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For The All The Upset People

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1352267531' post='2505527']
So, tell me. Is Obama's re-election definite now that he has over 270 electoral votes? Or could something still happen?

Technically, something could happen. Like, every other vote would have to be for Romney. But it's very, VERY unlikely.

Edited by Basilisa Marie
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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1352267531' post='2505527']
So, tell me. Is Obama's re-election definite now that he has over 270 electoral votes? Or could something still happen?
Every source I have seen says it is over.

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When I first glance at the title of this thread I thought it said "For the All the Ugliest People.." then I realized that I was wrong.

Gosh my eyes are tired! Anyway I NEED a hug! I don't know what good can come out of this election and I don't understand why! But I guess I will have to be more on fire for the faith and pray a lot more than I usually do. Also Mary's Child needs a lot of hugs because it's her birthday!

Hugs for everyone!!! God bless and goodnite! Going to bed for once!

Edit: because I needed to

Edited by Lil'Monster
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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1352266990' post='2505521']

:hehe: don't worry, it's already started. along with people wanting to move. :hehe: stupidity abounds on both sides of the aisle ;)

You know a lot of people talking about moving are kidding, right? Starting with me, I'd never be able to afford it and I have so much here to look forward to even though I don't like who the President is (especially that my Sisters are here). It's just an emotional reaction to a bad situation, for me.

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1352269034' post='2505550']
Every source I have seen says it is over.

Yeah, and I'm done obsessing over it. What's done is done. I'm ready to move on. ;)

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1352270375' post='2505568']

You know a lot of people talking about moving are kidding, right? Starting with me, I'd never be able to afford it and I have so much here to look forward to even though I don't like who the President is (especially that my Sisters are here). It's just an emotional reaction to a bad situation, for me.

Yeah, and I'm done obsessing over it. What's done is done. I'm ready to move on. ;)

I understand :)

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1352266281' post='2505509']

It also helps ensure the Democrats win.

Not in 2000 it didn't.

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1352266402' post='2505513']
Except for that time it didnt.

When you were still pooping in diapers.

Sometimes I wish I could prop you! ;)

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Aww thanks for the hugz !

I am uber disappointed. Pretty shocked some actually.

We need the electoral college. It wasn't really meant for a two-party system, but we do need it. I think (facetiously, in case that needs to be clarified) that we should make a state go by who wins the most COUNTIES...you see all that red?! ;)

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this is gold.


Edited by rachael
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I have an ultra liberal friend who left the country when Bush was re-elected, then came back after Hope and Change, then left again (and said she was disillusioned by Obama) and is now coming back for more Hope and Change.

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1352270375' post='2505568']
You know a lot of people talking about moving are kidding, right? Starting with me, I'd never be able to afford it and I have so much here to look forward to even though I don't like who the President is (especially that my Sisters are here). It's just an emotional reaction to a bad situation, for me.

yeah, i remember when Bush won and liberals were saying the same thing. ;)

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So after a billion dollars between Obama and Romney, here's what we have: The Democrats still hold the Senate and the Presidency and the Republicans still dominate the House, and the Supreme Court just sits there and goes, "Isn't it cute how everyone else has to fight for their seats every few years?"

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1352266402' post='2505513']
Except for that time it didnt.

When you were still pooping in diapers.

Why you gotta be phishy? This deserved props.

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Its refreshing to see the youth here with a positive attitude! I still can not escape the feeling of doom I have been plunged into. I am worried that we are entering into a sever est of our faith and religious freedoms, and judging by the election results I doubt we will be able to stand up to that test. Someone wrote in one of the many political threads here " catholic voters are a joke " and I bow to him, he was right. Another wrote " who would vote for a pro-life candidate " again I have been proven wrong.

I guess I put too much faith, too much of my soul into believing that America was a collection of good decent people, souls who would take a moral stance against death, homosexual marriages, and the government mandating the morals of religious faith, again I was wrong. I had high hopes for teh Catholic vote, this forum did cause me to rethink that and I then put my hope into the evangelical vote, and all for naught.

Perhaps , God is his wisdom feels that we need to be chastised, it would not be the first time and probably not the last either. Socialism/Communism has no room for any god other than the state. In Germany under Hitler he started out eliminating the gypsies, no one cared, then he moved against the jews, and as the old saying goes when you do not stand together eventually there is no one to stand with you. It led to the point where the catholic church was driven underground, those that were left open had pictures of Hitler displayed where the Crucifix used to be.

Well, it is what it is and I fear its going to be a wild ride. We face massive tax increases, loss of even more jobs and most likely a depression not only monetary but a true depression of the soul. I know I am there.


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