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You Know You Are A Future Nun Part 2


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Kayte Postle

When you create this lovely piece of art work in response to the "expressive self portrait" assignment.




Fun fact: I made this in my senior yr of hs, which was 4 years before I became Catholic. I was a liberal evangelical at the time. I think the Holy Spirit knows whats up.... :hehe2:

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Spem in alium

When one of the Sisters keeps calling you "Sister" by mistake, and another remarks: "That's a good sign!"

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You go to RCIA just to learn more and end up in a discussion of the canonical requirements for being Pope. Specifically, if a married man could theoretically become Pope, since there are some married priests. It was ended with us being looked at as if we were crazy and told that it was the first day of RCIA.... (Oh, and then the two of us ended up being just plain old nerdy and talking about Tungsten.)

ETA: Okay, do that shows nothing other than being Catholic and nerdy. But I wanted to say it somewhere....

Edited by Christina Thérèse
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When one of the Sisters keeps calling you "Sister" by mistake, and another remarks: "That's a good sign!"

I've had this happen before :hehe:
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You know you are a future nun when you recognize a majority of nun photos on Google Images. :nun: I amaze my friends when I point out specific religious orders & communities.

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When you're talking to a Sister and shyly say that you want to be a nun and she says that she suspected as much. (And that same Sister told me about two years ago, a year before I became properly Catholic, that someone had told her I was discerning. I have no idea who that could have been, except for someone who was good at either guessing or planting a bug on me to find out what sort of conversations I was having with God on Sunday afternoons. (Fall quarter of freshman year was interesting....))

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It was so funny! She called me "Sister" most of the day :P

I would take that as a high compliment :nun3: Edited by brandelynmarie
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  • 2 weeks later...

A conversation I had with a Dominican friar after saying flippantly that one nice thing about a habit would be that nobody would compliment me on my shirt (I'd just gotten two compliments, and I really don't like compliments on my appearance. I just want to be invisible. Although I guess being pretty is nice. And, if you think about it, almost every woman is beautiful anyway.):

Fr: Well, you could have a green habit. [I don't remember his exact words.]

Me: Are there any orders with green habits? I seem to remember that I ran into one, but I don't remember what it was....

Father said something about Franciscans maybe having green somehow, since the environment and all.

I said that they're much more likely brown. Or at least Poor Clares are. "Because brown is awesome. And St. Francis' habit was either brown or grey, depending on who you ask."

"No, you've got it wrong. White is awesome."



When you kneel to pray and say: Here I am, Lord. And it finishes in your head unintentionally: Send me.

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When you finally (shyly) admit to a group of friends that your trip to France includes a stay over at a convent, and at least half of them punch the air and exclaim "I KNEW it!"

Then follows lots of questions..........and comments.



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You know you're a future Dominican or Franciscan if...

...when someone mentions our Holy Father Francis, you promptly ask, "Which one?"

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Julie de Sales

When you see a BlackBerry on someone's desk and you immediately think of that of Sr Joseph Andrew and how she uses it to respond to discerners in search of their vocation.

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When your most anticipated events on your social calendar include "Night at the Convent" (tonight!) , "Phone convo with Sr. PM", and "Vocation Retreat."

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I think I've mentioned this before:

...when you catch Halloween decorations out of the corner of your eye & instead of seeing ghosts you see nuns with really long veils! :blush:

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