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If You Could Pick Your New Religious Name, What Would It Be?


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Just for fun, what name would you choose if you were a religious Sister? Obviously from my username, I love St. Kateri but there are lots of other saints I love. I know in some Orders the Superior picks the name for you but this is purely hypothetical. So if you could pick your new name, what would it be and why?

:alone: <---I just really like this emoticon and wanted to use it. It has nothing to do with the topic though :lol4:

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My top 3:[list=1]
[*]Sr. Therese Faustina, O.P. (<-- had to add that)

[*]Sr. Bernadette Caritas

[*]Sr. Rita Dominic


ETA: this could all change by the time I enter... x)

Edited by DiscerningCatholic
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Spem in alium

Sr Ruth. Anything with Ruth, really. Joseph and Rita are good names too.

[quote name='DiscerningCatholic' timestamp='1352818515' post='2509168']
My top 3:[list=1]
[*]Sr. Therese Faustina, O.P. (<-- had to add that)

Really like :)

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I have a whole list:
Sr. Mary Ambrose
Sr. Mary Paul
Sr. Maria Albertina
Sr. Mary Helen
Sr. Maria Miguel
Sr. Mary Moses
Sr. Mary Agnes

But I decided a while ago that I do not want to submit any names and just let Mother decide for me.

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Women are interesting indeed. Before I discerned out, I never had huge lists of what my Religious name would be, or thought about it much. I just figured what my Superior chose it would be fine.

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Here's [i]part[/i] of my list:

Sr. Mary Therese
Sr. Therese Grace
Sr. Mary Fiat
Sr. Rachel Elizabeth
Sr. Marie Stella
Sr. Rachel Chiara

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Whatever Mother chose, but I would like it to follow the pattern of: Sr. <Mary, Maria, Marie, or any other form of Mary> <some Saint's name> of the <Passion, Cross, or Sacred Heart>. Of course, the title is only if the order has them.... And I definitely would like Mary to come first.

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Doesnt one have to stick with their community's moniker? Like Mother Angelica's sister's have many "Marie's-Maria in their names.

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I don't have a long list of potential names because I feel like I should want a name of a saint that I have a lot in common with. But in any case, I can think of a few that I would really like:

Sr. Maria Teresa
Sr. Kateri Teresa
Sr. Maria Bakhita

I'm thinking that if I have any choice in the name, it should start with Maria. I picked that as my confirmation name for St. Maria Goretti and for some reason, it just feels like a comfortable fit if ya know what I mean.

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A while back, if you had asked me what I wanted, I would have said Sr. Mary Elizabeth or Sr. Mary Isabela. I still LOVE those names but I am growing very attached to my patron saints for this year and I might like to have either:

Sr. John Paul
Sr. Jerzy (for Bl. Jerzy Popieluszko)

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Sr. Marie Claire of the most sacred heart (my birthday is the feast)
Sr. Francis Chiara
Sr. Marie Genevieve
Sr. Scholastica Jane

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