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Time To Get Your Virtues And Continents For 2013...


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You are actually getting these during the period between the old and new year -- old year on the west coast of the U.S., new year on the East Coast!!!!


VIRTUE: Meekness





Thank you, AnneLine!


I see what you mean about west coast/east coast :)

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Virtue please...


Here you go... happy new year!



VIRTUE: Modesty, Purity of Heart and Obedience (TRIPLETS!)


(for those who haven't followed this blog, this ^^^ happens when more than one gets 'pulled' together.  I give them a good shake, but if they don't fall out, it is a 'multiple birth'.

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Anneline, I would like to participate too. Thank you.



Glad to have you, Immanuel!    You didn't specify whether you wanted Continent, Virtue or both... so you will get both.  You intercede for your continent(s) and hopefully grow in virtue(s)



VIRTUE: Charity


CONTINENT: North America (and Central America)




(That danged holly bush is driving me MAD!!!!  But praying for peacefulness (my virtue) every time I see it... get scratched by it....)

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You are actually getting this Virtue during the period between the old and new year -- old year on the west coast of the U.S., new year on the East Coast!!!!


VIRTUE:  Patience



(Now.... stay out of the poison oak... or you'll have a real chance to practice!   (Check the holly thread if you don't know what we are talking about!)


Oh I more then certainly know to stay out of the poison oak, I once got into it on accident and was scratching for weeks on end...

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Could I still have a virtue, please? I know I'm late... :-(


Not late... you just have to practice it before midnight on the 1st or twice on the second!  ;)


VIRTUE: Courage

I too will take the free virtue!



Not sure there is such a thing as a FREE virtue.... but you are VERY welcome to have some....   ;)


VIRTUE: Meekness, Purity of Heart, and Loyalty   (Congratulations, you got triplets!!!)

May I have one too? I'm here at the eleventh hour..... still okay?



Welcome... absolutely still OK.   I don't know about Red and her Saints, butvirtues and continents are available thru at least the Presentation...


Didn't know whether you wanted a virtue or continent, so giving you both.....


VIRTUE: Patience


CONTINENT: South America

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Not sure there is such a thing as a FREE virtue.... but you are VERY welcome to have some....    ;)


VIRTUE: Meekness, Purity of Heart, and Loyalty   (Congratulations, you got triplets!!!)


Okay, awesome! Can you explain what these entail exactly, particularly the meek part?

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Posted Today, 08:37 PM

AnneLine, on 01 Jan 2013 - 20:35, said:

Not sure there is such a thing as a FREE virtue.... but you are VERY welcome to have some.... ;)


VIRTUE: Meekness, Purity of Heart, and Loyalty (Congratulations, you got triplets!!!)

Miles replied:


Okay, awesome! Can you explain what these entail exactly, particularly the meek part?




Sure (although I am in the middle of cooking dinner and may have to run off suddenly....)


Choosing 'Virtues and Continents' is a custom that many religious communities do as a way of fostering prayer for the whole world and encourage the brothers and sisters in developing virtues for the year.   I thought it would be interesting to let Phatmass Community take a stab at this this year.


For those who chose Continents, the idea is to pray for the needs of that continent during the year (for example, St. Therese prayed especially for North America during her last year on earth.)  I can guarantee you will NEVER see the daily news in the same way... because YOU will hear contries from your continent and the needs that they have jump out at you.  If you don't know what countries are in your continent... take a look at Wikipedia!


For all the virtues, the idea is to try to grow in that virtue during the year.  This might mean just trying to practice the virtue, but it also might mean learning a bit about what it is and what it isn't.  You might want to find some saints or other good people who demonstrated your virtue... .and you might want to pray about what you might be able to do to foster that virtue.


Meekness... purity of heart... loyalty -- those are a very interesting bunch of virtues, Miles!


Meekness is NOT weakness.   I've always loved this definition:  'Blessed are the Meek... meekness is not weakness.  Meekness is quietly and courageously doing the right thing with great courage.'    That was taken as a paraphrase from a very holy and great man, Eric Liddle -- if you don't know who he is, check out 'Chariots of Fire' and search his name..... great movie, and a great man.....   Eric Liddle was the perfect example of a meek man -- VERY strong, very couragous, very quiet, very single hearted.


And that is why I found that group of virtues really interesting.   'Purity of Heart' is really single heartedness -- staying focused on God and and on what is right.   It requires great courage to be loyal, to be single hearted, and to do that with a strong and yet gentle meekness.


Not a bad thing to work on this year, Miles!!!!



Now I gotta run off and serve dinner!

Edited by AnneLine
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Welcome... absolutely still OK.   I don't know about Red and her Saints, butvirtues and continents are available thru at least the Presentation...


Didn't know whether you wanted a virtue or continent, so giving you both.....


VIRTUE: Patience


CONTINENT: South America


No way no way no way...... impossible!! That is the only virtue I was dreading but surely the one I need the most... oh dear. Thanks so much!! :)


btw, can you explain the continent thing to me?? sorry to bother you!!

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TheLordsSouljah wrote:


VIRTUE: Patience


No way no way no way...... impossible!! That is the only virtue I was dreading but surely the one I need the most... oh dear. Thanks so much!! :)


AnneLine responded:     he he he he   I know that feeling!




CONTINENT: South America


btw, can you explain the continent thing to me?? sorry to bother you!!



AnneLine responded: Not a problem.  I talked about it a bit in my reponse to FP but I'm happy to go over it again.   It is a custom that is used in many religious communities, either at new year or at Epiphany (bouncing off the Magi....)  The idea is to be sure that the entire world has people to interceed for them.  So, a piece of paper with each continent is dropped into a bowl, and one is selected for each person who requests one.  The slip of paper has the name of one continent, and the promise it to remember to praqy for the needs of the people on that continent.  So... you will be praying for South America this year.   I got Asia... so I will be praying for Asia, etc.   Because there isn't much besides penguins and researchers in Antarctica, I combined it with Austrailia.... and I added Central America to North America just to dd a little variety to the mix and because there are more countries in South America. 


Now some people like to do a bit of a news scan and/or internet search to see if they can find things for 'their' continent that need prayer... but generally you'll hear enough on the news to get the idea... and you can always pray for someone in that place who doesn't have anyone to pray for them... or who needs some special support this day.


Once in a while you will get a big surprise, too...... I was very surprised when i looked on Wikipedia, to find out that the Middle East is considered part of Asia geographically.... because I was feeling drawn to pray for the middle East, and was surprised to find it part of the mix.....  

And of course, the whole thing is totally voluntary, so don't feel obligated... several people are 'covering' each continent just from our own little group... and lots of others all through the world.


Holding you all in prayer, too!!!!



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Not late... you just have to practice it before midnight on the 1st or twice on the second!  ;)


VIRTUE: Courage


Thank you very much! But, umm... how does one actively practice courage on a daily basis? Don't I like have to wait for a dragon to attack or something?

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