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Call It Now - Have It On Record: Romney Or Obama Tomorrow?

Nihil Obstat

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This is not precisely a debate, but since it is political I will leave it here.

Call it now- who is going to win the election?
This is [i]not[/i], I repeat [i][b]not[/b][/i] about who you want to win or who you think should win. This is who you think [b][i][u]will[/u][/i][/b] win tomorrow.

If you are feeling particularly lucky, feel free to speculate on which swing states go which way, or whatever other variables will come up tomorrow.

Anyway, get your predictions on record so that you can gloat in your success, or so that we can mock you in your failure. Let us all see who has a better sense of the pulse of the United States.

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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I am certain Romney will win tomorrow.

I feel the evangelical vote will amaze everyone.


Edited by Ed Normile
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[color=#222222][font='Helvetica Neue', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]

I am calling it for Obama. I think it will be narrow, but not [i]too[/i] narrow.[/background][/size][/font][/color]

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1352180253' post='2505028']

[color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]I am calling it for Obama. I think it will be narrow, but not [i]too[/i] narrow.[/background][/size][/font][/color]

Canadians are not known for the keen political insight. By the way how's that Robocall scandal working out eh ?


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1352180633' post='2505032']

Canadians are not known for the keen political insight. By the way how's that Robocall scandal working out eh ?

No idea. I was not paying attention, what with all the debt I am not drowning in. :|

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[quote name='XIX' timestamp='1352181392' post='2505039']
Obama 281
Romney 257

Obama 48.4%
Romney 48.7%
ElectoralVote is calling it as 294 Obama versus 220 Romney. Apparently they are very good at calling these, so yours is probably a very solid guess.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1352180165' post='2505026']
This is not precisely a debate, but since it is political I will leave it here.

Call it now- who is going to win the election?
This is [i]not[/i], I repeat [i][b]not[/b][/i] about who you want to win or who you think should win. This is who you think [b][i][u]will[/u][/i][/b] win tomorrow.

If you are feeling particularly lucky, feel free to speculate on which swing states go which way, or whatever other variables will come up tomorrow.

Anyway, get your predictions on record so that you can gloat in your success, or so that we can mock you in your failure. Let us all see who has a better sense of the pulse of the United States.


[quote name='XIX' timestamp='1352181392' post='2505039']
Obama 281
Romney 257

Obama 48.4%
Romney 48.7%


We have the opposite map :cheers:

I'm giving Romney 2% for some reason though. :think:

[quote name='eagle_eye222001' timestamp='1352099148' post='2504394']
Here's my prediction.


Romney 281
Obama 257

Popular Vote
Romney 48.0%
Obama 46.0%
Other 6.0%

Edited by eagle_eye222001
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I'm calling a Romney win. But with the shenanigans being pulled with military absentee votes you never know, Obama may steal the election yet.

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It'll either be Obama by a slim margin, or it'll be a surprise win for Romney a la the 1980 election.

There's just no way for tomorrow to turn into a good day.

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[quote name='eagle_eye222001' timestamp='1352182010' post='2505044']
Political topics go on the debate table. :|

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1352184735' post='2505054']
Political topics go on the debate table. :|

Thread was meant for people to record their predictions.

I didn't see a debate in that.

Since this thread already is in the debate thread, we can debate it. :punchout:

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been toggling with the maps, this was the most favorable to Romney prediction I could come up with: http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.realclearpolitics.com%2Fepolls%2F2012%2Fpresident%2Fobama_vs_romney_create_your_own_electoral_college_map.html%3Fmap%3DHI_1%2CAK_5%2CFL_7%2CNH_3%2CMI_3%2CVT_1%2CME_2%2CME2_3%2CRI_1%2CNY_1%2CPA_2%2CNJ_2%2CDE_1%2CMD_1%2CVA_3%2CWV_5%2COH_7%2CIN_6%2CIL_1%2CCT_2%2CWI_3%2CNC_7%2CDC_1%2CMA_1%2CTN_5%2CAR_5%2CMO_6%2CGA_6%2CSC_6%2CKY_5%2CAL_5%2CLA_5%2CMS_5%2CIA_3%2CMN_3%2COK_5%2CTX_5%2CNM_2%2CKS_5%2CNE_5%2CNE2_6%2CSD_6%2CND_5%2CWY_5%2CMT_6%2CCO_7%2CID_5%2CUT_5%2CAZ_7%2CNV_2%2COR_3%2CWA_1%2CCA_1&src=sp#

I actually think Obama will take Ohio but it's possible for Romney to take Virginia, but anyway, these are my giving Romney the benefit of the doubt numbers:
Obama 276
Romney 262

More likely I think it'll be:
Obama 294
Romney 244
(this is my prediction I suppose)

My december prediction for the College's vote, though:
Obama: 294
Romney: 243
Ron Paul: 1

(Similar to how the Electoral Vote in 1976 was Jimmy Carter: 287 Gerald Ford: 240 Ronald Reagan: 1)


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I think Dick Morris is predicting a little much. Even Sean Hannity says he has wishful thinking. But I think Romney will win if it is played fairly.

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