well, I certainly hope that what I have heard was exaggerated.

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There was a French documentarian pre-Muggeridge who did a survey of Calcutta.  In it, he showed Blessed Mother Theresa's order distributing medicine to lepers.  That is the only basis that I have for this hunch.  I wish I could provide a citation.

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Would everybody please take my word that God exists, and let this thread die?  I will come back to it every time if you do not.  Thank you! God bless

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Fidei Defensor

If we take the atheist world view that we just cease to exist at the end of life and that we live out our days doing what makes us happy, why does it bother them so much that others believe in God? If it makes them happy, it fits right into their philosophy!

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If we take the atheist world view that we just cease to exist at the end of life and that we live out our days doing what makes us happy, why does it bother them so much that others believe in God? If it makes them happy, it fits right into their philosophy!



Ordinarily, as a descendant of the eighteenth-century Enlighten-
ment, which shaped our Republic, I would say live and let live
and I would try not to "scoff" --to use Lincoln's verb-- at the
monotheists. But I am not allowed to ignore them. They won't let
me. They are too busy. They have a divine mission to take away
our rights as private citizens. We are forbidden abortion here,
gambling there, same-sex almost everywhere, drugs, alcohol in a
dry county. Our prisons are the most terrible and the most
crowded in the First World. Our death row executions are a
source of deep disgust in civilized countries, where more and
more we are regarded as a primitive, uneducated and dangerous
people. Although we are not allowed, under law, to kill
ourselves or to take drugs that good folk think might be bad for
us, we are allowed to buy a handgun and shoot as many people as
we can get away with.
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The problem of human suffering.



The question "why does a just God allow evil to exist" ignores the foundation of Christianity and what it means: the Cross.  To understand that, we have to put the Cross within its historical context.  The Roman Empire used crucifixion as a means to intimidate the general population.  The carrot was bread and circuses.  The stick was Crucifixion.  It was very difficult way to die, and it was done in a way so that people would see it and be traumatized.  There was a highway in ancient Rome with 3000 crucified revolutionaries.  It was a very calculated form of execution.  It was to make the citizen and slave cower.


When the Church began its mission in the Roman Empire, they worshipped a Crucified King.  They looked at this one very extreme kind of evil and said "I will not fear."  Rome had no reply.  How can we intimidate them, when Christ has sanctified our cruelest evil?


So, Christianity from the beginning did not ignore the problem of human suffering.  It was a very frank admission that evil is very real, and refusal to live in fear.


Are you seriously trying to argue that God put suffering on this Earth to fuel political movements?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Are you seriously trying to argue that God put suffering on this Earth to fuel political movements?


No, I believe in guided evolution.  I believe in the Gospel, with 100% orthodoxy.  We are animals.  We are mammals, primates, and apes.  Human behavior belongs in these categories.  We are not naturally monogamous, like penguins or wolves.  Unlike some mammals outside of the primate family, human beings have been known to engage in cannibalism.  It is like the thesis of East of Eden.  We can rule over sin.  We can use our rational souls to conquer our fallen instincts.  The majority of sins committed are instinctive, natural human behaviors, that no longer serve their purpose, as we are no longer small bands of warring hunter gatherers.  Judaism is a revealed religion.  So is Christianity.  Christ came to earth to save us from ourselves.  We made this mess.  Not him.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="tardis ad astra" data-cid="2527275" data-time="1356482562"><p>
If we take the atheist world view that we just cease to exist at the end of life and that we live out our days doing what makes us happy, why does it bother them so much that others believe in God? If it makes them happy, it fits right into their philosophy!</p></blockquote>

Ok so take this as whatever -- I'm exhausted and can't sleep and work in 1.5 hours (love being a barista lol)

I have no problem if people want to believe in God, go to church, serve missions. I'm a live let live atheist. You could be a pagan, Wiccan, Catholic, Jew, Mormon, Muslim, etc. it doesn't bug me.

It's when people use religious arguments as a moral basis for political movements. Especially the abortion issues (yes, I realize not everyone who is pro life uses religious arguments, they just believe it is all wrong and they are entitled to that opinion as well), gay marriage, etc.

I get that many believe gay marriage is immoral because of guidance from religious leaders, doctrine, or religious texts such as the bible. That's all good and well, but really, the government has no business saying which two consenting adult parties can get married and which two cannot. Heck, in that same argument, legalize polygamy too. All I care about is that these are consenting adult humans entering these legally binding agreements.

Same goes with things like Sharia Law. Maybe I'm just a dumb American but IMO church and state should be completely and utterly separate. I completely disagree with states and school districts (public) who teach solely creationism as a scientific theory or fact. And then denounce evolution and deprive students of learning about different points of view. Same with abstinence only sex education. I believe in at the very least, high school, you are prepared to learn the whole "shebang" (parental consent required, of course). I think it does a disservice to kids not to learn all sides of issues and topics.

Also, I hate it when people try to convert me as well. I'm happy right now.

tldr: I don't care if you worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I won't try to change your mind to become an atheist. Just keep your religious beliefs out of things that affect the whole country.

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Groo the Wanderer

So Zabba...we should then reset the entire calendar, make everyone work on Sundays and holidays (holy days), burn the Constitution and Declaration of Independence (they invoke God), melt down all coins and burn all money (In God we Trust), and repeal all laws based on the 10 Commandments (murder, rape, robbery, 14th amendment, etc) because we need a complete separation of Church and state?



sounds wacky to me


you should check out this book   http://www.amazon.com/Americas-Blessings-Religion-Benefits-Including/dp/1599474123/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1358303401&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=everyone+benefits+from+religion



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