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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Get Holy, Now

Nola Seminarian

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Catechism begins at home, do not blame poorly catechised youth on bad priests or bishops, its poor parents that allowed this to pass their children. The home is the place for parents to pray with their children, not tell them to pray, which by the way plants in a childs mind that adults do not pray thats for kids. Sending a child to mass once a week will not teach a child anything unless they have parents, plural, that teach them through example and guidance. Its simple to blame everyone else but parents need to step up and, well , be parents.


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Ash Wednesday

I think the overall point here is that hypocrisy and lack of authenticity is a problem that often plagues Catholics and Christians. It always has, even in times when the Church wielded a lot of power, and even when a person is the most educated, catechised Catholic in the world -- and it is often one of the reasons why people have a hard time trusting religion or become disillusioned with it. We are often viewed as a bunch of fake hypocrites, and at times, that criticism is very much justified. Unless you live a good, holy and sincere life, nobody is going to take anything of what you do or say seriously.

Does holiness "catch fire" and influence others? In the end, that is up to them. But claiming to be a devoted Catholic but acting like a total knobhead is no way to start the engine.

Edited by Ash Wednesday
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