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Our Country's Voters Are Stupid


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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1352307512' post='2505800']
I have my issues with Mark Shea, but I agree with basically everything he said here:

Darn, I reached my quote of positive props for the day.

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[quote name='CherieMadame' timestamp='1352308206' post='2505809']
Now if I had said, "Our Country's Voters Are Idiots" that would constitute name-calling. ;) Alas, I did not.

However I DO stand by my opinion that the majority of American voters are making [i]stupid [/i](i.e. "unintelligent") voting decisions.

I agree it wasn't a good decision and it was founded on hope and change instead of reality and facts. It's just a difference of calling the voters stupid and calling their decision stupid. But I know you are frustrated and you don't really care about the difference, so it's fine. :)

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1352308538' post='2505821']

I agree it wasn't a good decision and it was founded on hope and change instead of reality and facts. It's just a difference of calling the voters stupid and calling their decision stupid. But I know you are frustrated and you don't really care about the difference, so it's fine. :)

Yes, it was a sarcastic manifestation of my frustration; I guess that wasn't conveyed accurately over the internet since a few people deemed it necessary to correct me and tell me I wasn't being "fair".

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[quote name='CherieMadame' timestamp='1352306349' post='2505788']
It was a hyperbolic descriptive adjective used as an obvious (I thought) way to sarcastically express my disappointment with the outcome of the election, not really a "name". But to those who are easily upset over it, feel free to cry, "Name-caller!"

I understood it immediately as complete frustration over the result of the election... no worries, Cherie! :)

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Here's an interesting, but really sad statistic:

According to a CNN exit poll, nationally 50% of Catholics voted for Obama, 48% voted for Romney, and 2% voted for another candidate.

This means that Catholics, even when the bishops speak out the most, are willing to vote for Obama for non-religious reasons.

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I predicted he would get 60% of the Catholic vote...

I used a very scientific method: counting the cars in my church parking lot that had Obama stickers on them...

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1352313833' post='2505884']
I predicted he would get 60% of the Catholic vote...

I used a very scientific method: counting the cars in my church parking lot that had Obama stickers on them...


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[quote name='CherieMadame' timestamp='1352308853' post='2505830']

Yes, it was a sarcastic manifestation of my frustration; I guess that wasn't conveyed accurately over the internet since a few people deemed it necessary to correct me and tell me I wasn't being "fair".

I understand that it was you being frustrated. But the people of Phatmass are nit-picky. I can't tell you how many times I've been corrected over unimportant matters. My advice: Just say "Okay" whenever someone corrects you and move on. It makes it a lot easier. :)

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[quote name='CherieMadame' timestamp='1352308853' post='2505830']

Yes, it was a sarcastic manifestation of my frustration; I guess that wasn't conveyed accurately over the internet since a few people deemed it necessary to correct me and tell me I wasn't being "fair".

Cherie, since I was one of those people to "correct" you, I hope you don't think that I was out to get you or anything. I think sometimes, over the internet, we can totally misread what others have written. I understand you are frustrated because I am too. Sometimes we just express it poorly. ;)

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1352274214' post='2505614']

Here are some of the meanings from a quick Google search:

[color=#333333]lacking[/color] ordinary [color=#333333]quickness[/color] and keenness of mind; dull.
[color=#333333]characterized[/color] by or [color=#333333]proceeding[/color] from mental dullness; foolish; [color=#333333]senseless:[/color] [color=#333333]a[/color] [color=#333333]stupid[/color] [color=#333333]question.[/color]
[color=#333333]tediously[/color] [color=#333333]dull,[/color] [color=#333333]especially[/color] [color=#333333]due[/color] to lack of meaning or sense; inane; [color=#333333]pointless:[/color] [color=#333333]a[/color] [color=#333333]stupid[/color] party.
annoying or [color=#333333]irritating;[/color] [color=#333333]troublesome:[/color] Turn [color=#333333]off[/color] [color=#333333]that[/color] stupid radio.
in a state of stupor; [color=#333333]stupefied:[/color] [color=#333333]stupid[/color] from [color=#333333]fatigue.[/color]

This definition completely describes those who voted for Obama or helped him get re-elected. The title of this thread could not have been any more accurate. Sometimes the truth hurts.

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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1352326427' post='2506056']
This definition completely describes those who voted for Obama or helped him get re-elected. The title of this thread could not have been any more accurate. Sometimes the truth hurts.

Those kinds of things will destroy the Republican party, which is already almost backed off a cliff. The Republican party needs to push back, but in order to do so it needs to be charitable and appealing. Saying everyone who voted for Obama is an idiot will not help it to be appealing.

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