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I Am Lame...


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Yes you are very lame indeed! :P


So What if I have a creative name fo my little niche here in the fam.... :| don't be jealous. :p

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Got back from Les Mis...I shall say this of it...Les Mis (in general) is a classic; A Masterpiece, a work of art that cannot be redone the same time after time. For,in time, works change (i.e. paint ages and is restored, music is interpreted with new instruments). This play/novel is no different from the rest. This new movie was a New interpretation, like a new cast on Broadway. It is the same old thing but a new breath within it. Some may not like this new breath; I on the other hand say, it was breath taking and as vibrant with life as any other past present or future productions of this piece of art.

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