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Voting Obama Is Un-christian And Anti-catholic


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The world, the men and women in it, "are natural objects of wrath" (Ephesians 2:3). Utterly lost and barring the slim chance that they have some impediment to their reason or their knowledge that prevents this condition from taking effect they are going to Hell (a reality Jesus mentioned with a far greater frequency than He mentioned Heaven). Hell, a place Catholic Tradition pictured how? Was it full of democrats? Transsexuals? Homosexuals? Abortionists? No. The Hell Scripture and Tradition pictures is the natural destiny of our neighbors, our friends, our sons, our daughters. Hell is the destiny of most humans, it's where good people go. Over-comfort in non-normative (extraordinary) means of salvation is foolishness  it is the height of hubris. While the world slides into flames that correct behavior cannot ransom it from (if it could then Pelagianism would be true and the Catholic Church  a lie), what are the good Christian people on thread doing speaking to each other in vulgar and abusive language and acting as if Satan and the yawning, squealing pit can be stopped by one of these heretical (though Romney who expects to be a "God" one day is worse than a heretic)  men.


"I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." 1 Corinthians 2:2


"15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." The Gospel of Mark


"19 â€œDo not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." The Gospel of Matthew


Nothing on this earth other than the Church and the fact that the world is under Satan's power (read the Bible and any Pope before John XXIII) is permanent. It's all dead men's bones, and whitewashed sepulchres. As Christians we know how this story ends. Everything (including Holy 'Murica)  built by human hands will decay, fall, and die.


Yes I resurrected this ancient thread, but gah, all over the place people are willing to engage in destructive fruitless political arguments (as if they actually mattered) and mountains of silly small talk. But what of the Gospel? What of the fact that, yes again, the majority of human beings will die and go to Hell--and sooner rather than later, life is pitiably short and catastrophically dangerous.


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iron's initial post reminds me of internet trolls, flamers, arguing on the internet etc etc. it's even replete with childish website links (obama been lyin), claiming to be sole arbiter of truth, and casting those who dont agree with him to hell.
and dont think im tryin to avoid sustance making note of that. ive debated this tons of time on behalf of bama catolics. folks like iron dont address the better arguments, ignore them, or are generally just lost causes

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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I said pragmatism, not pregnant schism. [mod]MIKolbe- personal attack[/mod]


so dUST can be censored?

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No one went to hell because of this thread.  Although I admit that reading through this thread was a kind of hellish experience.

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No one went to hell because of this thread.  Although I admit that reading through this thread was a kind of hellish experience.


You're certain of that?

I suppose it's reasonable to say so. People die and burn because Christ has not been preached to them. And Christians focus on getting the Pagan state to enforce Christian morals on its Pagan inhabitants.

Edited by Evangetholic
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Certainly it is a Christian obligation to preach the Gospel, but going to hell requires that a person choose that end for himself.  I do not pretend to know the final end of anyone. 

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And the above statement is how we know the Catholic Church is led by God--it has managed to survive.

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Hell may be "chosen" by men (and most assuredly deserved by every human thing save only Jesus Christ and the Virgin), but Scripture, the Fathers, the Saints, the Popes, and the near uniform sensus Catholicus, have always suggested or flat out said that most men go there and it is our duty, even at the cost of our lives, to convince them not to.

Edited by Evangetholic
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Hell may be "chosen" by men (and most assuredly deserved by every human thing save only Jesus Christ and the Virgin), but Scripture, the Fathers, the Saints, the Popes, and the near uniform sensus Catholicus, have always suggested or flat out said that most men go there and it is our duty, even at the cost of our lives, to convince them not to.

That is the Augustinian viewpoint, i.e., that mankind is a "massa damnata," but it is not shared by the Eastern Fathers.  St. Maximos the Confessor holds that for a man to be damned he must choose that end for himself by the way in which he lives his life.  God damns no one.

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People, when you finally successfully remove a tumor from someone, you don't put it back in. Who on earth revived this terrible thread?

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People, when you finally successfully remove a tumor from someone, you don't put it back in. Who on earth revived this terrible thread?

That would be the Queen of Cow and Milk.

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