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Do You Ever Feel Overwhelmed By Doubt?

Fidei Defensor

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Fidei Defensor

Not necessarily just the conventional "is there a God?" kind, but doubt in everything? Like how do we even know anything about the world when there are so many conflicting observations?


Obviously, my chief doubt lately has been about the existence of a God, whether I really believe there is no God or if it's possible there is one. However, there is no way to definitively know, and that scares me. Just as it scares me that there is no way to really know anything for sure.


A lot of that seems kind of incoherent, I apologize.  To the point:  how do you deal with the realization that we, as humans, will never know all the answers and find out the absolute truth in this lifetime?

Edited by tardis ad astra
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Not necessarily just the conventional "is there a God?" kind, but doubt in everything? Like how do we even know anything about the world when there are so many conflicting observations?


Obviously, my chief doubt lately has been about the existence of a God, whether I really believe there is no God or if it's possible there is one. However, there is no way to definitively know, and that scares me. Just as it scares me that there is no way to really know anything for sure.


A lot of that seems kind of incoherent, I apologize.  To the point:  how do you deal with the realization that we, as humans, will never know all the answers and find out the absolute truth in this lifetime?



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I find it pretty frustrating sometimes, to know that there are things I will just never find out the answer to. I think it is part of human nature, or at least the western mindset, to want to believe that we can figure something out, with enough effort and resources. But there are things, even more mundane things, that are simply beyond our ability to find. Ultimately, there is more to reality than what we are able to apprehend. It is kind of humbling, and rightly so.

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I will prop anything with Noam Chomsky (except the bit with Ali G).



Tardis, reason alone is inadequate.  It is just one way to understand yourself and the world we live in.  There is also faith, instinct, intuition, attraction and probably more.  Knowledge encompasses the whole person, of which reason is just a facet.  It is impossible to be certain of anything if reason is your only guide.

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Life is like poker.  You will never have perfect information.  Given the cards you have, and the ones on the table, you can draw some conclusions and implications....you can watch how others bet, and try to figure what they have.  Maybe in the end, you'll see more cards, but maybe not.


Life is here.  Make choices.  Enjoy the goods cards.  Ride out the bad ones.


The bottom line is I can spend life worrying, or I can enjoy life.  By "enjoy life" I mean finding true happiness.


Every once in a while, I think and wonder about God and what it means.  Following God does seem to be the path to true happiness.  I don't know what that means.  


I don't think you can make the case that there is no such thing as true happiness.





I can scream and freak out at the chaos, or I can calm down, organize the chaos as much as possible, and move forward making decisions.


All the great ship captains like in Star Trek or ships on the seas make important decisions all the time.  Rarely do they have perfect information, but they make the best decision and move on.


Don't get lost in contemplation.  I am not sure what good that will do.



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Most of what we think we know is probably wrong to at least some degree.  Clinging to religion won't change that it will just prompt you to exert control over other people for no good reason except your own cheaply bought comfort.  Chomsky wrote very beautifully on his anarchism once.  He said that he had faith that people value freedom and will choose freedom.  He said that we can't know enough about human nature to know if that's true or not but it was a hope that he permitted himself and he advanced for political action on that unproven assumption.  That's a faith worthy of respect.  


Convincing some confused gay teenager to not indulge in a romantic life and have a family someday because you want to attain some false certainty based on a belief that the God who ordered the slaughter of Canaanite children is really real isn't.

Edited by Hasan
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Convincing some confused gay teenager to not indulge in a romantic life and have a family someday because you want to attain some false certainty based on a belief that the God who ordered the slaughter of Canaanite children is really real isn't.


On both counts you have described irrational behaviors that I personally find unsavory as a Christian and as a rational creature.  But that is better discussed elsewhere.  I will not hijack this thread.

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He said that he had faith that people value freedom and will choose freedom.   That's a faith worthy of respect.  


Aww shucks, thank you  :love:

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Convincing some confused gay teenager to not indulge in a romantic life and have a family someday because you want to attain some false certainty based on a belief that the God who ordered the slaughter of Canaanite children is really real isn't.


That's something a prominent atheist would say.  Be nice.

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 To the point:  how do you deal with the realization that we, as humans, will never know all the answers and find out the absolute truth in this lifetime?

After I came to the conclusion that I can't ever know some answers, I began working on how I can live with what I experience and live with now. Why some things are as they are is less important than what they are and if I can or want to experience, change, or ignore them. I try to live in just the present. Tomorrow is for hope and regrets only have worth in the past.

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southern california guy



Convincing some confused gay teenager to not indulge in a romantic life and have a family someday because you want to attain some false certainty based on a belief that the God who ordered the slaughter of Canaanite children is really real isn't.


I am confused... Are you saying that somebody might try to convince a teenager -- that he believed to be a homosexual -- not to indulge in a heterosexual romantic life, and have kids... because he doubts that God is real?

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