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To Anyone Who Prayed For Me Yesterday,


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I just want to thank all of you. There was something that had been bothering my conscience terribly, and I really needed prayers when I went to Confession. There was a very understanding Priest in the confessional yesterday, and I was able to make a brief visit to Jesus today, afterwards I felt a peace within myself. I had an awesome time laughing and talking to my friends this morning (we were having a breakfast fundraiser for the March for Life trip), and I am so thankful to have such awesome friend. I got to meet some new friends as well. Once again, thank you, I felt such grace come upon me, and I know it was through your prayers.

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You are always more than welcome.  I went to confession as well that day too.  First time with that priest so a little nerveracking.  Good to hear you conscience is still well in tact and that things went well. 

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