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George Bush


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Welp, I guess I will start here.
George Bush was a warmongering authoritarian psychopath ([url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q03cWio-zjk"]thanks Ron Paul[/url]) who did his damndest to destroy liberty both in the United States and in any other country the US was able to influence.

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Gee Nihil, hitting the wacky again I guess.

Lets see, George W. Bush, responded to an act of war and terrorism according to the intelligence communities recommendation with full backing of both the U.S. House and Senate. George W. Bush kept our country free from another terrorist attack during his remaining 7 years in office. He inherited a recession from Bill Clinton which he turned around almost immediately by cutting taxes. After the 9-11 attacks he revived the economy once again and kept unemployment down to 5% during his two terms in office. During his last two years as a lame duck President he asked congress 18 times to address the Fannie May and Freddy Mac loans only to have the Senate with a democrat majority refuse to act leading to the housing debt crisis. He was a big spender, spending just under half the amount of money in his eight years in office that Obama spent during his first 3 years in office. George W. Bush rescinded the Mexico City Policy that was reinstated by Bill Clinton, a policy of death which caused U.S. tax monies to be spent on building abortion clinics and funding abortions in foreign countries, Obama reinstated that same policy his 2nd day in office. He was a moral and honest christian man who never apologized for American success or tried to thwart American prosperity. He did bail out the banks in a bilateral move approved by congress, a mistake in my opinion. The banks did pay back the money though, still they should have been allowed to go into bankruptcy and be reorganized which would have addressed the housing loan issues that destroyed the housing market and the economy, but he reached across the aisle and followed the advice of the democrat majority congress. Overall he did a fine job for the countries security and prosperity during his Presidency. He was ridiculed by the media, led by the professional clowns posing as reporters such as Bill Maher and John Stewart and the dope smoking youth were gullible enough to believe the tripe they were fed. To be fair they also had the musicians bashing George W. Bush and we all know that people such as Bruce Springsteen and rapper Jay-Z are astute political minds. Ahh, to be young and foolish without a care in the world...


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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1352956211' post='2510372']
We got what we deserved for electing someone with a room temperature IQ.

Golly Catherine, did you get that "fact" from the Lovenstein Institute report ? If so I hope you followed it up and learned that there has never been a Lovenstein Institute in Pa. or any other place for that matter. That was an internet hoax, refuted on [font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]Snopes and[color="#000000"] the U.S. News and World report clearly reported the I.Q. item as a hoax on 20th August 2001. [/color][size="3"][color="#000000"]Bush graduated from Yale in 1968 with a B.A in h[size="3"]istory, the he attended Harv[size="3"]ard [size="3"]Business School where he earned a [u]Master of Business Administration making him the only U.S. President to ever [size="3"]have earned an M.B.A. [/size][/u][/size][/size][/size][/color][/size][/font]

[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][size="3"][color="#000000"][size="3"][size="3"][size="3"][size="3"]Learning all this Catherine, does this make you feel gullible for falling for such an eas[size="3"]ily refutable hoax, or do you just feel like one of the crowd who believe what they wanted to believe ?[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/color][/size][/font]

[font="Trebuchet MS,Bookman Old Style,Arial"][size="3"][color="#000000"][size="3"][size="3"][size="3"][size="3"][size="3"]ed[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/color][/size][/font]

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I know a lot of people with masters degrees or better. As it so happens, many of them happen to be no more intelligent than average (particularly when considering the MBA).

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College degrees do not make a person smart, nor does not having one make a person stupid. It shows you are competent enough in one area of study that you can make money off it. It does not mean you are as smart as Einstein. It's a piece of paper. Nothing more, nothing less.

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even if bush had the political support to start the war, i was sad that he didn't listen to the simple advice of Pope John Paul II when he begged him not to strike Iraq...

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