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Mormons, And Jehovah Witnesses: What Do They Believe?


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Last Friday my friend and I were approached by 2 young, friendly mormon guys. We were on our way to a Catholic youth group, for praise/worship/adoration. When they approached I commented that we were just leaving, but my friend decided to be brave and converse; she also invited them to our church event. They responded openly, seeming interested, but I am guessing they were pulling our "trick" of coming across as open/inviting/interested to keep the line of communication open in hopes of converting the other person. I wish I would have stuck around to converse with them and share my/our faith. I just didn't feel prepared.

So here are my questions:

-What do they believe? (Jesus=Lord, Bible is____?)

-What topics should I bring up? (the pope, the eucharist, etc.)

-When was their church first started and how?

-What topics do you think they will bring up, and how should I respond?


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Check out defense directory. Your request will take many hours of reading and prayer to answer. But perhaps I can give you a little start. Those groups believe that there was not really a true church between the apostles and when their religion was founded. Neither believe Jesus is truly God.

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