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Voting Obama Is Un-christian And Anti-catholic


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I'm on my iPod. It's to hard to look it up again, but I included in a recent post. I got up and looked in the hardcooy Catechism. 1900's. Participation in Social Life.

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oh there absolutely is an obligation to participate in social life. I wasn't sure what you meant by organizations... absolutely when you have the ability to vote I think there's a certain obligation to do so. that doesn't mean you must pursue a particular strategy in voting, there are different possible strategies you can pursue. you are not morally obligated to choose the lesser of two evils, you are morally permitted to do so, but you can always vote for a lost cause if you wish, there's nothing immoral about that.

I suppose those who advocate not voting at all would have to defend their stance against those things... it's not totally impossible, so long as you are participating in civil life in some way trying to affect it for the better I think an argument could be made under certain circumstances to refuse to vote, therefor making a sort of null-vote, voting by your absence. As I have told people who advocate for such a strategy, if they really want to do that they should organize public demonstrations on election day amounting to a sort of "voter's strike"... I mean, you're morally obligated to work to provide your own living, but you have the right to go on strike. same thing with voting, I could envision the moral possibility of organizing a voter's strike.

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Exactly. Given three morally licit choices of action(not voting is an action) one must use their intellect to discern the best course. Consider and evaluate the expected and unanticipated possible outcomes. That is being pragmatic. I never advocated choosing what u could affect first than deciding morality.

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Pragmatism is utilitarian. It's not simply being "practical". It makes what is practical morally acceptable. The broken window supporters are largely pragmatic. They're also economically illiterate.

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Let me summarize for those of you joining late:

Politics is about prudential judgment and rulers are imperfect sinners so it's ok to compromise on a sliding scale of evils until the end of the world. Unless you're voting against the Tsar. Then you're either stupid or evil (and probably a peasant who don't know what's good for him).

Edited by Era Might
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[quote name='Era Might' timestamp='1351816227' post='2502390']
Let me summarize for those of you joining late:

Politics is about prudential judgment and rulers are imperfect sinners so it's ok to compromise on a sliding scale of evils until the end of the world. Unless you're voting against the Tsar. Then you're either stupid or evil (and probably a peasant who don't know what's good for him).
[size=8][color=#ff0000][b]I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE VOTING FOR OBAMA!!!1!!!1!!!!!1!!!! [/b][/color][/size]

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[quote name='brianthephysicist' timestamp='1351820451' post='2502458']

it's obvious who you are voting for!

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351820517' post='2502462']

it's obvious who you are voting for!

Lol I never actually looked at what was posted above my post. You'll be happy to know I'm not voting Obama. I just decided to spend some time bringing smiles to this dismal place until someone reports me. I have my warning so I will return to the lame board where people like to smile.

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Yay! All of my gifs were removed. Still worth it. Even on the chance that 1 single person smiled. Or even thought about smiling.

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I would've smiled if all the gifs were not next to a pony avatar. I have a feeling if someone without a pony avatar had spammed the board like that there may have been smiles.

the gifs didn't bother me, but the whole debate table having ponies next to all the topics was very enraging. ;)

Edited by Aloysius
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I just stopped viewing threads until they disappeared. :P My computer and gifs are not very good friends, for some reason.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1351741524' post='2501776']
Nobody is arguing that Obama isn't evil, and everybody here is well aware of his atrocities. If you want to get the truth out, go to a secular site or talk about it amongst your liberal and/or clueless friends that don't know what's going on.

You should prolly talk to dUSt about removing the debate table then.

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  • 3 months later...

If I had come to this website when this insane thread was happening, I would not be going to confession today. I would not be preparing to receive the Eucharist. The business we are to be about, is presenting Jesus Christ to the world (a world that scripture depicts as being dead, dying and lost). In the Name of Jesus Christ, who became reconciled to the "Scandal of the Cross" through the myopic and idolatrous (not to mention adulterous) panting after these two patently wicked men? While this foolishness went on, how many people in Blessed 'Murica died and went to HELL?

Edited by Evangetholic
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