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Westboro Baptist May Win In Kansas Election


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A nice little op-ed piece from the state of Kansas, begging Republican voters not to vote a straight ticket in this election. Why you ask? Because doing so elects an affiliate of the Westboro Baptist Church to a school board. Because we all know, nothing says education, like picketing soldiers funerals and claiming hurricanes are hitting America due to the "*self edit* sins" of the nation.

[quote][url="http://politicalfiber.com/opinion/11/02/republicans-beware-westboro-baptist-church-member-runs-to-represent-lawrence-on-state-school-board/"]Republicans Beware: Westboro Baptist Church Member Runs to Represent Lawrence on State School Board[/url]

Attention Kansas voters: If you were planning to vote a straight Republican ticket next week, you might want to re-think that.

Kansas State Board of Education District 4 candidate Jack Wu doesn’t just want your vote, he demands it, [url="http://www.jpwu.info/2.html"]stating on his website[/url] that “you had better” vote for him. The schools, says Wu, are training a generation of children to become “liars, crooks, thieves, murderers, and perverts.” But Wu isn’t looking just to rescue Kansas children from future corruption. As it turns out, most of us are already Satan’s spawn or, [url="http://midwestdemocracy.com/articles/westboro-attendee-running-for-kansas-board-of-education-seat/"]as he told the Kansas City Star’s Midwest Democracy Project[/url], “If you’re mainstream, you’re going to hell.”

A devotee of Topeka’s Westboro Baptist Church, Wu is also not a member of the Kansas Republican Party, [url="http://cjonline.com/news/2012-06-20/wbc-devotee-seeks-state-board-ed-seat%29."]reported the Topeka Capital Journal[/url]. He filed as a Republican, though, and a challenger to the school board seat currently held by [url="http://midwestdemocracy.com/candidates/carolyn-campbell/"]Democrat Carolyn Campbell.[/url]

The Westboro Baptist Church, with its telling [url="http://www.godhatesfags.com"]www.godhatesfags.com[/url] internet address, is notorious for picketing the funerals of fallen soldiers and now, more recently, has [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/29/westboro-baptist-church-hurricane-sandy-east-coast_n_2039564.html"]thanked God for the “righteous judgment” of Hurricane Sandy[/url]. Wu has not been at all evasive about his intention to spread this dogma of hatred. With [url="http://www.kake.com/home/headlines/Evolution-Big-Issue-In-Kansas-School-Board-Races-164192126.html"]evolution among likely upcoming considerations for the Kansas School Board[/url], as well as others around the nation, Wu states that students “should be taught that God created everything” and shows flippant disregard for reality, not to mention his voters’ intellects. His website states, “School administrators are always complaining about budget problems and lack of funding for this or that. Haha (sic), that’s funny. I have a really simple solution to solve that problem: Eliminate funding for evolution textbooks and pseudo-education. We’ll save a ton of money!”

An unusual budget tactic, indeed. So let’s see here, how much, exactly, is “a ton” of money? What programs count as “pseudo-education”? And, while I’m at it, how does dumping a current set of resources, such as a district’s biology textbooks, and buying new ones add up to a net savings? I’d like to know how this works because I could use a new car. Perhaps this strategy would have been useful for the [url="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44599913/ns/us_news-life/t/board-strips-kansas-city-schools-accreditation/"]Kansas City school district[/url] as well.

[url="http://cjonline.com/news/2012-10-31/kansas-education-board-challenger-spends-nothing"]The Topeka Capital Journal reported[/url] that he has collected less than $15 in cash, goods and services to publicize his campaign. This lack of promotion may work in his favor, though, as Democrats have expressed concern that Wu may still get elected by people who vote a straight Republican party ticket without knowledge of his platform. He has recently gained snowballing attention from national media, however. Hopefully, in spite of his stealth campaign, the word will still get out in time to keep him off the Kansas Board of Education.

Contact [url="http://politicalfiber.com/author/pam-rooks/"]Pam Rooks[/url] at [email="pam@politicalfiber.com"]pam@politicalfiber.com[/email].[/quote]

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The Westboro Baptist Church is about two hundred miles away from me. Once they protested a soldier's funeral in our town, so the Patriot Guard came in. I think about two hundred or more guys with leather jackets and Harleys came in and surrounded the funeral, and whenever the protestors would start yelling they would rev their motorcycles so nobody could hear them. It was glorious.

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WBC picket when the 35W bridge fell in Minneapolis. They pretty much picket whenever there's a news camera.

They picketed Fred Rogers' funeral. FRED ROGERS!!!!!

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To Jesus Through Mary

My brother lives in a small town in KS. His boss just joined WBC- which why in the world. But my brother is openly practicing a homosexual lifestyle and is now a atheist. His boss is making is life hell and painting another horrible picture in his mind of who Christians are. This church, if you can call it that, just makes me want to go :mad:

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[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1352082655' post='2504229']
My brother lives in a small town in KS. His boss just joined WBC- which why in the world. But my brother is openly practicing a homosexual lifestyle and is now a atheist. His boss is making is life hell and painting another horrible picture in his mind of who Christians are. This church, if you can call it that, just makes me want to go :mad:
Oh wow... I never really thought of anyone actually *joining* that church. I thought it was pretty much all Phelpses and their BFFs. Why anyone would be attracted to a message of "God hates everyone-- even us!" is beyond me.

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1352082865' post='2504232']
Oh wow... I never really thought of anyone actually *joining* that church. I thought it was pretty much all Phelpses and their BFFs. Why anyone would be attracted to a message of "God hates everyone-- even us!" is beyond me.

That was MY exact thought!! I just cannot understand... I mean KS can be pretty bigoted but they still love their military. So even the rednecks don't like em. Go figure...

ETA: Or maybe this boss guy is among family or BFF... idk

Edited by To Jesus Through Mary
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Terrible - but on the other hand, quite possibly might be some of the most entertaining school board meetings ever

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[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1352083148' post='2504234']
That was MY exact thought!! I just cannot understand... I mean KS can be pretty bigoted but they still love their military. So even the rednecks don't like em. Go figure...

ETA: Or maybe this boss guy is among family or BFF... idk

So KS can be pretty bigoted ? Thats a broad statement, do you mean the whole state or just the Westboro area .


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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1352089858' post='2504322']

So KS can be pretty bigoted ? Thats a broad statement, do you mean the whole state or just the Westboro area .


Kind of in general- outside of the cities. Of course not all Kansans are like that, but there are many. The "good ol' boys club" is alive and well there. It's not as overt (save the WBC), as say in the deep South. But it is definitely there.

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[quote name='BG45' timestamp='1352068085' post='2504110']
...what sort of trend? (A bad one I'm assuming...but that's just me.)

I"m seeing more people here who are agreeing with them, thinking that natural calamities that happen is God's judgement because of gay people. They draw the line at protesting soliders funerals, but they believe it is our punishment that they have fallen.

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[quote name='desertwoman' timestamp='1352117009' post='2504420']

I"m seeing more people here who are agreeing with them, thinking that natural calamities that happen is God's judgement because of gay people. They draw the line at protesting soliders funerals, but they believe it is our punishment that they have fallen.
Here on Phatmass?

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