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Theology On Tap


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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1353086202' post='2511307']

I understand that. I actually have always preferred talking to adults because I can't really relate to people my age, but I do understand that. I only planned going once, though, and the only reason was because the Bishop was there. I had the opportunity to talk to him about my vocation, and we had a really pleasant conversation about it. I know there are better places to do that, and in fact I didn't want to go because of the age thing. My parents made me because they assured me it would be okay and nobody would care.
I understand that, too.

Maybe the other adults felt put-off because they felt uncomfortable opening up in front of a kid-- Especially one they don't know. Who knows.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1353086202' post='2511307']

I understand that. I actually have always preferred talking to adults because I can't really relate to people my age, but I do understand that. I only planned going once, though, and the only reason was because the Bishop was there. I had the opportunity to talk to him about my vocation, and we had a really pleasant conversation about it. I know there are better places to do that, and in fact I didn't want to go because of the age thing. My parents made me because they assured me it would be okay and nobody would care.
[/quote]Sometimes parents want a break from thier offspring and unfortunately that leads to a beat-down of the tag-along.

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1353086605' post='2511315']
Sometimes parents want a break from thier offspring and unfortunately that leads to a beat-down of the tag-along.

Except, as I said, I didn't want to go because I was afraid I would get in trouble due to the age thing. They made me go.

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at college our campus ministry organized "Tapping Theology" and therefore didn't pay the licensing fee. I suggest doing that or your own name sounds fine too (though "Tapping Theology" taps into the popularity of the name so people know what it's about)

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When I was in the 20's 30's group, we had a bunch of different events of different types each month, along with one or two that were designed to rope in EVERYBODY. The EVERYBODY event was the Mass & appetizer event each month and the dances and potlucks once 2xyear. Each month we had a bar-based event (theo on tap didn't exist, but that kind of thing), sports, service project, and similar events. Twice a year we had a retreat and/or hiking trip kind of thing, and usually each semester there was some kind of a 4-6 week 'series' of discussion/faith sharing type stuff, often around a Church year theme (Lenten Series, etc.). People were encouraged to come to what worked for them, and all were encouraged to come to the 'big' events.

It worked pretty well. I really didn't much care for the theo on tap stuff.... but it realy worked well for a lot of people. Everyone is different!

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The brand name probably helps draw in higher quality speakers.

I went to it once or twice in my city. It was [i]ok[/i]. Better than equivalent events of a similar type that I've been to.

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In Colorado they have a couple of new Catholic groups.

Bonging the Blessings
Toking the Theology

They're small now, but growth expectations are high.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1353086202' post='2511307']

I understand that. I actually have always preferred talking to adults because I can't really relate to people my age, but I do understand that. [/quote]

FP ... please don't take this the wrong way.

Please start learning how to relate with people your own age. It is important, and the sooner you are able to do that the better it will be for you. It is *not* easy. No real relationship (regardless of the type of relationship) is, but it is such a needed skill. There are skills that I wished I had learned at your age that I am *still* working on and at this point (due to my upbringing) I will probably struggle with until I die. :)

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1353087426' post='2511328']
The brand name probably helps draw in higher quality speakers.

I went to it once or twice in my city. It was [i]ok[/i]. Better than equivalent events of a similar type that I've been to.
this is why the terminology "Tapping Theology" sort of works best, actually, because most people don't even catch the difference... I always thought it was the same thing and didn't even realize for a long time that they had a different name for it lol

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We have a similar event near me called, "Theology at Bar." Once again, the name is close enough that they don't have to pay the licensing fee but people understand what it is.

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it was my understanding that the term Theology on Tap was also trademarked; at least our campus ministry believed it to be and that's why they called theirs Tapping Theology.

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' timestamp='1353087855' post='2511334']
FP ... please don't take this the wrong way.

Please start learning how to relate with people your own age. It is important, and the sooner you are able to do that the better it will be for you. It is *not* easy. No real relationship (regardless of the type of relationship) is, but it is such a needed skill. There are skills that I wished I had learned at your age that I am *still* working on and at this point (due to my upbringing) I will probably struggle with until I die. :)

Don't worry, I didn't take that negatively. Thank you for the advice. When I say I can't relate to people my age, I mean I have different interests. Unfortunately people my age that are interested in my interests are in short supply, and I have only found them online. This doesn't stop me from talking to people my age (If I can ever get them to turn off their *bleep* *bleep* cell phones long enough to actually look me in the eye, that is), but I just prefer talking to college aged kids or adults in general.

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My diocese calls theirs "Theology on Tap." I had no idea they had to pay a fee to use the trademarked name. There were times where I really wished I had attended last year because they had some really terrific speakers. This year, they're kinda sucky...

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I recently found out that Theology on Tap is not only in my archdiocese, but my hometown. I looked up the topics that they were doing and was disappointed, because they were talks on basic Catholic teachings. I understand that your average Catholic doesn't know the basics, but it would be nice if there was a separate more advanced group that went beyond basic catechesis.

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