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Obama - Versus - Romney ?

southern california guy

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southern california guy

I found this video entertaining. And I thought that it would perhaps stimulate a little debate.


Edited by southern california guy
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southern california guy

[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351907859' post='2503276']
Universal healthcare is not anti-Catholic. What is the debate?

Are you going to vote for Kang, or Kodos?

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southern california guy

[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351907859' post='2503276']
Universal healthcare is not anti-Catholic. What is the debate?

Seriously the debate is that we should vote third party because Obama and Romney differ very little on most issues.

Romney has made a number of pledges to the Pro-lifers, but I doubt he will go through with them. If he gets in he is going to want to go two terms.

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[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1351941756' post='2503405']

Seriously the debate is that we should vote third party because Obama and Romney differ very little on most issues.

Romney has made a number of pledges to the Pro-lifers, but I doubt he will go through with them. If he gets in he is going to want to go two terms.
[/quote]Democrats express policy, part of their platform, supported by Obama is Government should not restrict abortion, should pay for it, will defend against any challenge to that including Roe v Wade.

Big difference.

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southern california guy

[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1351943511' post='2503409']
Democrats express policy, part of their platform, supported by Obama is Government should not restrict abortion, should pay for it, will defend against any challenge to that including Roe v Wade.

Big difference.

"Romneycare" in Mass. pays for abortions.


[b][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In 2007, Fred Thompson said, “So what sort of services does Romney’s health care plan provide? Per the state web site: $50 co-pay for abortions.” Thompson immediately added, “While [a] court mandate requires Massachusetts to cover ‘medically necessary’ abortions in state-subsidized [/font][/color][url="http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/politifact-can-t-get-its-story-straight-romneycare-and-abortion_617326.html#"]health plans[/url][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif], [/font][/color][color=#ff0000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mitt Romney’s plan covers ALL abortions — no restrictions[/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].” [/font][/color][/b]

[b] [/b]

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[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1351944174' post='2503413']

"Romneycare" in Mass. pays for abortions.


[b][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In 2007, Fred Thompson said, “So what sort of services does Romney’s health care plan provide? Per the state web site: $50 co-pay for abortions.” Thompson immediately added, “While [a] court mandate requires Massachusetts to cover ‘medically necessary’ abortions in state-subsidized [/font][/color][url="http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/politifact-can-t-get-its-story-straight-romneycare-and-abortion_617326.html#"]health plans[/url][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif], [/font][/color][color=#ff0000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mitt Romney’s plan covers ALL abortions — no restrictions[/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].” [/font][/color][/b]

[b] [/b]
[/quote]In a predominately Democratic state that wanted it. Majority wins. You are aware Romney made attempts at restricting paying for abortificant contracetption but it was unsuccessful after legal challenges.

Are you aware of the platform of the Democrats and their actions to defend and implement tax pay abortion, free access, and defend Roe V Wade?

Are you aware that Obama supports all that and with Obama holding the Presidency, the Democrats are in a more solid political position to continue to defend free, easy, legal abortion as an ideology?

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there are two sides to the morning after pill in Catholic hospitals story, one that paints Mitt Romney as fighting to ensure those hospitals wouldn't have to do it, and another side taken by some people that were involved in that fight in which they say Romney's legal team actually subverted them. You can find articles dealing with it from pro-lifers back when Santorum was still in the fight. Having dealt first hand with the type of strategy employed by those Mitt Romney surrounds himself, I think there's every reason to believe Team Mitt subverted the movement to exempt the hospitals, rather than his current story that he fought for them but lost. But either version could fit the only publicly known facts, I suppose, we'll never know to what extent Romney really helped or subverted the movement to exempt those hospitals.

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no, just two sides as to whether Romney was for them or against them in the way he went about it.

oh, and it is true that universal health care is not against Catholic teaching; not only did the Bishops support Obama-care before the whole dust up over contraceptive mandates, the Pope actually recently called for it as well, saying health care was a "right". you can certainly disagree with that, there are wide ranges of systems we could argue over, but Romney being similar to Obama on healthcare is not a specifically Catholic argument against him; the only specifically Catholic argument [i]related[/i] to that is the conscience issues.

But it's good to analyze all the issues, this video shows a very big similarity between Obama and Romney on many issues that many people believe them to be hugely divided on. With the caveat that there is nothing in Catholic teaching opposing the healthcare law (other than particular parts of it), there's every reason to point to their similarity here because many people opposing the law outright see it as an important issue to them.

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btw, this is the other side of the story I'm talking about, C.J. Doyle's account that says it was Romney and his legal aid who subverted the movement to get conscience exemptions.

warning: that article was written back when Santorum still had a chance so it didn't put the pro-Romney spin on it that we would expect of the good anyone-but-Obama soldiers.

Edited by Aloysius
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[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1351941756' post='2503405']

Seriously the debate is that we should vote third party because Obama and Romney differ very little on most issues.

Romney has made a number of pledges to the Pro-lifers, but I doubt he will go through with them. If he gets in he is going to want to go two terms.

because we haven't argued about this exact thing in the 20 other threads in the debate table right now. :rolleyes:

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what are you saying Red?

shouldn't we keep going endlessly round and round for the lulz? round and round we go, where we stop, nobody knows!

haha I keep jumping back in in between studying here for no good reason, just as an outlet for the coffee caffeine when I'm not using it for studying I guess lol, I really should stop lol.

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