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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1352769214' post='2508841']
May presume by mention of those individuals that at least you see Obama's attack on the Church as extreme? Most certainly those individuals did far greater harm. To that I am sure we agree. But his attack on the Church in a free society is still extreme. Correct?
Is his attack on religious liberty appalling and unconstitutional? Yes. Is it extreme? Maybe. This in and of itself does not make him far-left.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1352774120' post='2508893']

Is his attack on religious liberty appalling and unconstitutional? Yes. Is it extreme? Maybe. This in and of itself does not make him far-left.

It is extreme to force people to pay for immorality or fund the culture of death and attack the Church.

It is a far-left policy to force people to fund the culture of death and it is his policy. He is extreme and far-left by enforcing this policy.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1352775492' post='2508912']
It is extreme to force people to pay for immorality or fund the culture of death and attach the Church.[/QUOTE]

You're extreme.

[QUOTE]It is a far-left policy to force people to fund the culture of death and it is his policy. He is extreme and far-left by enforcing this policy.

This is part of a bill which essentially herds all private citizens into relationships with private corporations. It is not a far-left vision of how health care should work. It is a center right vision. Does that make Obama a moderate republican? No. But by your absurd logic it would. Just because leftists acknowledge the importance of women retaining reproductive freedom that does not make Obama a leftist. When Obama starts demanding market democracy and the abolition of wage-labor, then you can make that claim and it be taken seriously.

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Hey look! Obamacare is based on a republican idea!


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Forcing Americans against their will to fund the culture of death, which is owned by the left, is extreme far left-wing ideology.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1352777049' post='2508926']
Forcing Americans against their will to fund the culture of death, which is owned by the left, is extreme far left-wing ideology.

Ok. I think we're done here. Unless you're interested in saying something beyond the same thesis, worded slightly differently, 17 more times.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1352777197' post='2508929']

Ok. I think we're done here. Unless you're interested in saying something beyond the same thesis, worded slightly differently, 17 more times.

You guys own the culture of death, liberals, left of center folks it belongs to you guys on the left. When your boss forces unwilling subjects to fund a key part of his left-wing policy. That is extreme. The mandate is a extreme and far-left policy. Let's get real universal contraceptive and abortive coverage against the providers will is a left-wing, not centrist policy. If it actually respected the conscious of all those against funding the culture of death maybe, maybe I could believe it was not extreme. But that is not the case.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1352774120' post='2508893']
Is it extreme? Maybe.

How could it not be extreme? Do you actually believe it could be moderate or centrist?

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1352779603' post='2508962']
How could it not be extreme? Do you actually believe it could be moderate or centrist?
In our modern political world, yes. That doesn't make it right, it just makes it the new normal.

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Yep. It's not even a new normal. We've just been drifting steadily to the right since Reagan came to power. There is no reason that the contraceptives policy couldn't have come out of a Nixon White House. Is it now a moderate liberal position in America today? sure. But that says a lot about how tepid and conservative America today is in domestic policy.

And again, one policy does not establish the entirety of an individual's political orientation. Unless Obamacare itself makes Obama a republican.

For a bit now you've been hedging and referring to the policy as leftist rather than Obama as an leftist.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1352779968' post='2508967']

In our modern political world, yes. That doesn't make it right, it just makes it the new normal.

But what about the real world? Or the Catholic world? Are you just afraid to call this extreme policy extreme?

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Should Catholics accept the mandate as the new normal USAirways? How do they make strong arguments against the mandate if it is not clearly a extreme attack upon their rights?

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1352781144' post='2508980']
What is leftism?


Oh, shoot! Well, the cat is out of the bag now!

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1352781260' post='2508981']
Should Catholics accept the mandate as the new normal USAirways? How do they make strong arguments against the mandate if it is not clearly a extreme attack upon their rights?
Unfortunately, and as these past couple of elections have proven, orthodox Catholicism has a very small voice in the modern US political arena. Rejecting reality does not cause it to cease being real.

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