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Why I Am No Longer An Atheist


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What is this evidence are you looking for? I'll keep a look out for it and let you know when I see it.


You're the one with something to prove.  It's your job to find the evidence.

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I'll just drop this here to spice up to conversation.... http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/S15327965PLI1303_04


Thank you!  For those who did not click, this is a journal article about the positive effects of religious involvement on health, including physical and mental health + longevity.  I think the skeptics will want a meta-analysis of the literature so let me see if I can dig one up.

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If you're refering to lower blood pressure that is nothing that can't be attained through any various methods of medititaion, and yes they can be secular.



LOL!  It really doesn't matter.  Since no one can prove a negative the burden of proof is on your side to prove God exists.  Until then, you simply have an imaginary friend.  :)



I am not offering this as proof.  I actually find it upsetting when Catholics and atheists/agnostics approach the meaning of life as some kind of geometry problem.  There is no burden of proof here.  I am just describing one of many reasons why I am no longer an atheist.


I live by reason, but reason alone is meaningless.

Edited by theculturewarrior
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I've heard there's some good weed out there.  You might have even forgot that you smoked it.


Legalize it.  Peace!

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I've heard there's some good weed out there. You might have even forgot that you smoked it.

I've smoked a lot of weed in my life ( not anymore ) and not once have I seen things or hallucinated (sp) I'm postive of this. When these 2 miracles happened it was not something my mind made up or drug induced. It was the God of lights making Himself known to me. It was nearly 10 years ago and I remember it as it happened yesterday. I know it means nothing to you since you don't know me but to me its everything. I was touched by God and the Holy Spirit. Not that I'm special or anything but then again I have the creator of the universe and everything that is living inside me. Edited by Guest
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In your own world.


Dude, I'm not arguing with you.  I'm stating a fact.


Agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, as well as other religious and metaphysical claims—are unknown and (so far as can be judged) unknowable.




Agnostic atheists are atheistic because they do not hold a belief in the existence of any deity and agnostic because they claim that the existence of a deity is either unknowable in principle or currently unknown in fact.


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Ya I just had this conversation with my dude I play poker with out here in Vegas. He's agnostic and we talk about God. He says he's agnostic because he doesn't know. He says he chooses to live a moral life because the possiblity exist that God could be real.

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I also can't disprove that the American Founding Fathers were space aliens, so would it be irrational for me to reject that belief too?


Science is engineered to work by not believing in something until evidence is presented otherwise.


I'd argue that such a claim has been soundly disproven.  But since you asked...I do "reject (that) belief."  So if that's what you mean by atheism, then sure.


Semantic, so whatever.

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You can make a rational argument for anything, including X and ~X.


Why anyone is not an atheist: God intervened.


To Him be all the glory!

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I also can't disprove that the American Founding Fathers were space aliens, so would it be irrational for me to reject that belief too?


Science is engineered to work by not believing in something until evidence is presented otherwise.



The scientific method mostly examines material evidence.  There is plenty of evidence for the existence of God and plenty of reasons to doubt.  But you seem to be saying that because this cannot be tested in a laboratory it is false.  I do agree that the existence of God cannot be validated through controlled experimentation.  For some reason that does not bother me.  Science has limitations.  The sum of the unknown will exceed the sum of the known in homo sapiens at least for next few thousand years and maybe more.  The scientific method begins with observation, and that relies on human instruments which continue to advance but still leave even more questions unanswered.  So if science begins with what can be observed, and our ability to perceive the Universe, the world, and ourselves is limited, then how are we going to design an experiment to prove the existence of God?  Why should this bother me as a theist?

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With reason alone, you cannot prove conclusively that the chair you are sitting on exists.

Beleiving in the God of the Catholic Church is akin to believing that the 'external' world exists? You're right that you cannot prove to a Cartesian certainity that the chair exists but your wrong to try to use that to grandfather in God
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