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Casey Anthony Guilt Now Revealed.


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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1353970037' post='2517233']
I was built. As in assembled. I am a robot.

That makes sense now, you've convinced me, haha.

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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1353970187' post='2517237']

That makes sense now, you've convinced me, haha.
I should tell you now that you're not actually human. You're a robot, as well.

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1353970584' post='2517243']
The three laws of robotics are essential and you should both be sure to follow them. They are bulwarks against robotic tyranny.
I am the law.

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If the courts get around double-jeopardy one time there will be terrible consequences. This sets precedence. God knows we need more loopholes...

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1353983906' post='2517361']
If the courts get around double-jeopardy one time there will be terrible consequences. This sets precedence. God knows we need more loopholes...
The Force is strong, with this one.

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As others have said, no, due to double jeopardy laws. It is entirely possible in our system to be factually guilty but not legally guilty due to the way our due process model of justice works. "Better that ten guilty go free than one innocent languish in prison".

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If a member of her family wanted to pursue a wrongful death civil trial like was done with O.J. it would be a different charge as well as not have to meet the same standards as a criminal trial on doubt. You'd have to ask one of the lawyers on PM, but personally I'd not bet against a jury in a civil trial finding the same way as the criminal; the media saturation if nothing else, of the outrage following the "not guilty" verdict on murder has probably biased a great number of potential jurors.

Edit: Added "potential" before jurors.

Edited by BG45
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