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Divine Office In A Discerner's Life

Rosa immaculata

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Rosa immaculata

of course, it is prayed and not only read... Sorry, when I began this thread I did not know that we can use this expression in English (I am French...) like in French; sorry for all my mistakes which can annoy you, I have to improve my English! ;)

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I wonder if you have an Android 4 phone? If so there is a really app from Universalis for £9.98 in the UK and it has the full Office and Mass readings and choice of versions. I use it when I am out and have no book with me, worth having a look at the Universalis site online. God Bless.

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In the way of apps, I have the iBreviary, which has the Liturgy of the Hours, the Mass readings for the day, a Missal, various prayers.... It's really good, but I still prefer books, so I use paper unless I absolutely have to use my phone. (And I hate the feeling of looking like I'm texting during Mass or Adoration.... :blush:)

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Another free option for any phone with internet, would be [url="http://divineoffice.org/"]Divineoffice.org[/url] which offers:[list]
[*]Morning Prayer (Lauds)
[*]Midday Prayer (Sext)
[*]Evening Prayer (Vespers)
[*]Night prayer (Compline)
[*]Office of Readings (Matins)
I have an iphone, and simply saved the site as an 'app' on the home screen. Downfall to this would be that an actual app might have a more phone/user friendly interface.

Here are some [url="http://catholicapps.wordpress.com/2011/11/25/liturgy-of-the-hours-apps/"]additional apps[/url].

Here is a [url="http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2011/06/editions-of-divine-office-online.html"]list of free sites[/url] where you can pray the Office. I am mainly adding this list for you, Rosa, since it has French options near the end!:

[indent=1][b]1. Divinumofficium.com[/b] - Monastic and Older Roman Breviary

This particular site is rather interesting insofar as it gives a number of options as to the particular form of breviary. What I would highlight, however, is that one can come here to pray either the Monastic breviary or the older Roman breviary -- and it is usable from any web browser. (I've only just now noticed that it also has an interesting "compare" feature.). The texts are available in Latin, English or Hungarian. Site: [url="http://divinumofficium.com/"]http://divinumofficium.com/[/url]

[b]2. Divineoffice.org[/b] - Post-Conciliar Liturgy of the Hours

For those who wish to pray from the modern Liturgy of the Hours, Divineoffice.org seems to have some good options from what I can see, both explaining how to setup an actual breviary for a particular day and office, while also giving the full text of the particular Office itself for those who would simply wish to pray online. The text appears to be available in English only -- at least on the website. Site:[url="http://divineoffice.org/"]http://divineoffice.org/[/url] (Various versions are also available for iPhone, iPad, Droid, etc. but at a cost.)

[b]3. Universalis.com[/b] - Post-Conciliar Liturgy of the Hours

Universalis follows the modern Liturgy of the Hours in what appears at a quick glance to be the English translation used within Great Britain. Site:[url="http://universalis.com/"]http://universalis.com/[/url]

[b]4. Breviarium Meum[/b] - Older Roman Breviary

The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have released this free iPhone app which will allow you to follow along and pray the older Roman breviary on your iPhone. It is available in Latin with the ability to turn on a parallel translation in English. For more on the app, read the [url="http://wdtprs.com/blog/2011/05/review-1962-roman-breviary-iphone-app/"]WDTPRS review[/url] recently done. Site:[url="http://apps.liturgiaetmusica.com/"]http://apps.liturgiaetmusica.com/[/url]

[b]5. iBreviary.com[/b] - Post-Conciliar Liturgy of the Hours

One of the most widely publicized ventures in making the Divine Office digitally available is iBreviary created by Fr. Paolo Padrini. There are versions for smartphones as well as a [url="http://www.ibreviary.com/m/breviario.php"]web-based version[/url], iBreviaryWeb. Site:[url="http://www.ibreviary.com/new/index_en.html"]http://www.ibreviary...w/index_en.html[/url]

[b]7. Liturgia Horarum[/b] - Post-Conciliar Latin Edition of the Liturgy of the Hours

For those who want to recite the Liturgia Horarum (2003 edition) in Latin, this is it. You have a choice of menus in English or Spanish. Site:[url="http://www.almudi.org/Portals/0/docs/Breviario/fuentes/breviario.html"]http://www.almudi.or.../breviario.html[/url]

[b]8. Societaslaudis.org[/b] - Post Conciliar Latin-French Edition of the Liturgy of the Hours

Latin and French of the modern Roman Liturgy of the Hours with a parallel French translation. Site: [url="http://www.societaslaudis.org/"]http://www.societaslaudis.org/[/url][/indent]

Also, I really like [url="http://www.ewtn.com/expert/answers/breviary.htm"]this site[/url] because I needed a serious how-to guide after I visited my sisters, since I could not see them during the Office..or really ever! I would hear a great WHOOSHING sound and be like, "Are they prostrate? Did they just kneel? What do I do?" In fact, every twenty minutes or so after the Office ended I would worry that they had left immediately after the Office and I was just sitting alone in the public chapel. I would get on my tip-toes trying to make out any retreating black veils in their enclosed side of the chapel. Every time they were still there praying and this young tall Sister would (involuntarily) make direct eye contact with me:

I'm sure there is nothing more annoying than being focused in prayer and seeing an aspirant doing acrobats in the chapel trying to asses "what is going on back there?" :P Anyway (got off track there!):


Edited by emmaberry101
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The Divine Office is integral to my prayer life. I use the [url="http://divinumofficium.com/"]divinumofficium.com[/url] web site. I try to say Mattins, Lauds, Vespers and Compline.

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emma, where did you get the material you pasted in? It is an excellent table, and I might want to utilize it in the future, but would need to be able to 'cite' it....

I was going to suggested divineoffice.org, but someone beat me to it. They do have an audio option, and often it is chanted. We recommend it to our Seculars who like to have someone to pray with. And it has the text written out for each hour. However... if you use the books, realize that they have chosen to incorporate the changes that have taken place in the Mass into the LOTH (i.e., the revised prayers at the end of the hours) and sometimes use alternative music, and this is a little confusing / frustrating to people trying to learn to use the books.

Also, both the Christian Prayer and Shorter Christian prayer actually do have the full 4 week 'cycle' of psalms for Morning and Evening Prayer as well as the one week cycle for Night Prayer. Christian Prayer has EVERYTHING that is in those 3 hours that is in the full LOTH; Shorter Christian Prayer has only selections for the Propers of the Seasons and the Proper and Common of the Saints.). Magnificat has only 'selections' that are simlar to LOTH from what I understand (although I don't know for sure.) We often suggest to people who are just starting to discern with our Secular Order to start with the Shorter Christian Prayer; it is less expensive and easy to use... and it isn't difficult to switch to either LOTH or Christian Prayer. Eventually people have to make the switch... but it helps to get the 'feel' of the 4 week cycle in place before starting to add the propers.....

My 2 cents!!!!

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[quote name='AnneLine' timestamp='1352783838' post='2509017']
emma, where did you get the material you pasted in? It is an excellent table, and I might want to utilize it in the future, but would need to be able to 'cite' it....

I was going to suggested divineoffice.org, but someone beat me to it. They do have an audio option, and often it is chanted. We recommend it to our Seculars who like to have someone to pray with. And it has the text written out for each hour. However... if you use the books, realize that they have chosen to incorporate the changes that have taken place in the Mass into the LOTH (i.e., the revised prayers at the end of the hours) and sometimes use alternative music, and this is a little confusing / frustrating to people trying to learn to use the books.

Also, both the Christian Prayer and Shorter Christian prayer actually do have the full 4 week 'cycle' of psalms for Morning and Evening Prayer as well as the one week cycle for Night Prayer. Christian Prayer has EVERYTHING that is in those 3 hours that is in the full LOTH; Shorter Christian Prayer has only selections for the Propers of the Seasons and the Proper and Common of the Saints.). Magnificat has only 'selections' that are simlar to LOTH from what I understand (although I don't know for sure.) We often suggest to people who are just starting to discern with our Secular Order to start with the Shorter Christian Prayer; it is less expensive and easy to use... and it isn't difficult to switch to either LOTH or Christian Prayer. Eventually people have to make the switch... but it helps to get the 'feel' of the 4 week cycle in place before starting to add the propers.....

My 2 cents!!!!

Hi AnneLine! Here is the [url="http://www.ewtn.com/expert/answers/breviary.htm"]link[/url] with the table, along with other great general/beginner info on the Divine Office. It's from EWTN-they do a great job with everything! Yes, I am sure those discerning with your Order would appreciate it very much, I know I would have loved to have it when the Office was still pretty confusing in the beginning. It might be great as a print-out companion for whatever breviary type book they purchase?

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Rosa immaculata

Ave Maria!
Thank you for all your links, especially Emmaberry for the French option! :) , even if I like pray psalms in English (I like the special rythm)!

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I have been praying the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary for some years now. I use the one from Baronius Press. I find that it keeps me more recollected throughout the day when I am able to pray at least some of the hours everyday, but as I don't yet live in the monastery, it's a challenge. Praying the office seems also to help me to show up more easily for mental prayer. Sometimes I am so tired at night and realize I havn't said Vespers and Compline yet, so I try hard to rationalize why it's ok for me to say them in bed. I feel guilty for doing that, but then I am glad I at least made the attempt to pray them although imperfectly. :rolleyes:

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Rosa immaculata

What a good idea, Inperpetuity, for the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary; I am going to see if I can have it in a book... as I really love to pray Mary and in Her, it is a marvellous idea! Don't worry to pray the end of the Divine Office in your bed: as you said, you are not yet a sister, and as lays, we have another type of schedule :smile4: , and for me too it is a challenge, but I am not yet at your level: I pray psalms, certain hymns but not yet systematically all the Offices (such as Vespers, Lauds etc)... I am fond also of the Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary: it is not the Divine Office but it helps me recollecting during the day, during a break at work, and it ponctuates more and more my days...
I pray for all you, and your testimonies are very helpful for me because I need them to walking to God ! :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone knew of an online (preferably free) resource for finding the Divine Office for a day a couple weeks into the future? I wanted to make a booklet for my parents in case they stick around to pray the Office with the nuns after I enter. Most online resources I have come across have only given the Office for one day previous/future and, of course, the present day as well. Thanks!


Edit: Then again, since the nuns are Colettines, and the 13th is both the Baptism of the Lord and the Birth of St Colette (I think the emphasis is on the latter in the Monastery, though this is a guess) do you think the nuns may have a differing Office than the one online to celebrate the feast day of St Colette's birth? :idontknow:

Edited by emmaberry101
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Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone knew of an online (preferably free) resource for finding the Divine Office for a day a couple weeks into the future? I wanted to make a booklet for my parents in case they stick around to pray the Office with the nuns after I enter. Most online resources I have come across have only given the Office for one day previous/future and, of course, the present day as well. Thanks!


Edit: Then again, since the nuns are Colettines, and the 13th is both the Baptism of the Lord and the Birth of St Colette (I think the emphasis is on the latter in the Monastery, though this is a guess) do you think the nuns may have a differing Office than the one online to celebrate the feast day of St Colette's birth? :idontknow:


www.universalis.com has the Office for five days in advance. I don't think it'd have the Office special for St. Colette's birth though.... But, it might help.

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I have the St. Joseph's Guide 2013 for the 4 volume LotH. I could post pictures for the page numbers of the day if you'd like and tell me which days.

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I have the St. Joseph's Guide 2013 for the 4 volume LotH. I could post pictures for the page numbers of the day if you'd like and tell me which days.


Thank you Pax! How generous-the days' Office I am looking for are January 12 and 13-preferably Vespers for the 12th, and Terce and Sext for the 13th. May God reward you!

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