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amesome Opportunity!

Kylie Spinelli

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Kylie Spinelli

Hi everyone!
So over the summer I was invited to participate in an evangelization group that has formed in my town. It actually started in Oregon and has spread to 10 different towns around the United States! I'd like to tell you about it, and I want to invite you to check out our website, learn more about our efforts, and maybe even look into starting your own local chapter! It's an amesome experience that I enjoy very much and has really helped me learn more about my faith, while taking it to the streets!

What my local chapter does is we set up a table in our city park, right outside of our Public Library, where a group of young adults has been known to hang around. This is a popular place for people to walk their dogs or take their children out in strollers, etc. So every Monday night (weather permitting, it IS getting colder and wetter here in NY!) from 5 until 7, we set up the table and lay out rosaries, Miraculous Medals, pamphlets on Divine Mercy, one titled "Are You Saved?" (This one usually catches peoples' eye!), how to pray the rosary, and things about what the Catholic Church teaches. We start by praying a rosary and asking for Mama's guidance and for her to bring souls to us that need to hear about Christ. We talk to people as they walk by, offering them free (BLESSED!) rosaries, Miraculous Medals, etc, and to engage in conversation. This has opened up many doors for us to hear incredible stories! We have talked with people who have been in jail and are trying to rebuild their lives, drug addicts looking for Christ, and recently, a young woman who chose life for her child after being assaulted. We never know what God will lead us into when we set up, but it's never boring, and always interesting!

I actually wrote my college essay on my experience in this endeavor, so this really does mean a lot to me and I want this to spread across the United States, at least one chapter per state! It's a wonderful way for lay people (and religious too!) to spread the Gospel in a kind, loving, non-confrontational way that really can make a difference!

I pray that you will look at our site and facebook page, and see what we have been up to! :D

If you would like to start your own local chapter, feel free to contact us, message or post on the facebook page! It really is an amesome experience!


Thank you for reading, and may God bless you and inspire you!

~Kylie Spinelli
Saint Paul Street Evangelization; Glens Falls Chapter

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It is encouraging to see Catholic soldiers on the front lines. :crusader2:

Simply having a public presence is definitely a smart move.

I am happy to see this.

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Basilisa Marie

The user known as Brother Adam designed the SPSE website and I think also works with a Michigan chapter? I could be mistaken.

I am so thrilled with SPSE. They make my evangelical Catholic heart sing. :)

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