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Voting Obama Is Un-christian And Anti-catholic


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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351747515' post='2501852']
I have a tough time taking this dude seriously after he argued for geocentrism and young-earth creationism.
And yes, that is strictly speaking an informal fallacy. I care not. I cannot take him seriously. His relationship with reason is clearly a little strained.
He also said I couldn't kiss my wife's butt, but I don't hold that against him.

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[quote name='Amppax' timestamp='1351747662' post='2501854']
*cough* geocentrism *cough*

I may or may not have edited a rather silly typo before you managed to reply. :saint:

[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351747677' post='2501855']
He also said I couldn't kiss my wife's butt, but I don't hold that against him.
I agree that it would be rather unchaste to hold your wife's butt against him.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351747875' post='2501856']
I may or may not have edited a rather silly typo before you managed to reply. :saint:

I agree that it would be rather unchaste to hold your wife's butt against him.

Just to be clear, my prop was for your second statement.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351745701' post='2501827']
That's not what you said Himey. You said pro-Obama, not voting-for-Obama. You can help a guy get re-elected without voting for him.

I still stand by it. Anyone with half a brain can read Al's posts and understand that even though he isn't willing to compare Obama to the antichrist, that he isn't writing pro-obama posts.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351746744' post='2501843']
I said pragmatism, not pregnant schism. Moron.
Pragmatism is utilitarian.

Utilitarianism isn't compatible with Catholic morality.




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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351768642' post='2501959']
I still stand by it. Anyone with half a brain can read Al's posts and understand that even though he isn't willing to compare Obama to the antichrist, that he isn't writing pro-obama posts.
Well, since we only use one side of our brain to begin with, it would just take a hit on the head from a failed Big Wheel ramp jump in the 4th grade to send me into the realm of misinterpreting him as pro-Obama. Sorry.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351775121' post='2501984']
Pragmatism is utilitarian.

Utilitarianism isn't compatible with Catholic morality.

You misinterpret my simple language as philosophical. I bet you get all the ladies.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351800769' post='2502148']
You misinterpret my simple language as philosophical. I bet you get all the ladies.
I'm not real sure of your tactics, but I'm going to keep acting tough until I figure them out.

I get, but don't keep. They pretty much only want me for my rakish good looks.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351744741' post='2501810']

And I still don't enter fights because I think I will win. I wasn't aware consequentialism was Catholic.
What exactly is this "consequentialism" you keep accusing people of?

And how exactly is voting for the lesser evil (Romney) of the two currently-viable candidates to keep out the greater evil (Obama) contrary to Catholicism? The Church has explicitly taught that this is a morally licit action.

Like it or not, voting in a political election is a pragmatic matter, and is all about consequences.
Pulling a lever under a man's name (or touching a screen, or whatever the cool kids are doing nowadays) is itself a morally neutral action. The moral issues concern the likely consequences of a man being elected and his actions and policies. It should be clear to any person who is not willfully blind that the actions and policies of Barrack Obama will be the most evil.

If the consequences of one's vote were irrelevant, and if it were contrary to the Faith to vote for any less than evil candidate, then all Catholics should just write in Jesus Christ in every election. No one could question the holiness and piety of such an act, and Christ would be infinitely better than any other candidate one could select or write in.

But God gave us brains and expects us to use them. Prudence is a virtue Christ commanded us to be "wise as serpents and gentle as doves."
Blatantly disregarding the practical consequences of one's vote, and voting in such a way that would have the consequence of giving the most pro-abortion (and disastrous on many other levels) president in US history another four years is neither prudent nor wise, but simply foolish and stupid.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1351807296' post='2502229']
But God gave us brains and expects us to use them. Prudence is a virtue Christ commanded us to be "wise as serpents and gentle as doves." Blatantly disregarding the practical consequences of one's vote, and voting in such a way that would have the consequence of giving the most pro-abortion (and disastrous on many other levels) president in US history another four years is neither prudent nor wise
I just wanted people to read this part again.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351775121' post='2501984']
Pragmatism is utilitarian.

Utilitarianism isn't compatible with Catholic morality.



Anarchism is libertarianism is liberalism is leftism is Communism is Stalin is Mao is Kim Kim Jong Il is Dear Leader is Obama is Der Fuhrer is Hitler.

Your face isn't compatible with Catholic morality.




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consequentialism defines actions primarily based upon their consequences. It is an ethic that is absolutely foreign to Catholicism. in its most extreme form it can be summarized as saying "the ends justify the means"; but the reverse, that the ends condemn the means, is equally untrue. if the merits of an action were determined by their ends, then walking off to the lions in the name of Christ would amount to nothing more than suicide. Actions can be good even when there is no earthly hope that a good consequence will come out of them, it's the Christian virtue of hope.

But you and all the kind of Christ
Are ignorant and brave,
And you shall have wars you hardly win
And souls you hardly save.

I tell you naught for your comfort
Yea, naught for your desire,
Save that the sky grows darker yet
And the sea rises higher.

Night shall be thrice night over you,
And heaven an iron cope.
Do you have joy without a cause,
Yea, faith without a hope?

from [i]The Ballad of the White Horse[/i]
-G. K. Chesterton

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351742764' post='2501790']
Ironmonk to the rescue!!! And this is [b]after[/b] I stood him up for beers tonight. Wow!
Good times! You missed out.

You owe us all beers next time.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1351807296' post='2502229']
What exactly is this "consequentialism" you keep accusing people of?

And how exactly is voting for the lesser evil (Romney) of the two currently-viable candidates to keep out the greater evil (Obama) contrary to Catholicism? The Church has explicitly taught that this is a morally licit action.

Like it or not, voting in a political election is a pragmatic matter, and is all about consequences.
Pulling a lever under a man's name (or touching a screen, or whatever the cool kids are doing nowadays) is itself a morally neutral action. The moral issues concern the likely consequences of a man being elected and his actions and policies. It should be clear to any person who is not willfully blind that the actions and policies of Barrack Obama will be the most evil.

If the consequences of one's vote were irrelevant, and if it were contrary to the Faith to vote for any less than evil candidate, then all Catholics should just write in Jesus Christ in every election. No one could question the holiness and piety of such an act, and Christ would be infinitely better than any other candidate one could select or write in.

But God gave us brains and expects us to use them. Prudence is a virtue Christ commanded us to be "wise as serpents and gentle as doves."
Blatantly disregarding the practical consequences of one's vote, and voting in such a way that would have the consequence of giving the most pro-abortion (and disastrous on many other levels) president in US history another four years is neither prudent nor wise, but simply foolish and stupid.
That's your assessment based upon your view of the one party system in the US.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1351807501' post='2502235']
Anarchism is libertarianism is liberalism is leftism is Communism is Stalin is Mao is Kim Kim Jong Il is Dear Leader is Obama is Der Fuhrer is Hitler.

Your face isn't compatible with Catholic morality.



The last part is really cool, the first part, coming from a corporatist, is amusing. I believe in property rights, you believe in property privileges bestowed by the State.

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