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George Bush


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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1353133630' post='2511716']
Wait a second Ed, I just want to be sure of your thinking here. You think Clinton, who reduced the national debt to nearly nothing by the time he was done as president, is responsible for the recession that happened 8 years later under Bush, who presided over the deficit going from nearly nothing to over a trillion dollars?

Wow were you well trained in your liberal edumacation ! Clinton reduced no debt, and yes he inherited the economic boom that was realized in America through the policies and leadership of Ronald Reagen which turned around devastating policies of Jimmy Carter and the recession he plunged the country into, Reagen's economic boom continued through George Bush' one term, then under the policies of Clinton we entered into another recession despite accounting fraud in use at the time, the same recession which George W. pulled us out of again. Its a fact my friend.

On a side note, Clinton's balanced budget he touts so often was actually forced through by a republican majority congress much the same way the housing crisis and eventual economic collapse under Goerge W. was allowed to happen through the policies of a democrat majority congress, this despite George W. directing congress 18 times to address the issue before it caused us problems.
One could go so far as to opine that the democrat majority congress wanted the recession to discredit Bush and get a democrat elected, they (democrats) sure vilified Bush through 6 years of economic boom and national security after the 9/11 attacks.


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1353268146' post='2512406']
Wow were you well trained in your liberal edumacation ! Clinton reduced no debt, and yes he inherited the economic boom that was realized in America through the policies and leadership of Ronald Reagen which turned around devastating policies of Jimmy Carter and the recession he plunged the country into, Reagen's economic boom continued through George Bush' one term, then under the policies of Clinton we entered into another recession despite accounting fraud in use at the time, the same recession which George W. pulled us out of again. Its a fact my friend.

On a side note, Clinton's balanced budget he touts so often was actually forced through by a republican majority congress much the same way the housing crisis and eventual economic collapse under Goerge W. was allowed to happen through the policies of a democrat majority congress, this despite George W. directing congress 18 times to address the issue before it caused us problems.
One could go so far as to opine that the democrat majority congress wanted the recession to discredit Bush and get a democrat elected, they (democrats) sure vilified Bush through 6 years of economic boom and national security after the 9/11 attacks.


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Ash Wednesday

I never agreed with the Iraq War, but what I don't understand is how Bush gets called stupid, and yet at the same time gets portrayed as someone who woke up in the middle of the night, came up with this idea (in that "pea brain" of his, amirite?) and managed to single-handedly lead our nation into war. If he's so stupid, I don't know what that says about everyone else that went along with him.

Edited by Ash Wednesday
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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' timestamp='1353257312' post='2512349']

Not sure what you mean by this... Al Gore or John Kerry would have been better?

Honestly I'd say we've been stuck with choosing between Cholera or Plague in our elections for quite some time now.

Completely agree. We haven't had a decent choice in a long time. We don't get a chance to vote for good leaders, people of wisdom and intelligence. People like that don't go into politics anymore.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1353266824' post='2512399']
It will take at least 20 years for the Utilitarians to figure out if the evil of the wars outweighed the evil of not going to wars. Because that's how morality works, now.
Which is why historical perspective tells us that incinerating nearly 250 000 Japanese people was just awe[color=#000000]s[/color]ome. :smile4:

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1353271136' post='2512423']
Completely agree. We haven't had a decent choice in a long time. We don't get a chance to vote for good leaders, people of wisdom and intelligence. People like that don't go into politics anymore.


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G. W. Bush did a lot to help people with AIDS in Africa, including funding orphanages for orphaned kids. He was also better than Kerry/Edwards.

Personally, I think Cyndi Lauper is underrated.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1353265725' post='2512394']
Bush Appreciation is a learned thing. You will never get there by lazily ingesting popular culture about his IQ. I say give it 20 years. Remember Nixon -- by the end of his life he was revered. Although its true the typical American moron still only thinks of his mistakes.

What exactly did Bush do, aside from aid to Africa, that even remotely merits praise or positive recognition?

And since when is Nixon revered?

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1353454125' post='2513920']
What exactly did Bush do, aside from aid to Africa, that even remotely merits praise or positive recognition?


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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1353454125' post='2513920']

And since when is Nixon revered?
futurama does.

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1. Pretty much everyone in the foreign policy establishment reveres Richard Nixon. With China rising now, I think his grade will get better, not worse. Already there are smart people who think what he did saved our bacon with regards to them.

2. Hasan, tsk. tsk. Even Elton John knows this. People in Uganda name their kids George Bush. The political capital he spent on the continent of Africa will probably end up saving millions of lives there -all poor, non-constituents by the way. He got next to zero reward for it. His friends, the conservatives, bashed him for spending money on non-Americans and liberals met his efforts with derision and suspicion. He did it anyway. The media does not talk about it because it does not fit the dominant narrative. Woe to you who do not question the dominant narrative.

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