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Romney Aides' Credit Cards Canceled On Election Night


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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1352615479' post='2508056']
No, I fully agree. That's why we, as tax payers, should quit paying for the jet fuel, upkeep, crew salaries, and so forth of the airplanes that bring the troops back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Their jobs were done when they fired their last bullet. I'd tell em, "Find your own way home, bums."
Bummer for them that Greyhound doesn't serve Kandahar, amirite?

actually there jobs are not done then but nice try. a soilders job is not done until he officially retires or quits or goes awol. so no, its nothing the same. unless your trying to say that your only consider a soilder if your in military conflict and when they are back in america they are no long an american soilder and we should not refer to them as such? i highly doubt that's what your saying.

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Ash Wednesday

If I had to guess, the cards canceled sooner than expected -- if I'm not mistaken, by law, campaigns have to turn off the money faucets once the race is over. I'm not sure if it matters how "bad" it looks at this point. They lost, and it's really a non-story in the bigger picture. The country is going bankrupt, but yes, let's keep up with the informative little news items about Mitt's credit cards.

And don't worry, Republicans are all rich and evil, I'm sure they figured out a way to get home on their own.

Edited by Ash Wednesday
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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1352637592' post='2508086']
How can Romney cancel their credit cards?
Evil knows no limits. <_<

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1352637773' post='2508087']
Evil knows no limits. <_<
Still don't get how a bank could let someone cancel someone else's credit card.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1352637957' post='2508088']
Still don't get how a bank could let someone cancel someone else's credit card.
I'm sure these were cards issued to members of the campaign for campaign-related expenses.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1352638030' post='2508089']
I'm sure these were cards issued to members of the campaign for campaign-related expenses.
Oh so the aides' credit cards were not actually owned by the aides themselves. Now, who owned and who was paying off the balance of these credits cards?

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1352638575' post='2508092']
Oh so the aides' credit cards were not actually owned by the aides themselves. Now, who owned and who was paying off the balance of these credits cards?
The campaign?

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1352513780' post='2507534']
I read somewhere that planned parenthood gave Obama 16 million. I guess his people got to keep theirs.

obama is pretty much owned by planned parenthood

[quote name='Ash Wednesday' timestamp='1352628006' post='2508078']
If I had to guess, the cards canceled sooner than expected -- if I'm not mistaken, by law, campaigns have to turn off the money faucets once the race is over. I'm not sure if it matters how "bad" it looks at this point. They lost, and it's really a non-story in the bigger picture. The country is going bankrupt, but yes, let's keep up with the informative little news items about Mitt's credit cards.

And don't worry, Republicans are all rich and evil, I'm sure they figured out a way to get home on their own.

funny how easily the obama sheeple believe everything bad they read about republicans but go to extra lengths denying obama has absolutely no blame for his administrations failures (like Benghazi)

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Left-wing news...downplay Libya, the deficit, mis-report religious (especially Catholic) news etc.......up-play when the Romney campaign cancels the credit cards???!!!

The Puffington Post has very little credibility as a news reporting source, and much more as a slanted-BIG-LEFT media promotion source.

Interestingly the article doesn't tell us when campaigns normally cancel credit cards or instances in the past where late cancellations turned into opportunities for abuse. Perhaps the article could have interviewed the many people who couldn't get home because their only source of money was the Romney campaign? Or perhaps as Ash Wednesday stated:

[quote name='Ash Wednesday' timestamp='1352628006' post='2508078']
If I had to guess, the cards canceled sooner than expected -- if I'm not mistaken, by law, campaigns have to turn off the money faucets once the race is over.[/quote]

But answering these questions would be honest journalism...something the Puffington Post doesn't have.

Get a better news source. HuffPo is as bad as the North Korean state news service sometimes.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1352513780' post='2507534']
I read somewhere that planned parenthood gave Obama 16 million. I guess his people got to keep theirs.

The amounts that I can find tend to be less than 2 million. As far as PP contributions to Obama go. Of course, that money would not go to OFA. That would go to super PACs that fight for Obama. So even if they did give 16 million to super PACs backing Obama that money wouldn't be touchable by campaign staffers.

And nope. OFA is broke.

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Cancelling the cards isn't wrong. But not warning people ahead of time is a johnsonville brat move. At OFA we were never given any guarantees about gas reimbursement. It was understood that they'd reimburse what they could but unless you were working in a rural county you shouldn't hold your breath. Really low level staff personnel wouldn't be given credit cards. Unless the Romney counterpart to OFA is really different organizationally (in terms of cash flow, obviously they are quite different in certain structural and strategic senses since they just got pimp slapped by OFA) these aren't low level staffers who have their own cards. These are more experienced people who have more regional level positions and who you would have expected to have more experience in how campaign work.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1352746679' post='2508655']
Cancelling the cards isn't wrong. But not warning people ahead of time is a johnsonville brat move. At OFA we were never given any guarantees about gas reimbursement. It was understood that they'd reimburse what they could but unless you were working in a rural county you shouldn't hold your breath. Really low level staff personnel wouldn't be given credit cards. Unless the Romney counterpart to OFA is really different organizationally (in terms of cash flow, obviously they are quite different in certain structural and strategic senses since they just got pimp slapped by OFA) these aren't low level staffers who have their own cards. These are more experienced people who have more regional level positions and who you would have expected to have more experience in how campaign work.

I figured you were working with the Obama camp helping spread leftist propaganda. Hope they paid you something for all your hard work.

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Reading this thread, I would like more (unbiased) info on how these things work. I reacted I guess because I think of Mitt and hear this about the credit cards...never liked him so it's easy to jump to conclusions.

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