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No More Twinkies? Hostess Going Out Of Business...


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Oh, the humanity! Archie Bunker must be turning over in his grave!

The mad dash to stock up on Twinkies, Ding-Dongs, etc. has begun after Hostess has announced its plans to go out of business:


Some stores are already sold out.

Some are hoping that another company will take over making them.

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I heard that they were on strike this past week. Heard it through work. My work receive bread and buns from them for a while. Now were being force to see other stores.

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150 lost here.

quote from local news:

"It wasn't surprising," said ---, who worked as a route sales driver for Sweetheart. "But I was hoping it wasn't going to happen. It's been a great company to work for. It's been great for family."

"We had to force the company to sell," said --, business agent for Local 466. "Got to look forward for working jobs for everybody, not just for labor people, unions, but for everybody going forward."

"I mean it's rough spot you know," said ---. "But this is what we've been fighting for to happen and it's exciting, so I think we're accomplishing what we set out to do."


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I guess I won't miss them like everyone else. I never liked Twinkies. I still remember this guy in high school that brought a box with him to school once a week and would pass them out. It was his way of finding friends. He was a creeper, though. I remember him threatening to bomb the school right after Columbine. But that's another story...

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