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Say A Prayer For The Connecticut School Shooting


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God our Father, 
Your power brings us to birth, 
Your providence guides our lives, 
and by Your command we return to dust.

Lord, those who die still live in Your presence, 
their lives change but do not end. 
I pray in hope for the victim's families, 
relatives and friends, 
and for all the dead known to You alone. 

In company with Christ, 
Who died and now lives, 
may they rejoice in Your kingdom, 
where all our tears are wiped away. 
Unite us together again in one family, 
to sing Your praise forever and ever.


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from the Digital Hairshirt on facebook:

When horror strikes, there is little to be done except pray. For the families in Newtown, CT, and for the souls of those killed, which sadly consists of children, as is now being reported.

Jesus, You said that better a millstone be placed around the neck of one one who dared to harm the innocent and he then be cast into the sea. Extend Your grace on the victims, Your consolation to their families, and Your mercy to those who wear the millstone. You said, "Let the little children come unto Me" - welcome these souls into Your Heavenly Kingdom. Amen. (+)

Whenever a child is killed or dies, I have always felt that He sends the best possible person to escort them to His throne . . . His Mother. Sweet Virgin, hold them close to you and cast away their fear. Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
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Just hearing about this, I don't know if I can even pray. I was a substitute teacher for two years, and I spent so much time with little kids like this. They were saying "I just want Christmas…I don't want to die. I just want to have Christmas." How could God have let this happen? I know there are explanations, but somehow, they all just seem hollow.

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I get news notifications on my phone, and when I saw this specific notification at school in class today, I couldn't pay attention to anything else except being in prayer.



I mentor elementary school kids every week, so this really hits home when I think about sweet innocent children dying especially in a tragic way like this.


Hail Mary, full of grace,

the Lord is with Thee.

Blessed art thou among women

And blessed is the fruit of Thy womb,


Holy Mary, Mother of God Pray for us sinners now

and at the hour of our death.


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