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This is a woman's testimony ^^^ about her experience with forced drugging.  I have experienced this, and I might not have had I never smoked marijuana.  I am unemployed, and I am might not be right now if I had never smoked marijuana.


I posted this here because I do not want young people to suffer the same way I have.  And I was attacked in a way that was invited, intentionally or not, by the owner of this forum.  The message that I am seeing here is that my concern is not worthy of respect.


I have contributed to this forum.  I think that my testimony as an ex-atheist and as a disabled American has helped people, even though it may feel uncomfortable and unfamiliar at times.  I have contributed my finances to this forum.  Yes, I am a taco chef too. 


If I seem to have overreacted, and it is unclear why I have responded the way that I have, please take another look at this.  I don't know how I could state this more clearly.



I don't see the relation between being prescribed Haldol and your marijuana use.  You'd have to fill me in.


As far as this phorum or other's reactions to your posts about marijuana, that's human nature.  Most of these people here don't really know people who have had their lives consumed by drugs.  Just like everyone, we balance percieved benifits with perceived risks.  If you don't see it, or sincerely believe the dangers are highly unlikely, you will evaluate the risks according to that perception.


We all have our life's experiences and inexperiences.  No matter how deeply we believe we know something we've learned from our experiences, it's human nature that we can't really get others to fully comprehend our perspective.


For the record, I'm very anti-pot, based on my many years of dealing and smoking the stuff.  I would agree that most people dabble and have no significant problems.  But based on my experiences and observations of customers, acquaintences, friends, co-workers, a very significant number of people succomb to a devestating mind-set that has lead them to destroy their lives and cause pain and damage to themselves and those around them.  Not much reality in that if you're still able to attend college, maintain a job, can pay the rent while burning a bowl occaisionally with your buddies.  Burn-outs are just those people you see in the back-ground on funny You-Tube videos and they think they were defectives to start.


I doubt I'll ever see your perspective as becoming a Christian after atheism since I traveled the road the other way.  We're all different people with much in common, and much that is unique to our own lives.

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I doubt I'll ever see your perspective as becoming a Christian after atheism since I traveled the road the other way.  We're all different people with much in common, and much that is unique to our own lives.


I never tried to change you though, and I won't.  But wasn't it cool to hear what I had to say about that?

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I don't think your post has upset anyone but yourself.


You think smoking marijuana is wrong. Others on this board do not. It doesn't make you a better Catholic. Instead of attacking people you might just want to present your argument. You will get a lot further then whining that no one dissected your earlier posts and called you out. Not to mention your posts tend to come off in a sarcastic way, so perhaps- like myself- others may have viewed your posts as joking.


1.)  Who have I attacked?


2.)  Of the people on this board who don't think that smoking marijuana is wrong, which ones are disabled for life as a consequence?

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Basilisa Marie

If you think smoking pot made you disabled, that's your business.  But you probably aren't going to convince those of us who don't think smoking legal pot is wrong by just stating what happened to you over and over again.  

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When I was in the pysch ward they forced fed me 3 servings of fruit, and 2 servings of veggies.  HOW DARE THEY TAKE AWAY MY FREEDOM!!!


Unlike the woman in the Youtube video, my forced drugging was violent.  Five guys threw me to the ground and pinned me down to give me the injection.  I refused to eat for three days prior so I think in retrospect it was excessive.  I was so weak that my wife could have pinned me down with one hand.


In regards to Anomaly's question, the correlation is not between haldol and marijuana, but between marijuana abuse and psychiatric disabilities.  I am showing forced drugging as an example of what "my people" suffer.

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If you think smoking pot made you disabled, that's your business.  But you probably aren't going to convince those of us who don't think smoking legal pot is wrong by just stating what happened to you over and over again.  


I am backed by the consensus of scholars.  You might not believe me, but your professor does.

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Don't have to... I'm high on life!  Seriously, I have a real problem.  I can't stop listening to the birds sing.


Man I need to hear a bird sing... so bad.  So bad.

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I've read through this thread, and the entire way through all I could think was 'Leave TCW alone and stop being so mean'. Many of you won't remember TCW as he has been away for some time, but he deserves a lot better than some of the reactions that he is getting here. It is so easy to sit behind a screen and insult people in a passive-agressive manner, but it certainly is not very Christian.


TCW, I haven't seen the posts you mentioned in your initial posting of this thread. You seem to know that you shouldn't continue to smoke weed, but that knowledge hasn't transformed your will.  I'll do all I can, and that is to pray for your well-being.  Take care.

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I've read through this thread, and the entire way through all I could think was 'Leave TCW alone and stop being so mean'. Many of you won't remember TCW as he has been away for some time, but he deserves a lot better than some of the reactions that he is getting here. It is so easy to sit behind a screen and insult people in a passive-agressive manner, but it certainly is not very Christian.


TCW, I haven't seen the posts you mentioned in your initial posting of this thread. You seem to know that you shouldn't continue to smoke weed, but that knowledge hasn't transformed your will.  I'll do all I can, and that is to pray for your well-being.  Take care.



It is nice to see a familiar face.  Thank you Noel.  I decided that I am not going anywhere this time.  I am going to bring diversity to Phatmass.

PS, my eyebrows are turning grey.

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Good to know you'll be sticking around.


Good eyebrows only get better when they go grey.  You're on the right track.

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Basilisa Marie

I am backed by the consensus of scholars.  You might not believe me, but your professor does.




I won't name-drop (people can figure out who they are on their own), but my moral theology professors don't have nearly as much of a problem with legal pot as you do.  I don't mean to be rude, but I trust their opinions more than a random person on the internet. 


Look, it's perfectly fine that you vehemently hate pot.  But it's also a perfectly acceptable Catholic position for me to support the moderate legal use of marijuana.  This issue occupies a grey area, and so we're allowed to have different opinions about it.   There are plenty of Catholic sites that will take the same position as you on pot.  But one of the wonderful things about Phatmass is the plurality of valid positions on all sorts of Catholic "grey area" issues, from politics to economics to liturgy to even marijuana.   It's a true forum, where many voices can be heard and arguments made and opinions changed or solidified.   If you want someone to guide you, talk to a priest, or better yet find a spiritual director.   If you want someone to argue with, come to Phatmass.  


I'm not saying you should leave.   We all have our issues where we disagree with most others around here. Just add your voice to the conversation without dominating it. 

Edited by Basilisa Marie
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I am not talking about theology.  I am talking about hard science and an established correlation between marijuana abuse and mental illness (causality).  And name-drop away.  I was a university librarian for over ten years, and I guarantee you that your professors have not researched this the way I have.

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I'm not saying you should leave.   We all have our issues where we disagree with most others around here. Just add your voice to the conversation without dominating it. 


I am not going to leave.  I do try to be sensitive to the fact that people for the most part don't get this.  And I try to limit my rapid-fire responses to my own threads and particularly to issues that are very important to me, such as this.  But I am a sign of contradiction.  This is the reason God created me.

Edited by theculturewarrior
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Basilisa Marie

I am not talking about theology.  I am talking about hard science and an established correlation between marijuana abuse and mental illness (causality).  And name-drop away.  I was a university librarian for over ten years, and I guarantee you that your professors have not researched this the way I have.


You're talking about Church teaching on the sinfulness of marijuana.  That's theology.   I don't have an issue with whatever scientific research you want that suggests some kind of correlation.  That's not my area of expertise.   I have an issue when you say that the Church has a definitive stance on the interpretation of relevant Catechism paragraphs.  

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The crux of the issue that I have here is that I am concerned with how my words and actions effect others, especially young people who come to Phatmass, and I have been treated as though this is not respectable or welcome.

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