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The New Roman Missal Is 1 Year Old


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The new translation of the Mass was rolled out a year ago today and tomorrow.

I was thinking about that yesterday at Mass, and I wonder what folks here think a year later.

Are your parishes well-adjusted now, or are they still struggling? Has it impacted the quality of the liturgy where you are? How has it changed the way you participate at Mass? What are your overall feelings?

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Still loving it a year later. I think my parish is very well adjusted. Except for my pastor. He is not. He does not like it. ;)

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Warning... some of you are NOT going to like this. And I am really not trying to create a fight, and I may or may not be open to saying much more, but yes, I really do want to answer the question.

With all the love I can muster for my God and for Holy Mother Church in her wisdom... I submit to their wisdom on this.

Howeer, the new Mass has become THE MAJOR PENANCE I do every time I go to Mass. (And I thought we weren't suposed to do penance on Sundays!)

Try to love it as I do (and really I [i]do[/i] try) it remains SO DISTRACTING to try to cough up the right words that I find it hard to concentrate on the Eucharist.

But I realize that I don't have to FEEL positive to know that it is what God wants of me and of us right now. It is worth it to me to be able to receive our Lord in the Eucharst. But it is a struggle... each and every Mass, and often MULTIPLE times during each Mass. I see progress because I no longer break into heartfelt tears each Mass. And God knows what my heart wants to do... and my brain just can't get re-wired enough to do. The God who made me gets it... and knows that my choosing to come and be with Him is worth to me whatever it costs me.... in that way, just being present -- as present as I can be -- is an act of pure worship.

Before everyone comes down on my head..... this has more to do with a personal learning disbility than any attempt to NOT be open to what the Church wants. Lord knows I have tried and continue to try to learn to love if not like it..

It is just that my poor brain just gets totally 'zeroed out' when I try to retrieve the new language... even with all the good will and good intent in the world. About quarter of the time I come up with the 1969 version... some of the time, the responses come out in Spanish... and half the time the right response (but it usually feels like I must have gotten it wrong so I stop dead....) and a few times, I just come up with last years's response on auto pilot. Sadly I suspect the times the later and the Spanish come out when I am probably praying most deeply and am furthest away from 'translating'. Actually, I prefer to go to the Spanish Mass because it isn't a problem... I can just love God and pray. It is a relief. (Don't start on the Latin Mass, guys... I'm not in the mood....)

As far as all the parishes I've attended, I'd say that there are a few people who are super-enthusiastic, a few who are grumply and sullenly antagonistic... and a large bunch who are somewhere between resigned and just plain sad.

Probably not what you wanted to hear, but as honest a feedback as I can give you....

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Wow, already a year?
I have literally only heard the translation three or four times, and that was the time that I spent in the US with Katy's family. Must have been... Christmas Vigil, Solemnity of Mary, and then the following two Sundays. Or thereabouts.
I am very blessed to have the FSSP so close.

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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1353974803' post='2517279']
The new translation of the Mass was rolled out a year ago today and tomorrow.

I was thinking about that yesterday at Mass, and I wonder what folks here think a year later.

Are your parishes well-adjusted now, or are they still struggling? Has it impacted the quality of the liturgy where you are? How has it changed the way you participate at Mass? What are your overall feelings?

doing pretty well, except for the fact we usually say the Apostles Creed at Mass and not the Nicene Creed. :( other than that, the changes are going swimmingly and usually don't hear too many flub ups. :)

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1353976074' post='2517287']
Wow, already a year?
I have literally only heard the translation three or four times, and that was the time that I spent in the US with Katy's family. Must have been... Christmas Vigil, Solemnity of Mary, and then the following two Sundays. Or thereabouts.
I am very blessed to have the FSSP so close.


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[quote name='AnneLine' timestamp='1353975838' post='2517286']
Warning... some of you are NOT going to like this. And I am really not trying to create a fight, and I may or may not be open to saying much more, but yes, I really do want to answer the question.

With all the love I can muster for my God and for Holy Mother Church in her wisdom... I submit to their wisdom on this.

Howeer, the new Mass has become THE MAJOR PENANCE I do every time I go to Mass. (And I thought we weren't suposed to do penance on Sundays!)

Try to love it as I do (and really I [i]do[/i] try) it remains SO DISTRACTING to try to cough up the right words that I find it hard to concentrate on the Eucharist.

But I realize that I don't have to FEEL positive to know that it is what God wants of me and of us right now. It is worth it to me to be able to receive our Lord in the Eucharst. But it is a struggle... each and every Mass, and often MULTIPLE times during each Mass. I see progress because I no longer break into heartfelt tears each Mass. And God knows what my heart wants to do... and my brain just can't get re-wired enough to do. The God who made me gets it... and knows that my choosing to come and be with Him is worth to me whatever it costs me.... in that way, just being present -- as present as I can be -- is an act of pure worship.

Before everyone comes down on my head..... this has more to do with a personal learning disbility than any attempt to NOT be open to what the Church wants. Lord knows I have tried and continue to try to learn to love if not like it..

It is just that my poor brain just gets totally 'zeroed out' when I try to retrieve the new language... even with all the good will and good intent in the world. About quarter of the time I come up with the 1969 version... some of the time, the responses come out in Spanish... and half the time the right response (but it usually feels like I must have gotten it wrong so I stop dead....) and a few times, I just come up with last years's response on auto pilot. Sadly I suspect the times the later and the Spanish come out when I am probably praying most deeply and am furthest away from 'translating'. Actually, I prefer to go to the Spanish Mass because it isn't a problem... I can just love God and pray. It is a relief. (Don't start on the Latin Mass, guys... I'm not in the mood....)

As far as all the parishes I've attended, I'd say that there are a few people who are super-enthusiastic, a few who are grumply and sullenly antagonistic... and a large bunch who are somewhere between resigned and just plain sad.

Probably not what you wanted to hear, but as honest a feedback as I can give you....
Thanks, Tolstoy.

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I like it a lot! Having pew cards with all the translations there for people to read along helped everyone to learn it much faster in my parish, I think. The one thing I would say is that our choir director has made some pretty dang awful choices for which masses we sing. We are mostly stuck with the same version of Proulx every week and she is kind of refusing to let us do anything new. I know that she has said that she thinks it would be too much to expect the congregation to learn new mass parts, but we really need them! Even doing the mass parts in Latin once in a while would be great! There are so many great mass parts with the new translation that we could sing, I just think it is a waste to do the same icky ones all the time. I can't do anything about it, though! Hope something will change soon!
I love the new mass, though!

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The new translations are good (better than before), but I find myself replying with the Latin responses often.

"The Lord be with you" --> "Et cum spiritu tuo"
"The Word of the Lord" --> "Deo gratias"
"A reading from the holy gospel according to N." --> "Gloria tibi, Domine"
"The gospel of the Lord" --> "Laus tibi, Christe"

......personal habit.

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I like the translation just fine but it hasn't made any noticeable difference in the quality of our liturgies. I suspect that's true for most places.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1353976074' post='2517287']
Wow, already a year?
I have literally only heard the translation three or four times, and that was the time that I spent in the US with Katy's family. Must have been... Christmas Vigil, Solemnity of Mary, and then the following two Sundays. Or thereabouts.
I am very blessed to have the FSSP so close.

I'm jealous. I wrote to FSSP to come to my church, but they are understaffed and overworked. :(

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1353978400' post='2517305']
Thanks, Tolstoy.


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[quote name='AnneLine' timestamp='1353975838' post='2517286']
Warning... some of you are NOT going to like this. And I am really not trying to create a fight, and I may or may not be open to saying much more, but yes, I really do want to answer the question.

With all the love I can muster for my God and for Holy Mother Church in her wisdom... I submit to their wisdom on this.

Howeer, the new Mass has become THE MAJOR PENANCE I do every time I go to Mass. (And I thought we weren't suposed to do penance on Sundays!)

Try to love it as I do (and really I [i]do[/i] try) it remains SO DISTRACTING to try to cough up the right words that I find it hard to concentrate on the Eucharist.

But I realize that I don't have to FEEL positive to know that it is what God wants of me and of us right now. It is worth it to me to be able to receive our Lord in the Eucharst. But it is a struggle... each and every Mass, and often MULTIPLE times during each Mass. I see progress because I no longer break into heartfelt tears each Mass. And God knows what my heart wants to do... and my brain just can't get re-wired enough to do. The God who made me gets it... and knows that my choosing to come and be with Him is worth to me whatever it costs me.... in that way, just being present -- as present as I can be -- is an act of pure worship.

Before everyone comes down on my head..... this has more to do with a personal learning disbility than any attempt to NOT be open to what the Church wants. Lord knows I have tried and continue to try to learn to love if not like it..

It is just that my poor brain just gets totally 'zeroed out' when I try to retrieve the new language... even with all the good will and good intent in the world. About quarter of the time I come up with the 1969 version... some of the time, the responses come out in Spanish... and half the time the right response (but it usually feels like I must have gotten it wrong so I stop dead....) and a few times, I just come up with last years's response on auto pilot. Sadly I suspect the times the later and the Spanish come out when I am probably praying most deeply and am furthest away from 'translating'. Actually, I prefer to go to the Spanish Mass because it isn't a problem... I can just love God and pray. It is a relief. (Don't start on the Latin Mass, guys... I'm not in the mood....)

As far as all the parishes I've attended, I'd say that there are a few people who are super-enthusiastic, a few who are grumply and sullenly antagonistic... and a large bunch who are somewhere between resigned and just plain sad.

Probably not what you wanted to hear, but as honest a feedback as I can give you....

I can totally understand this. It's hard to move to a new translation when, in my case, I grew up knowing nothing else. The most sacred and intimate moments of grace with God in the mass were, in my experience, very much bound up in those words. In much the same way as a visiting priest who takes liberties with the Mass and ad-libs portions can drive me to utter distraction during mass, so the new translation has been for me. I have done my best to memorize it by heart, and have had much more success than you have, and I think I can honestly say that some day I'll really love it, but so far it's been kinda... well, I don't know.

I admit I have not had anywhere near as hard a time remembering the new words, in part because I knew all the responses in Latin, and having taken Latin it just mentally kinda "stuck" that way. But I can totally relate with that experience.

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