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You Know You Are A Future Nun Part 2


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When an Evangelical Protestant pastor you worked with years ago told you he wondered if you were going to be like "like Mother Theresa".

When the only men you admire are religious, and you'd rather have fifty as brothers than one as a husband.

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Julie de Sales

When an Evangelical Protestant pastor you worked with years ago told you he wondered if you were going to be like "like Mother Theresa".

When the only men you admire are religious, and you'd rather have fifty as brothers than one as a husband.


I really liked the last one ;)

And also:

-when you see two young girls receiving Communion very reverently and you imagine what great sisters they would be.

-when you admire the altar boy and you pray that he will discern priesthood in the future.

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I really liked the last one ;)


Really? Thanks. I've often wondered if it's just me, so I thought I'd try putting it up here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you find a thing you were given years ago in your room that you haven't really looked at in ages, and read "Give Me your heart, let your eyes keep to My ways."


When your favorite days are days when your schedule is extremely monastic and your favorite meals are very simple.


When it makes you really happy to find the first reading at Mass (last Friday) is from Song of Songs and Song of Songs is your favorite book of the Bible.


When you refer to getting a Christmas present from Jesus.

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...when you cannot help but feel joy at the Mass of Thanksgiving of a newly ordained priest.  My entire face was lit up during the whole Mass.  I loved every moment of it and truly felt God's grace in my Church.  :love:


...when the lector reads the prayer intentions and asks for prayers for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, you are thinking "Lord, let me do this for YOU!"  ;)

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When you're not saying anything directly to your parents but you're dropping little hints every so often just to prep them. Such as:


(Anytime mom teasingly mentions future grandchildren you teasingly respond) "Mom, this world is crazy, I'm not having kids; you want grandkids go talk to my brother."


(During the presidential campaigns, teasing again) "If this president gets reelected this nation's going downhill and I'm going to be a nun because there'll be nothing left I can do for my country but pray for it." (Note: the president got reelected.)


"I'm going to convert France to peanut butter and make a fortune. No, I'm going to return to the US and convert it back to Catholicism and store up treasure in heaven." (And bonus: mom is just so happy to hear I'll be back in the US the rest is just details. :) )

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When you spend 2.5 hours on Christmas Eve going through the entire 45 pages of the "women in habits" thread because seeing nuns makes your heart leap for joy.

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...when you cannot help but feel joy at the Mass of Thanksgiving of a newly ordained priest.  My entire face was lit up during the whole Mass.  I loved every moment of it and truly felt God's grace in my Church.  :love:


...when the lector reads the prayer intentions and asks for prayers for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, you are thinking "Lord, let me do this for YOU!"  ;)


The prayer intentions is all me and I am going to a Mass of Thanksgiving maybe this year...



When you spend 2.5 hours on Christmas Eve going through the entire 45 pages of the "women in habits" thread because seeing nuns makes your heart leap for joy.

I did that to... thought that was only me

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When a girl says "You look a little young." to you after Mass and the only thing that you can think is that she thinks your a Sister. (I'm not even Catholic yet!) :hehe2:

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You're talking with one of your favorite brothers and a sister of his community, and your brother addresses one thing to you in particular and in doing so calls you "ma soeur" ("my sister", the customary way to address a sister in French) before quickly correcting his slip.

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You're talking with one of your favorite brothers and a sister of his community, and your brother addresses one thing to you in particular and in doing so calls you "ma soeur" ("my sister", the customary way to address a sister in French) before quickly correcting his slip.


That happened to me when I was staying in the monastery. After a day they stopped correcting themselves and just called me Sister the rest of the time I was there. :hehe2: 


When your plan for new years eve is Adoration starting at ten thirty with benediction at midnight followed by Mass. I'm so excited about this! :woot: 

JMJ+ :heart: 

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If you write a note to your sisters and accidentally sign it, "Sr. Trini" before correcting it.

-when you see two young girls receiving Communion very reverently and you imagine what great sisters they would be.


Imagine Sisters. :|

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When your plan for new years eve is Adoration starting at ten thirty with benediction at midnight followed by Mass. I'm so excited about this! :woot:


Lucky you! My plans may be the same; I need to wait and see when the brothers post next week's schedule . . . Wait, no I don't, they already posted it and I took a picture so it's in my phone . . .


Okay, my New Year's Eve plans are: 8:30 vigils and adoration chez les soeurs (the sisters), mass at 11:00 (communion around midnight ;) ), and then a little hot chocolate social chez les freres (the brothers). Awesome! I'm so spoiled here. And I suppose I may be a future nun, too.


(Edit: Why, when I type "a-w-e-s-o-m-e", is it coming out "amesome"?)

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(Edit: Why, when I type "a-w-e-s-o-m-e", is it coming out "amesome"?)


It's the f.ilter. :)


I went to Midnight Mass on Christmas and then to Adoration at 8:00 that evening! :nun:

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