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Call It Now - Have It On Record: Romney Or Obama Tomorrow?

Nihil Obstat

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which states do you think he'll carry? I was really trying to figure out what path Romney could take to victory in the map I made on RCP, I even gave him Ohio. I couldn't quite give Virginia to him, but I could see him maybe taking Virginia, but I think it's unlikely he'll get both Ohio and Virginia, which is what he'd need in my most favorable scenario I think, I'm not sure I see any other scenario. I really don't think he can get Nevada, the only reason I think he has a shot in Colorado is Gary Johnson and the pothead vote lol but that might not actually materialize, you can't trust potheads man. I dunno, Romney might have a chance at winning the popular vote, definitely, but I can't see him winning the electoral college. Perhaps we could call this election "Al Gore's Revenge" if Romney gets the popular vote but not the electoral college lol.

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If Romney were smart he would have undermined some of Obama's leftist base by coming out strongly in support of legalizing marijuana. :|

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I have no doubt Virginia will be Romney's to take, actually. I think he also will win Ohio, but that is a close one. Florida he has in the bag with no question about it.

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yeah I'm not totally sure actually, I could see it end up going quite a number of ways; there's hosts of people predicting a Romney landslide, hosts of people predicting an Obama landslide, and a lot of too close to calls out there... very tough call. I predicted Obama, but I also predicted that the Washington Redskins would beat the Carolina Panthers on Sunday and I was wrong there so I wouldn't be too surprised if Romney pulled it out lol... I will be pretty surprised if the calls for a landslide actually turn out to be true.

My guy Doug Wead is predicting a Romney victory...

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To Jesus Through Mary

From my other post.
[quote]Obama 270 and Romney 268. Mainly because I couldn't decide where VA is going to go. I decided Obama and he won. I really think this is going to be another super close election. [/quote]
As much I hope Romney will win, and even decided to vote for him and encourage my family in the swing states to do the same, I just don't see him pulling this out.

Edited by To Jesus Through Mary
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I don't know, but on the radio they were already saying the first polling place in America to reach 100% has reported in. It's a ten person village in New Hampshire. 5 Obama. 5 Romney.

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Today, in honour of such [s]a stupid display of sociopathy[/s] an important occasion, I wore my shirt that has Murray Rothbard's silhouette and says "Enemy of the State".


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