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I Don't Like The Pope's Tweets


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Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart.


How can we celebrate the Year of Faith better in our daily lives?


By speaking with Jesus in prayer, listening to what he tells you in the Gospel and looking for him in those in need


How can faith in Jesus be lived in a world without hope?


We can be certain that a believer is never alone. God is the solid rock upon which we build our lives and his love is always faithful


Now, I am no Twitter expert, but doesn't each Tweet stand alone? What I mean, is if someone retweets the "question" what good will that do if it is not linked to the "answer", and if someone retweets the "answer", what sense will it make without the "question"? 


Does anybody have the pope's cell number? I need to talk to him about this.

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The vile, hate tweets people are sending the Pope are sad. Wouldn't be surprised if the same people call themselves tolerant.

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By not following him you are only helping the anti-Latin Tweeters to get more followers.


I wouldn't know how to begin to follow him.

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Is liking the pope's tweets not a prerequisite for being Catholic or something? I am pretty sure that disliking them makes you exactly the same as Richard Williamson. Or something like that. :|

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Is liking the pope's tweets not a prerequisite for being Catholic or something? I am pretty sure that disliking them makes you exactly the same as Richard Williamson. Or something like that. :|


Hey, I like the pope's shoes. That's what counts.

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Hey, I like the pope's shoes. That's what counts.


Typical dissident selective reading. :| Next you will be telling me that you do not even cheer for the Holy Father's favourite football team.

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Typical dissident selective reading. :| Next you will be telling me that you do not even cheer for the Holy Father's favourite football team.


Ahh, but I do cheer for the Packers.



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I think he does it that way (repeating the questions instead of retweeting them) so that he doesn't have to answer the same question more than once - this way everyone thinks that he is answering their question and not the exact same one someone else asked.


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