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An Anarchist Saint


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... interesting...
[quote]. So he went up to her and asked, “Miss Day, how do you reconcile your Catholicism with your anarchism?” And she looked at him and said, “Well, it’s never been a problem for me.” And that was it. He didn’t know what else to say. That was the end of the conversation.
[b]Q: How did she resolve the similar tension between being an “anarchist” and being faithful to Catholic tradition?[/b]
Tradition was a living thing for Dorothy, not a dead thing. Tradition did not mean for her that you grip things past in such a rigid way that they can’t be life-giving today. She looked back to the early church and said, “Why are we not doing this?” In the early church there was no usury, for example. In the early church we shared everything in common. In the early church Christians were pacifists. And so she modeled the Worker on this.
But Catholic Worker did this in the living church of today, as a prophetic witness, not in defiance against others. It wasn’t oppositional, though sometimes some perceived it that way. She absolutely understood herself to be within the tradition of the church, offering this witness in a very humble way.[/quote]

have any of you anarchist folk seen this website: http://catholicanarchy.org/ ? I only just found it searching around for stuff on Dorothy Day.

And on the topic of her pacifism, she's very similar to Edith Keeler in her WWII stance... Edith Keeler must die!

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1353530440' post='2514429']

... interesting...

have any of you anarchist folk seen this website: [url="http://catholicanarchy.org/"]http://catholicanarchy.org/[/url] ? I only just found it searching around for stuff on Dorothy Day.

And on the topic of her pacifism, she's very similar to Edith Keeler in her WWII stance... Edith Keeler must die!

Anarchists have always been anti-capitalists.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1353547153' post='2514539']

Anarchists have always been anti-capitalists.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1353547851' post='2514558']

Who is that? Friedman's son?

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This is fair article on Dorothy Day and her views and works for those who have no real base to comment on her. [url="http://www.speroforum.com/a/12548/Dorothy-Days-anarchoCatholicism-The-way-of-love"]http://www.speroforum.com/a/12548/Dorothy-Days-anarchoCatholicism-The-way-of-love[/url] Its a good read, check it out.

By the way Dorothy Day never was an advocate of forced redistribution, she believed as Jesus that we should give of our freewill, and boy did she ever live that out.


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I linked to that article in the OP :cyclops:

and as an anarchist she certainly wouldn't have believed in state redistribution, cause she didn't believe in the state, but she was a distributist (which is not the same thing as believing in state redistribution of wealth, it is based on "distributive justice")

Hasan, Dorothy Day's anarchism was not against private property, she opposed state ownership or centralized state capitalism ownership, but always promoted ownership of property as natural to mankind. as I've said, she was a distributist.

[b]"We are not expecting Utopia here on this earth. But God meant things to be much easier than we have made them.[/b] A man has a natural right to food, clothing, and shelter. A certain amount of goods is necessary to lead a good life. A family needs work as well as bread. [b]Property is proper to man.[/b] We must keep repeating these things. [b]Eternal life begins now.[/b] "All the way to heaven is heaven, because He said, "I am the Way." [b]The cross is there, of course, but "in the cross is joy of spirit." And love makes all things easy."[/b] -Dorothy Day

Edited by Aloysius
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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1353557619' post='2514670']

[b]"We are not expecting Utopia here on this earth. But God meant things to be much easier than we have made them.[/b] A man has a natural right to food, clothing, and shelter. A certain amount of goods is necessary to lead a good life. A family needs work as well as bread. [b]Property is proper to man.[/b] We must keep repeating these things. [b]Eternal life begins now.[/b] "All the way to heaven is heaven, because He said, "I am the Way." [b]The cross is there, of course, but "in the cross is joy of spirit." And love makes all things easy."[/b] -Dorothy Day

That quote isn't out of line with anarchic thought. They usually distinguish between personal and private property.

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What kind of Anarchist praises statist dictators as secular saints? What kind of saint repeatedly disobeys her bishop?



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What kind of Anarchist praises statist dictators as secular saints? What kind of saint repeatedly disobeys her bishop?


Were you planning on backing up any of that, or just leaving it as unsubstantiated accusations?

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Were you planning on backing up any of that, or just leaving it as unsubstantiated accusations?

I can't get to it right now but there is plenty of evidence in Dr Carol Byrne's book " The Catholic Worker Movement, critical analysis".

I read it more for Day's direct quotes than Dr. Byrne's comments. Anyway she offers solid and damning proof that Day praised Communists and Communism. I can send you a copy if you would like to read for yourself, if you have not. FB pm me your addy if you'd like to take up that offer.
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