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A Catholic Agenda For The Next 4 Years

Lil Red

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Actually, a lot of the people who started/promote the whole spirit of Vatican II crapola are dying or dead. Or really old. The next generation is much more trained, has better formation, and sees the traditional as good.

It's not preordained. Likely, maybe.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1353193188' post='2511999']
Why would I have to think that?

The choice between Romney and Obama was the choice between two big government nationalists.

Romney already voiced support of "parts" of Obamacare, namely forcing insurance companies to accept people with pre-existing conditions. The mandate to purchase healthcare insurance or be penalized was born in the minds of pragmatic "conservatives". It's necessary to fund the program. You must have an individual mandate to even make the attempt to cover the expense of "insuring" people with pre-existing conditions.

Having not read a lot on his governorship regarding the budget, I will present the biggest difference between Massachusetts and the Federal government: Access to the printing press. Deficit spending in states and cities is a bit restrained by their means of obtaining more money. Considering the number of adults who will happily repeat the Clinton surplus myth, I am skeptical of claims that this or that politician balanced the budget. Accounting tricks abound. I seriously doubt Romneycare is actually paying for itself (regardless, it is an unacceptable violation of property rights, and no, he did not have to sign it into law--representatives are under no obligation to violate morality, even if the mob wants them to. And Romneycare pays for abortions).

Add to this his support for a permanent "assault weapons" (a deceptive term. As in a lie. As in an intrinsically disordered act) in his state, and we have a strong case for a big government (in practice, not in pillow talk) shill.

Of course, he supports presidential war powers (cue "everybody else is doing it" defense), the (unconstitutional) drug war, the NDAA, and Patriot Act. He is a nationalist, a position untenable for one adhering to the Constitution or small government.

None of this is a defense of Obama, and your reading into that shows how poisoned your mind is by the political theater.

By "pillow talk", I mean to imply everyone believing Romney's claims is the toy of an abusive, cheating boyfriend.

In what should be an unnecessary addendum: I did not vote for Obama. Either time. Nor did I vote for Romney.

Winchy come on ! You have got to know most of what you wrote here is tripe. Romney supported NONE of Obamacare as it is unconstitutional. He called for and promised he would repeal upon it his election. The Mass. healthcare however was totally legal as it was voted on and accepted by the citizens of the state. You see it comes down to FEDERAL MANDATES. That is against our Constitution. Deficit spending in Mass. was "restrained" by Romney eliminating many unneeded programs , cutting state jobs and useless pork programs. You see you have to tighten your belt to reign in spending to pay off debt and achieve a balanced budget.

Have you ever read the Constitution? The opening line-> [b]We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.[/b] The drug war you mention as "(unconstitutional) " is clearly designed to protect U.S. citizens., as is the NDAA and the Patriot Act. Do you just spout these things without knowing what they represent? Perhaps you should read it and take note of [u]Section 8 of the Constitutio[/u]n which clearly outlines what the government has power to do and also proves your arguments above are laughable at best.


Edited by Ed Normile
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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1353265272' post='2512390']
Winchy come on ! You have got to know most of what you wrote here is tripe. Romney supported NONE of Obamacare as it is unconstitutional. He called for and promised he would repeal upon it his election. The Mass. healthcare however was totally legal as it was voted on and accepted by the citizens of the state. You see it comes down to FEDERAL MANDATES. That is against our Constitution. Deficit spending in Mass. was "restrained" by Romney eliminating many unneeded programs , cutting state jobs and useless pork programs. You see you have to tighten your belt to reign in spending to pay off debt and achieve a balanced budget.[/quote]

‘‘Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I’m going to put in place,’’ he said in an interview broadcast Sunday on NBC’s ‘‘Meet the Press.’’ ‘’One is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage.’’

‘‘I say we’re going to replace Obamacare. And I’m replacing it with my own plan,’’ Romney said. ‘‘And even in Massachusetts when I was governor, our plan there deals with pre-existing conditions and with young people.’’


Romney does not state a difference between Federal and state power, there. Apparently, a Federal mandate to cover pre-existing conditions is okay.

Obamacare is clearly set up to promote the general welfare you believe grants the Federal government power to "protect" us. Admit elastic clauses at your own peril.

Like I said, I haven't read a lot on his approach to the Mass. budget. You've apparently read several studies on it. Likely hundreds of pages. Perhaps you could point me to the books you've read on the subject.

[quote]Have you ever read the Constitution? The opening line-> [b]We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.[/b] The drug war you mention as "(unconstitutional) " is clearly designed to protect U.S. citizens., as is the NDAA and the Patriot Act. Do you just spout these things without knowing what they represent? Perhaps you should read it and take note of [u]Section 8 of the Constitutio[/u]n which clearly outlines what the government has power to do and also proves your arguments above are laughable at best.

Enumerated powers. Don't proof-text. Prohibition of alcohol required an amendment. Prohibition of other drugs?

The Federal government can promote the general welfare within the scope of its enumerated powers. You believe in elastic clauses. Like Hamilton. I'm not a Hamiltonian. There are lots of non-Hamiltonians. You believe in an unlimited Federal government. I believe in the Federal government of strictly enumerated powers. I reject elastic clauses, and the Constitutional conventions assured the states that the Federal government would be limited to it enumerated powers.

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War is on. We been here for 2 thousand years, and never been put to sleep now.
Term for president =4 years
Term for God=endless years.

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Obamacare considers contraceptives, sterilizations, abortifacients, and abortion as "preventative services" under its definition of "health care".

It is ironic that a national federalized healthcare plan would make anti-life procedures absolutely free while still requiring people to pay out-of-pocket for lifesaving procedures and medications.

even your parish priest must pay for insurance or pay a penalty that will one way or another go into a system that uses his money to fund anti-life procedures.

Of course the Bishops of the Catholic church have raised this point on behalf of all Catholics, other Christians and people of good will, but the Obama administration has ignored their pleas.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1353288152' post='2512615']

Weak sauce.
It is better this way. The sentence structure was enough to drive a perscriptivist to suicide, and cause a descriptivist to question his life choices. :|

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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1352902358' post='2509828']

Take the example of abortion - it seems that women need abortion rights because society doesn't lift a single finger to support pregnant women, no matter the circumstances of her pregnancy. A young woman who finds her self pregnant gets scorn from her family and friends, loses options for college or a career, faces exorbitant medical bills... so it seems that abortion gives women an "out" of that impossible situation society throws single pregnant women into. But abortion only enables the rest of society to ignore the needs of women. The Church's position enables us to attack society's misogyny, to treat women like human beings and give them the love and support they (and their children) need.


Wow, this is very insightful!

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[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][color=#232323][color=#222222][quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1352902358' post='2509828']
It seems that the popular positions in American culture make sense only as short-term solutions to institutional problems, and only the Church's teachings provide real solutions for ridding society of those institutional problems. Take the example of abortion - it seems that women need abortion rights because society doesn't lift a single finger to support pregnant women, no matter the circumstances of her pregnancy. A young woman who finds her self pregnant gets scorn from her family and friends, loses options for college or a career, faces exorbitant medical bills... so it seems that abortion gives women an "out" of that impossible situation society throws single pregnant women into. But abortion only enables the rest of society to ignore the needs of women. The Church's position enables us to attack society's misogyny, to treat women like human beings and give them the love and support they (and their children) need.
[/quote][/color][/color][color=#232323][color=#222222]Not a “[u]single finger[/u]”? 2 minutes on Google. There are Federal and State Government programs for food, healthcare, education, etc. for single moms. [/color][/color][/size]

[size=3][color=#232323][color=#333333]FOOD: WIC is a federally funded nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children. WIC provides the following at no cost: healthy foods, nutrition education and counseling, breastfeeding support, and referrals for health care.[/color][/color][/size]

[size=3][color=#232323][color=#222222]HEALTHCARE: [/color][/color][/size][size=3][color=#232323][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicaid"][color=blue]Medicaid[/color][/url][color=#000000] is a health program for certain people and families with low incomes and resources. It is a [/color][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Means_test"][color=blue]means-tested[/color][/url][color=#000000] program that is jointly funded by the state and federal governments, and is managed by the states.[/color][sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_programs_in_the_United_States#cite_note-25"][color=blue][25][/color][/url][/sup][color=#000000] People served by Medicaid are [/color][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizenship_in_the_United_States"][color=blue]U.S. citizens[/color][/url][color=#000000] or legal permanent residents, including low-income adults, their children, and people with certain [/color][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disability"][color=blue]disabilities[/color][/url][color=#000000]. Poverty alone does not necessarily qualify someone for Medicaid. Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for people with limited income in the United States.[/color][/color][/size]

[size=3][color=#232323][color=#222222]HOUSING: S[/color][/color][/size][size=3][color=#232323][color=#2a2a2a]ingle mother housing assistance is available through the Housing and Urban Development Office (HUD) of the US government. [/color][/color][/size]

[size=3][color=#232323][color=#222222]MONEY: [/color][/color][/size][size=3][color=#232323][color=#232323]The U.S. government has nearly 900 programs aimed at helping single mothers. They are grouped into three general categories, only two of which are applicable. Federal grants for individuals are referred to as special needs grants--which include grants for housing, health care, and food and work programs.[/color][/color][/size]

[size=3][color=#232323][color=#232323]But you’re right, that doesn’t fix being shunned by your friends and family. Sorry about the difficulty of the women who finds herself in “that impossible situation society throws single pregnant women into”. By the way, unless in the case of a rape, sex is usually considered consensual and there are sometimes unwanted consequences for the participants. Yes, it’s tough on the mom, but it smells of elderberries that it’s tougher on the children. It’s the children who did NOT do anything to be put into that situation. It’s the two DNA donors who did put the child in that situation.[/color][/color][/size]

[size=3][color=#232323][color=#232323]It's difficult to balance being kind to the children and holding the mom responsible for her actions as well.[/color][/color][/size][/font]

Edited by Anomaly
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