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Don't Hate. Romney Is 99% More Pro-life Than Obama.


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Yes I have very much paid attention to his many flip flops and conversions back and forth from claiming to be pro-choice to being pro-lfe to being pro-choice to being pro-life etc etc...

Jaime isn't being dishonest. Romney has been many times. I simply do not trust his current official position and Mitt has given me and others every reason not to.

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The reason we believe he is for a health of the mother exemption is because he said health of the mother recently. His spokesperson tried to clean up that mess and specify that he does not officially condone a health of the mother exemption. I think I went over this with you about 90,000 or 100,000 times, man. It all comes down to whether you believe his own words, or his spokesperson cleaning up after those words because pro-life groups specifically said that they would rescind their endorsement of him if he really meant what he said.


and then:

Notice when he says it's been settled for some time in the courts, it sounds pretty much like the old clip where he says Roe v Wade is settled law and should be preserved...
There is every reason to distrust what degree of pro-choice he is. Like Jaime said, there is NO reason to believe he is "pro-life" in the proper sense of the word, but there is definite room for debate as to just how pro-choice he really is, much of it hinging upon whether he actually meant to say "health" of the mother like he did. His spokesperson said he didn't mean to include that; notice that the woman from the pro-life group who was assured of this specifically said that if he had meant to say that, they would have rescinded their endorsement of him... meaning they would not have endorsed him over Obama, it was pretty high stakes.

Edited by Aloysius
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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1351797940' post='2502124']
Jaime isn't being dishonest. Romney has been many times. I simply do not trust his current official position and Mitt has given me and others every reason not to.
Essentially his first "decision" as potential president, picking one of the most pro-life people he could have possibly chosen as his VP was not a good enough reason to trust his pro-life intentions.

You got trust issues man.

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Maybe Obama's not as cunning as he seems - looks he could have gotten a big chunk of the pro-life vote just by a little lip service. That's what Romney did, after all.

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351798541' post='2502128']
His spokesperson said he didn't mean to include that; notice that the woman from the pro-life group who was assured of this specifically said that if he had meant to say that, they would have rescinded their endorsement of him..
OK, so we are clear. He did not mean to say that. He meant to say this, oh wait, he [b]did[/b] say this: [i]"I am pro-life and believe that abortion should be limited to only instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. I support the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, because it is bad law and bad medicine."[/i]

​Seriously folks, your arguments would be more compelling if you did not resort to fun with wordplay and actually used legitimate stances. As it is, you are just coming off as disgruntled people with hidden agendas.

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Paul Ryan sold out when he backed Romney. I do not trust Romney, if he thought appearing pro-choice would increase his chances of getting elected he'd flip. If he thought the same about appearing to be pro-life he'd flop. This is his record, he will betray you, he will be the man he is, the man that will say whatever he can to get elected.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1351799076' post='2502135']
Paul Ryan sold out when he backed Romney. I do not trust Romney, if he thought appearing pro-choice would increase his chances of getting elected he'd flip. If he thought the same about appearing to be pro-life he'd flop. This is his record, he will betray you, he will be the man he is, the man that will say whatever he can to get elected.
We've established you don't trust Romney. Thanks. Please feel free to continue participating if you'd like to address any of his official stances.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351799241' post='2502136']

We've established you don't trust Romney. Thanks. Please feel free to continue participating if you'd like to address any of his official stances.

Sure but which offical positions? The ones from last week, this week, or next week? Or the numerous ones that differ depending upon which crowd he's speaking to.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1351800601' post='2502146']
Sure but which offical positions? The ones from last week, this week, or next week? Or the numerous ones that differ depending upon which crowd he's speaking to.
The ones on his website from this week.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351799027' post='2502134']
OK, so we are clear. He did not mean to say that. He meant to say this, oh wait, he [b]did[/b] say this: [i]"I am pro-life and believe that abortion should be limited to only instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. I support the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, because it is bad law and bad medicine."[/i]

​Seriously folks, your arguments would be more compelling if you did not resort to fun with wordplay and actually used legitimate stances. As it is, you are just coming off as disgruntled people with hidden agendas.
It's not fun with wordplay, it's Romney suddenly coming out and sounding consistent with his decades long record that he had been trying so hard to convince people that he didn't really believe. Seriously, if Santorum were still in the race when Romney had said that, I'd be dollars to donuts you and all the current pro-life Romney supporters would be all up in Romney's face about it.

There is every reason to be distrustful of Mitt Romney, both in his decades of statements and in his back and forth wavering words even over the course of this very election cycle. Blindly following the things politicians officially put out on websites (after running it by a million focus groups) and state in their carefully worded speeches is like believing that the guy running for class president in high school is going to get vending machines in every classroom and Fridays off for long weekends. You have to be discerning when you look at what politicians say; you have to analyze it based on their record, and when they're saying that they've changed their mind on something you have to pay close attention for anything that indicates that they don't really mean it. His inclusion of "health" in that statement along with his assurances that Roe is settled law and that he doesn't foresee any abortion related legislation being part of his agenda is a HUGE indication that he doesn't really mean it.

That doesn't mean don't vote for him if you think it's right, but be real about where he actually is. Don't just buy into the propaganda wholesale without critically analyzing it

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351801117' post='2502153']
Don't just buy into the propaganda wholesale without critically analyzing it

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351795675' post='2502111']
To say Romney is "pro-choice" is simply dishonest rhetoric.

In the popular sense of the word, Romney is pro-life. He is endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee. Stop trying to mislead people.
The popular sense of the word is not the Catholic sense of the word. i thought we were supposed to be following a higher teaching around these parts. Saying Romney is pro-life is like saying going to a Lutheran communion service is "close enough" to mass

Who's the guy who's misleading people? I'm not going to change terminology to fit a culture. I prefer to define things the way the Church calls us to. Good luck finding any priest or bishop who will state that allowing abortion with regards to rape, incest or mother is a pro-life Catholic stance.

The title of this thread is a lie

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