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The New Roman Missal Is 1 Year Old


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[quote name='Maggie' timestamp='1353979366' post='2517317']
I like the translation just fine but it hasn't made any noticeable difference in the quality of our liturgies. I suspect that's true for most places.

Same here. We've always had a pretty good litergy with active participation, and we still do. We'd only been Catholic for about 7.5 years before the change, so it was not as hard for us and I'm sure it has been for "lifers" plus I was ready to change it up. The change up caused me to pay closer attention. I still use the cheat cards.

[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1353986570' post='2517388']


You're shooting St. Kateri.

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[quote name='ToJesusMyHeart' timestamp='1353979366' post='2517318']

I'm jealous. I wrote to FSSP to come to my church, but they are understaffed and overworked. :(

They really are. My priest celebrates Mass in two places over an hour apart. There was hope we could get a third here in Alberta, but it just is not going to happen. Not yet anyway.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1353987520' post='2517404']

You're shooting St. Kateri.
In her present condition, it can't possibly harm her.

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Not The Philosopher

I'm still a fan. It's refreshing to actually have the word "behold" these days be used in a totally serious, unironic sense. There are some things worth beholding.

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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1353974803' post='2517279']
The new translation of the Mass was rolled out a year ago today and tomorrow.

I was thinking about that yesterday at Mass, and I wonder what folks here think a year later.

Are your parishes well-adjusted now, or are they still struggling? Has it impacted the quality of the liturgy where you are? How has it changed the way you participate at Mass? What are your overall feelings?

My parish is well-adjusted. I'm still waiting for the choir director or cantor to stop announcing at the beginning of Mass where you can follow along. Hopefully, this past Sunday will be the last. There really is no need to keep announcing it. If there is a visitor, a parishioner can kindly point them where they can follow along.

I think the liturgy in my parish has become more reverent. It was always reverent, but I think it's greatly improved. I still haven't learned the entire Nicene Creed, but I know enough that I can genuflect with my eyes closed during "[b]And by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man."[/b] I couldn't do this up until about 2 months ago and then it finally stuck. About 4 months ago, I finally learned the entire [i]Gloria[/i] so I don't need to look at my Magnificat. The only thing is the Nicene Creed and I'm hoping that will not be needed in a month or two. It would be nice to learn it before Christmas.

I think the changes were necessary. It keeps us on our toes and helps us learn more about the liturgy with good reason. I love that it is closer to the Greek/Latin translation. :) My favorite part of the Mass is not only the bolded above, but also where the Eucharist is elevated and the priest says:

"Behold the Lamb of God. Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb."

and our reply:

"O Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof. But only say the word and my soul shall be healed."

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1353987520' post='2517404']
You're shooting St. Kateri.
How else was she supposed to get holey?

I'll go now.

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[quote name='Era Might' timestamp='1353985706' post='2517379']
If you listen close there's always one or two "and also with yous" lol


My mom does that on occasion. She also accidentally says "and by the power of the Holy Spirit" instead of "by the Holy Spirit was incarnate..." I've had to stifle a chuckle every now and then.

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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Speaking of which, they need to update the Catechism now to make the English translations of the prayers match up. I am sure anyone who has been following the Flocknote day by day thing has noticed this.

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[quote name='arfink' timestamp='1353979439' post='2517321']

I can totally understand this. It's hard to move to a new translation when, in my case, I grew up knowing nothing else. The most sacred and intimate moments of grace with God in the mass were, in my experience, very much bound up in those words.[b] In much the same way as a visiting priest who takes liberties with the Mass and ad-libs portions can drive me to utter distraction during mass[/b], so the new translation has been for me. I have done my best to memorize it by heart, and have had much more success than you have, and I think I can honestly say that some day I'll really love it, but so far it's been kinda... well, I don't know.

That's my pet peeve. Can't stand when they do that.

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I generally mess up one part or another at least ONCE each Mass...I cringe and pick up the pew card...both of our priest use the pew cards at each Mass. I still like the new translation. I have a mind for memorization, but once it is ingrained it is difficult to change. I also have learned to appreciate better what people must have gone through with the Vat 2 changes...

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[quote name='PadrePioOfPietrelcino' timestamp='1353997671' post='2517554']
I also have learned to appreciate better what people must have gone through with the Vat 2 changes...
Evelyn Waugh......... :hehe:
"If you see Cardinal Bea spit in his eye."

I laughed so hard when I read that.
I am positive that he meant it too.


Lady Diana replied:
[indent=1]Can you imagine the luck -- I went up in a tiny lift with Cardinal Bea in full canonicals preceded by two candles -- so with a spluttered greeting I was able to spit in his eye for you.[/indent]

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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The translation is going well for me. I know all the responses. The only thing I have to read along with some of the time is the Nicene Creed, but to be fair I never learned the other one, so that doesn't make much of a difference.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1353998092' post='2517558']
Evelyn Waugh......... :hehe:
"If you see Cardinal Bea spit in his eye."

I laughed so hard when I read that.
I am positive that he meant it too.


Lady Diana replied:
[indent=1]Can you imagine the luck -- I went up in a tiny lift with Cardinal Bea in full canonicals preceded by two candles -- so with a spluttered greeting I was able to spit in his eye for you.[/indent]

Yes times a hundred trillion.

I've always wanted to have been born in the late 1930s, to see the 40s and 50s...except, I'd have to live through Vatican II. Would NOT have handled that well. God knows what He's doing when he puts us in our eras. Let's just say Lady Diana handled the eye-spitting with much more grace than I would have been capable.

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