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So Assuming Global Warming Is Real, Is Caused By Humans, And Will Caus


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Blame it on cows Big Fat Cows
Scientists claim that the slow digestive system of cows designates them a leading producer of methane – a potent greenhouse gas that receives far less social awareness than CO2. To further “digest” the impact of the flatulence produced by cows on climate change, Argentine scientists collected gas from their stomachs in plastic tanks attached to their backs. Researchers discovered that methane from cows accounts for more than 30 percent of Argentina’s total greenhouse emissions


Cows are fascinating in this respect.  Another study I saw also indicated much of their gas created is due to their new artificial diet - corn.  If cows ate what they were designed or evolved to eat (grass) they'd produce significantly less gas.


So yes cows would be an issue to consider, but one that we're once again making worse.

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Cows are fascinating in this respect.  Another study I saw also indicated much of their gas created is due to their new artificial diet - corn.  If cows ate what they were designed or evolved to eat (grass) they'd produce significantly less gas.


So yes cows would be an issue to consider, but one that we're once again making worse.


o, poo-poo :smile3:

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Since the cat is already out of the bag, I'll go ahead and post this:




I'm all for working harder to be more friendly toward the environment, but let's be real - the best evidence thus far in this thread for global warming is a bunch of links to articles written by some of the most slanted and biased news agencies out there.  The LA Times shouldn't be used in the debate board on PM.  As I've just shown, anyone can produce a news report that shows whatever they want to.  Personally, I believe this article - the Earth has been cooling for the last decade.


Argue if you want; I'm unlikely to check this thread again.


That being said, I would go with option 2.  I definitely think there are a lot of other options out there for power.  Even nuclear power has far more efficient, more powerful, and less environmentally unfriendly options out there which are already proven.


I think I just threw up in my mouth.  

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There are more than three options. I vote for promoting technology to conserve energy, research alternative energy, along with a long-term plan (10-20 years) to slowly and predictably raise taxes on gasoline. Higher taxes would better reflect the true cost of consumption to our environment, the cost of highways, etc., improve the economic viability of alternative energy, and encourage more development in urban areas.


Of course, nobody likes higher taxes, so I have no illusions this is likely to happen unless we are eventually left without much choice in the matter.


I vote that government get its filthy fingers the floop out of everybody's pockets, cut most of its bloated and wasteful spending, and stop needlessly meddling in the lives of private citizens and business.


The price of gas is flooping high enough to being with.  It's the poor that will hurt the most with soaring energy costs.  Anyone who thinks that politicians' self-serving tax increases will do jack squat to "save the planet" is delusional or a brainwashed pawn.




I've included a link, from what I see we are running out of space quick...



Overpopulation is a myth, long used to promote the "culture of death" through pushing abortion, contraception, and even forced sterilization.


While its impossible to predict population with exact precision, with fertility rates (average number of chidlren per woman) rapidly plunging around most of the world at unexpected rates, it appears that world population will likely peak before the middle of this century, then begin a long decline.

Fertility rates in many industrialized countries are at or below replacement levels, and have recently begun to rapidly decline in many poorer countries such as Brazil.  Most current rapid population growth is in countries that have long been sparcely populated.


No need to buy into the population control hysteria.



Edited by Socrates
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am i missing something or did soc just call louisvillefan "delusional or a brainwashed pawn."

usually people are more respectful in conversation, especially with fellow catholics and such.

i guess there's something to be said about not beating around the bush, bluntness etc.

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I've been recommending this book lately.


Introduction to Modern Climate Change, by Dessler



This text is pretty fun, but maybe not for everyone.


Principles of Planetary Climate, by Pierrehumbert



And of course there's the daunting IPCC AR4 WG1 volume, which I've idiotically recommended in the past. At least there's a summary report that makes for a more polite recommendation.


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Groo the Wanderer

lets check back in fifty years.   if LA is underwater we all win. if not, I win and get to give you a serious wedgie

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