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Voting Obama Is Un-christian And Anti-catholic


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this type of thinking is poisonous to the Catholic faith, and it is a grave misuse of the sacramental bonds of the Church as a means of forming some type of political block voting. you should be ashamed

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[quote name='ironmonk' timestamp='1351740539' post='2501764']
Obama kills babies. Not just unborn babies, blood is on his hands for not allowing doctors to save the lives of babies that survive abortion ([color=#000000][font=undefined, sans-serif][size=3]BAIPA)[/size][/font][/color]. See the videos: [url="http://obamabeenlying.com/archives/tag/infanticide/"]http://obamabeenlyin...ag/infanticide/[/url]

No Catholic may vote for Obama with a good conscience. If you think you can, then you ARE NOT Catholic. You have two choices... 1) STOP calling yourself Catholic. 2) LEARN THE FAITH YOU CLAIM. OTHERWISE... You are living a lie. Ignorance is not bliss, wise up and read the actual Church writings on the topic.

The website that has a lot of videos that have Obama showing what a liar he is...


You'll have to go to earlier posts because it hasn't been updated much. The site was very active in the last election.

Oh you think this is offensive, not as offensive and uncharitable as someone calling themselves Catholic and spewing mainstream media kool-aid.

Learn your faith:

Do you want to be wheat or weeds? Don't know what I mean by this? Learn your faith.

God Bless & Have Mercy,
Indelible mark.

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We've been through the Hitler vs. Stalin scenario....

In 4 years, we'll see more pro-choice justices on the Supreme Court cementing the right to an abortion when a woman is pregnant and has a headache, the abortion rate will still have the same slope, the government will still have the authority to accuse a US citizen of terrorists activities and jail you without charges or trial in the name of National Security, ObamaCare will be renamed Romney-Care and will be shuffled around and re-stacked looking very much like ObamaCare, insurance companies will be forced to offer contraception with the government subsidizing it, we will be at war with Iran...

Ah yes....Romney our savior. :|

America simply LOSES 2012!

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351743747' post='2501800']
this type of thinking is poisonous to the Catholic faith, and it is a grave misuse of the sacramental bonds of the Church as a means of forming some type of political block voting. you should be ashamed
You are in complete contradiction to my spiritual adviser, who is ordained, so I think I'm good, but thanks.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351743470' post='2501798']
That's your assessment of the result of voting for the Republican fascist instead of the Democrat fascist. I expose all of Romney. You concentrate on his latest rhetoric. And not even all of it.
I am not voting for Romney. I am encouraging people to vote against Obama. Just like you. I am simply promoting a method that has a greater chance of having actual results, while you promote a method that will not produce any results.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351744670' post='2501809']
I am not voting for Romney. I am encouraging people to vote against Obama. Just like you. I am simply promoting a method that has a greater chance of having actual results, while you promote a method that will not produce any results.

And I still don't enter fights because I think I will win. I wasn't aware consequentialism was Catholic.

Edited by Winchester
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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351744578' post='2501806']
Ordination: Still not magical.
If you are going to disrespect the priesthood, just come out and do it, instead of using your fancy whimsical words to disguise what you are really thinking.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351744772' post='2501811']
If you are going to disrespect the priesthood, just come out and do it, instead of using your fancy whimsical words to disguise what you are really thinking.
I'm saying that ordination doesn't prevent error. It doesn't give people special insight into political decisions or moral decisions. Priests are just men. Priests can teach error, make mistakes, fall into heresy, be abusive, etcetera. Priests are not the priesthood.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351742893' post='2501793']
Read 1/2 of Aloysius' posts. He's been trying to equate Obama with someone who is being endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee. I'd consider that a pro-Obama post.

That is the biggest load of croutons. You cannot quote me one of Al's posts that suggests he's voting for Obama.

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I have priests on my side too man.

It becomes poisonous when a particular voting strategy is equated with the Catholic faith. there are principals we must understand and then vote according to a particular strategy accordingly, and you have every right to argue that Romney is the best option. But ironmonk has decreed that if you "spew the mainstream media kool-aid" you should stop bothering to call yourself Catholic.

can you not see how infinitely more important the Catholic faith is than this particular vote? How utterly WICKED it is to try to drive people away from Our Lord simply because they've come to a different opinion on political strategy or disagree with their assessment of where various candidates et cetera stand? Infinitely more important, as in the outcome of this particular election PALES in comparison; and you become perfect patsies for a particular line of political thinking and basically act like failing to adhere to that line of thinking makes one not really Catholic. How utterly faithless and wicked that line of thinking is--so short sighted in the light of eternity that it's not even funny.

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351745139' post='2501819']
I have priests on my side too man.

It becomes poisonous when a particular voting strategy is equated with the Catholic faith. there are principals we must understand and then vote according to a particular strategy accordingly, and you have every right to argue that Romney is the best option. But ironmonk has decreed that if you "spew the mainstream media kool-aid" you should stop bothering to call yourself Catholic.

can you not see how infinitely more important the Catholic faith is than this particular vote? How utterly WICKED it is to try to drive people away from Our Lord simply because they've come to a different opinion on political strategy or disagree with their assessment of where various candidates et cetera stand? Infinitely more important, as in the outcome of this particular election PALES in comparison; and you become perfect patsies for a particular line of political thinking and basically act like failing to adhere to that line of thinking makes one not really Catholic. How utterly faithless and wicked that line of thinking is--so short sighted in the light of eternity that it's not even funny.
150% agreed. To place political partisanship up on a pedestal, as some kind of requirement for one's Catholicity, is arrogant and demeaning.
Conflating politics and the Church insults both our intelligence as reasoning human beings, and the sanctity of the Church. Bringing politics into the Church is making a pig sty out of the sanctuary.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1351745420' post='2501823']
Today I learned there is a 24th Sui Juris Church, and it is called the Neo-Conservative Rite.
And voting Republican is the 8th sacrament.

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