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Whats The Deal Anyway ?

Ed Normile

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I really am at a loss !

I understood the first term of Obama, afterall he was an unknown quantity. The media types were able to invent him any way they chose to. He did nothing substantive during his brief career as senator of Ill. save cast a vote for partial birth abortion, all other issues he voted " present " on, leaving him no detrimental baggage to lug towards the Presidency. Then all the stars of music and movies supported him and the youth fell in line with the glitter saviour they invented. The inexperienced are gullible and easy to con so that was no surprise.

Fast forward to an Obama presidency that has failed across the spectrum, he said about jobs " if I don't get this done in 3 years then I am a one term president " he failed. He kept his woman voter base, and he is not really that cute, so what has he done for women? He has less women in key positions than the Hated G.W. Bush had during his reign. He kept his black base yet there are more blacks in poverty and unemployed then when he came into power. He promised to help the poor and there are far more people in poverty now than when he he took office, food stamps have increased dramatically.

I could go on about his failed promises on the war, Guantanamo Bay etc. He promised peace and started 2 wars without approval of congress. The youth that support him are oblivious to their share of the national debt they owe which as of now stands at over $270,000 each and we have yet to with start the serious spending on his Obamacare.

So , whats the deal ?


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Lil Red posted this elsewhere, maybe a merging would be in order.



[b]Lots of Republican voters died, and lots of Democratic voters came into being[/b]:

[b]Romney could not take advantage of Obama’s weaknesses with the working class[/b]:

[b]You heard lots about Benghazi on talk-radio and Fox News, but Mitt Romney botched the issue then ditched it. So hardly anyone else heard about it.[/b]

[b]America isn’t what you thought it was[/b]:

[b]Finally: you didn’t like Romney that much either. So are you really surprised?[/b]

also, http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/how-obama-won-20121106

[quote]Romney badly misread the electorate, assuming the dragging economy would automatically turn voters against the president. Yet many still blamed the recession on former President Bush and were growing accustomed to incremental economic growth. It was a pitiable recovery, but a recovery nonetheless. Offering few details about his economic agenda,[b] [/b]Romney didn’t look like a tempting alternative.[/quote]

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1352309866' post='2505846']
He won the majority of the hispanic vote. Whatever hispanics want, they get....
[/quote]Why does Obama do so well with Hispanics in general? I'm really curious because I know lots of Hispanics, but most are Cubans in Tampa and they generally are conservative (like Rubio).

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i never shared in this belief, but from what I have observed, the majority of them really do believe that the democratic party helps the poor....

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I was wondering if third party voters had any impact on the result of the election ... I'm too bored to check what their numbers were in those battleground states....

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Nope, looks like Romney lost this one on his own merits.

12 million less people voted in this election than voted in 2008. In fact, McCain Palin got more votes than Romney/Ryan, actually. Obama/Biden beat Romney/Ryan with some of the worst economic indicators of any incumbent to have been re-elected. The loss is put squarely at the feet of how terrible the Romney/Ryan ticket was.

The people that believed that Romney/Ryan was a good ticket, or that Romney/Ryan would win in a landslide, those people need to re-evaluate their sources of information I think. Their sources of information were absolutely out of touch with reality and with the views of the American people on many levels.

Edited by Aloysius
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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1352404362' post='2506618']
The people that believed that Romney/Ryan was a good ticket, or that Romney/Ryan would win in a landslide, those people need to re-evaluate their sources of information I think. Their sources of information were absolutely out of touch with reality and with the views of the American people on many levels.
Agreed. For a while there it looked like a very close Romney win was within the realm of possibility, but a landslide was never something that could be realistically considered.

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Ash Wednesday

It doesn't help that the media is also so far up Obama's rear he gets a pass for everything he does wrong. Today... we get to hear about the tears he shed! Awwwwww! :heart:

Combine this with the fact that our nation knows more about the Kardashians than the Constitution, this is the country we have ended up with.

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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' timestamp='1352476702' post='2507184']
It doesn't help that the media is also so far up Obama's rear he gets a pass for everything he does wrong. Today... we get to hear about the tears he shed! Awwwwww! :heart:

Combine this with the fact that our nation knows more about the Kardashians than the Constitution, this is the country we have ended up with.
I wish I could prob this again.

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Ash Wednesday


Ever seen the movie Idiocracy? Well, everyone should. Competence means nothing at this point. It's all about image. This is our future.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1352477060' post='2507186']

I wish I could prob this again.

I propped for you :)

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