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Romney Aides' Credit Cards Canceled On Election Night


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[b] [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/09/mitt-romney-campaign-cancels-credit-cards-staffers-aids-election-night_n_2099916.html"]Mitt Romney Campaign Aides Had Credit Cards Canceled Late On Election Night[/url][/b]

Mitt Romney delayed conceding the 2012 election to President Barack Obama, even with the writing on the wall. Once he [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/06/mitt-romney-concession-speech_n_2036451.html"]admitted defeat[/url], however, his campaign went into shutdown mode, quickly dismantling and even canceling the credit cards of campaign aides late on election night.

NBC's Garrett Haake described [url="http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/08/15024793-the-last-days-of-romneyland?lite"]the abrupt transition[/url] of the Romney campaign after the GOP nominee gave his brief [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/07/romney-speech-video-2012_n_2036477.html"]concession speech:[/url]

From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.

Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.[/quote]

"Fiscally conservative," [url="http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/08/15024793-the-last-days-of-romneyland?lite"]one Romney campaign staffer told NBC.[/url]

Although [url="http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/romney-staff-credit-cards-110812"]Romney's staffers' credit cards were canceled[/url], there are still loose ends to tie up. Papers need to be filed with federal commissions and [url="http://www.forbes.com/sites/helaineolen/2012/11/08/mitt-romneys-campaign-cancels-staffers-credit-cards-in-the-middle-of-the-night/"]bills need to be paid[/url], Forbes' Helaine Olen notes.

That staff also has to deal with the wrath of Romney donors, who allege they were [url="http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/08/15024793-the-last-days-of-romneyland?lite"]disillusioned[/url] by the chances the Republican party had to win.
On Wednesday, Romney had a post-defeat breakfast with some of his wealthiest and most loyal donors. At the private gathering, the [url="http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/decision2012/life-after-defeat-for-mitt-romney-public-praise-private-questions/2012/11/07/4db3bc38-2916-11e2-96b6-8e6a7524553f_story.html"]donors allegedly unloaded on Romney staff[/url] for its failed "junior varsity operation."

“Everybody feels like they were a bunch of well-meaning folks who were, to use a phrase that Governor Romney coined to describe his opponent, way in over their heads,” one member of the campaign’s national finance committee told the Washington Post's Philip Rucker. “Romney World will fade into the obscurity of a lot of losing campaigns.”

Republican pundits also answered to those donors.

Karl Rove's Crossroads allegedly [url="http://www.politico.com/blogs/burns-haberman/2012/11/rove-to-brief-major-donors-after-losses-148931.html"]called the campaign's biggest donors[/url] to explain the loss on Thursday, according to Politico. “Obviously, [url="http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/83534.html"]somebody made a mistake[/url] and didn’t do things right. There’s no question about that,” Stan Hubbard, a Minnesota media mogul and mega-donor, told Politico's Ken Vogel.

On Tuesday night, [url="http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/decision2012/mitt-romneys-concession-speech-full-transcript/2012/11/07/99f9c98c-28a0-11e2-96b6-8e6a7524553f_story.html"]Romney thanked his staff[/url] in his concession speech.

"To the team across the country -- the volunteers, the fundraisers, the donors, the surrogates -- I don’t believe that there’s ever been an effort in our party that can compare with what you have done over these past years," he said. "Thank you so very much."[/quote]

Wow Mitt, cancelling your people's ability to pay to go home the night of your loss? That's cold man.

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Call me crazy, but I would assume they would be smart enough to have some money to go home, win or lose. Using a business card on the last day of work to go home is stupid.

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[quote name='BG45' timestamp='1352507009' post='2507462']
[b] [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/09/mitt-romney-campaign-cancels-credit-cards-staffers-aids-election-night_n_2099916.html"]Mitt Romney Campaign Aides Had Credit Cards Canceled Late On Election Night[/url][/b]

Wow Mitt, cancelling your people's ability to pay to go home the night of your loss? That's cold man.
[/quote]As if Mitt actually was even consulted or was the one who made the call. Maybe we won't hear of Romney aides having Secret Service parties with donor money.

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Regardless if Mitt himself had any part in the decision, these people gave their time and tirelessly campaigned and work for his cause. Gee, at least pay their way home when you lose.

If you can pay for all those ads and campaign stops your campaign can be decent and pay for their staff to get home. That is just tacky.

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[quote name='zabbazooey' timestamp='1352512571' post='2507518']
Regardless if Mitt himself had any part in the decision, these people gave their time and tirelessly campaigned and work for his cause. Gee, at least pay their way home when you lose.

If you can pay for all those ads and campaign stops your campaign can be decent and pay for their staff to get home. That is just tacky.

yes cause paying for them for the last 6 years is not enough. i guess they need that 6 years and 1 day of handouts from mitt. can't forget that 1 extra day.

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These people worked for him, some may have left their home towns/states to travel to work for him. And the multimillionaire can't even give them a plane ticket or a cab fare home? He outraised Barack Obama all of October (I know this because I received countless emails to donate from Obama lol) I just don't think it would have been too far out of reach. It just looks bad.

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I guess most feel these people would not have made plans to go home, including buying tickets? One woudl assume they were not going to spend the next few days lingering around campaign headquarters even if he did win. Personally, when I go somewhere I have already included the means to return home in my plans.


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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1352602297' post='2507981']1 day of handouts from mitt. can't forget that 1 extra day.
Yeah, I hate when my employees come in and expect handouts like health insurance and salaries. What do they think this is, communist Mexico?

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I could be wrong, but my very liberal, Romney-despising friend was praising Romney earlier today for personally helping his staff find jobs now that their work is done. Doesn't sound very uncaring to me.

My favorite line: "fiscally conservative".

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1352609643' post='2508030']
Yeah, I hate when my employees come in and expect handouts like health insurance and salaries. What do they think this is, communist Mexico?

mitt supported them for 6 years. his campaign was done when he lost. their jobs werr done when he lost. after you quit your job do you still expect your employeer to pay you for an extra day?

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[quote name='zabbazooey' timestamp='1352605522' post='2508006']
These people worked for him, some may have left their home towns/states to travel to work for him. And the multimillionaire can't even give them a plane ticket or a cab fare home? He outraised Barack Obama all of October (I know this because I received countless emails to donate from Obama lol) I just don't think it would have been too far out of reach. It just looks bad.

after you quit your job do you continue to use the company vehicle or still get a pay check?

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1352614525' post='2508053']
mitt supported them for 6 years. his campaign was done when he lost. their jobs werr done when he lost. after you quit your job do you still expect your employeer to pay you for an extra day?
No, I fully agree. That's why we, as tax payers, should quit paying for the jet fuel, upkeep, crew salaries, and so forth of the airplanes that bring the troops back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Their jobs were done when they fired their last bullet. I'd tell em, "Find your own way home, bums."
Bummer for them that Greyhound doesn't serve Kandahar, amirite?

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