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Time To Get Your Virtues And Continents For 2013...


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I am almost afraid to let you pull a virtue for me. You know too much. :|

That said, I'll take one. Pray lots of crazy epic Annie prayers, and see what you and the Spirit come up with.

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Yeah, light and truth, pretty much. Most of us want to grow closer to God, and often we have some idea of what we need to work on. BUT sometimes it's not a bad idea to just ask God for help in an area we might not have thought of developing. (Kind of like taking general ed courses in college --- if I had been left to my own devices, I would have read history and literature and stayed FAR away from any science classes... but then I would have missed out on the astronomy classes I found I loved. I don't want to be an astronomer, but developing a little knowledge and skill in that area has made me more rounded, and more appreciattive of the night sky and the One who made it all....

So.... for example, someone might not THINK they wanted or needed to grow in patience, or justice, or wisdom... but learning a bit more about the virtue and asking God for help in growing in it could never hurt!

Same idea with the 'continents' -- until I had a friend move to Israel close to Lebanon, I'd had a general understanding of the geography and the interplay of all the various factions... but I can tell you, the more I learned, the more I realized how much prayer and love that area needs..... so in a sense, we're 'fostering' a continent for year -- to pray about, love, learn more about and generally intercede for the people there.... and I can guarantee, the world news will get a little more personal when there is something about YOUR continent that comes up......

OK, time for me to go to sleep! ( really do that occasionally!!!)

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I'd love to be involved. God knows I need to learn the virtues, especially patience. It's the one area I seem to struggle in the most. It would also be nice to pray for a Continent. I would love to get Europe but I'll let God decide. :)

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Could I have both? This may give me a good sense of direction for my prayers (and [s]wottling[/s] whittling away at my rough edges) in the cloister.

What a great idea, btw. :like: LOVE it!

Edited by emmaberry101
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I'm not obligated to do anything with the continent, right?

I've been doing a lot of inner searching and I want to figure out if it is my first thought on virtue, something related to it, or something that I think has been a need longer than I realized. Hence my experiment.

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You don't have to have a continent... and it is up to you do do what you will if you get one.

Interesting question about the Virtue drawing. I've known people who said the ones they received in things similar to this were 'just what they expected' or 'the last thing they would have thought of'.... and I suspect that for others, its just nice to have something additional to work towards in the next year. Somewhat less ... what word do I want here.... pressure than a resolution... just something to try to put a bit more of in your spiritual bank....

Similar idea... I know of one community that has the custom of having virtues that they pull each day during November in honor of the Holy Souls... when one sister kept pulling the same virtue, her supperior playfully suggested that the Holy Souls were giving her a hint. I dunno....

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