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You Know You Are A Future Nun Part 2


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When you go see Catching Fire and the first thing in your mind after it's over is "Oh no! When the third movie comes out, I won't be able to see it because I'll (if I get accepted) be in the convent!" 


(Anticipated release for part 1 is November 21, 2014 and part two will be released on November 20, 2015. Entrance will be August 2014.


All for Jesus. ;)

haha, this is me too for Mockingjay Part 2, because I'm hoping to enter in 2015

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In the haberdashery dept you notice some white cord and think what a good cincture it would make..........I'm still trying to figure out how they make those knots, the little twirly ones that seem to go round rather than to tie, if you follow........




Sorry, ignore me.



I'm never entering........don't know why I am even on this thread.



Crazy nun woman!

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Ancilla Domini

In the haberdashery dept you notice some white cord and think what a good cincture it would make..........I'm still trying to figure out how they make those knots, the little twirly ones that seem to go round rather than to tie, if you follow........


I know how to tie those! :D Kind of hard to explain, though...

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I know how to tie those! :D Kind of hard to explain, though...

Ooh! I've been wondering for a while.... Could you try to explain? I guess I could wait and see if I figure out the normal way though....

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may i ask, why would one still become a sister when you can become a consecrated virgin nowadays ? not being rude, just wondering - ....i would like to understand what the call is like and how it feels different . many regard CVs as giving up a whoel lot less and having a status in the chuch, and they can do a much greater range of apostolates without having to seek out and fit into an order 

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may i ask, why would one still become a sister when you can become a consecrated virgin nowadays ? not being rude, just wondering - ....i would like to understand what the call is like and how it feels different . many regard CVs as giving up a whoel lot less and having a status in the chuch, and they can do a much greater range of apostolates without having to seek out and fit into an order

:offtopic: start a new thread. But to answer, it all depends on the call. God could call one woman to be a CV and another to be a sister while they still share the same apostolate. It's all revealing a different detail of the heart of Christ.

But seriously, start a new thread.
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may i ask, why would one still become a sister when you can become a consecrated virgin nowadays ? not being rude, just wondering - ....i would like to understand what the call is like and how it feels different . many regard CVs as giving up a whoel lot less and having a status in the chuch, and they can do a much greater range of apostolates without having to seek out and fit into an order 

Two separate vocations. :)

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When your college sends you all sorts of emails about jobs and internship opportunities and deleting them has never given so much satisfaction. :evil:

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...when you take an icicle & use it to sketch hearts in the freshly fallen snow...& turn them into the Sacred Heart & Immaculate Heart :blush:

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When you are wondering who else is going on the DSMME discernment retreat in February or April... :blush: :blush: :blush:



Retreat thread anyone? :)

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When your religion teacher moves your seat right next to the "nun board".










The nun board is different pamphlets from different communities. We have a lot of Dominicans, Carmelites, and Franciscans, but no Benedictines :pout:

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Saw some strong linen thread today. Would have given my eye teeth for it when I was in the convent. Great for sewing sandals and other strong repairs!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You keep thinking about St. Francis as you read the gospels for a class. (And... the beginning of the Rule of St. Clare is just lovely. I've been having trouble cutting and pasting URLs onto the phorum lately, but look it up. You'll see what I mean and how it relates to the previous statement.)

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- When you always used to get into trouble with your teachers/classmates in public school, because you kept talking about God!!! (Well, they brought up rainbows in Science, logically a comment would arise about Noah's ark... Or am I the only one who automatically thinks that?)
- When you find yourself drawing crosses surrounded by hearts in class.

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