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Voting Obama Is Un-christian And Anti-catholic


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Obama kills babies. Not just unborn babies, blood is on his hands for not allowing doctors to save the lives of babies that survive abortion ([color=#000000][font=undefined, sans-serif][size=3]BAIPA)[/size][/font][/color]. See the videos: [url="http://obamabeenlying.com/archives/tag/infanticide/"]http://obamabeenlying.com/archives/tag/infanticide/[/url]

No Catholic may vote for Obama with a good conscience. If you think you can, then you ARE NOT Catholic. You have two choices... 1) STOP calling yourself Catholic. 2) LEARN THE FAITH YOU CLAIM. OTHERWISE... You are living a lie. Ignorance is not bliss, wise up and read the actual Church writings on the topic.

The website that has a lot of videos that have Obama showing what a liar he is...


You'll have to go to earlier posts because it hasn't been updated much. The site was very active in the last election.

Oh you think this is offensive, not as offensive and uncharitable as someone calling themselves Catholic and spewing mainstream media kool-aid.

Learn your faith:

Do you want to be wheat or weeds? Don't know what I mean by this? Learn your faith.

God Bless & Have Mercy,

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Let this cancerous political tumor in Phatmass leave us... Ugh... I was loving the election season until this happened to Phatmass. Now I can't wait for it to be two years from now (Especially since I'll hopefully be in seminary by then)...

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Every Bishop has come out against Obama. The nonsense on this page with all of the anti-Romney stuff is uncharitable, unAmerican, unCatholic.

The responsibility of a Catholic voter according to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is, in order:
1) LIFE - speaking of Abortion.
2) Family - Marriage between one man and one woman.
3) Social Justice - programs that DO NOT create dependency
4) Global Solidarity

If someone doesn't like the post, don't be psycho, just don't read it. Go on being ignorant, that is the current freedom you have, maybe not much longer if Obama wins again.

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The truth needs to get out.

Obama lies, babies and the country dies.

Marxism has always been condemned by the Church... there are wolves among the sheep that cause the sheep to drift away from the truth. Satan is working inside our Church, but he will fail... who wishes to be one of his victims? Obama is his pawn.

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Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship... YOUR Responsbility if you're Catholic.

Charity demands fraternal correction. [url="http://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/p3s1c1a7.htm#1829"]CCC 1829[/url]

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Nobody is arguing that Obama isn't evil, and everybody here is well aware of his atrocities. If you want to get the truth out, go to a secular site or talk about it amongst your liberal and/or clueless friends that don't know what's going on.

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351742108' post='2501780']
Find me one pro-obama post by a Catholic on this site.

This is a waste of bandwidth
I guess those one or two posts by Kujo might be called that if you squint really hard and hold your breath until you get dizzy...

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351742108' post='2501780']
Find me one pro-obama post by a Catholic on this site.
Read 1/2 of Aloysius' posts. He's been trying to equate Obama with someone who is being endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee. I'd consider that a pro-Obama post.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351742859' post='2501792']
Who was saying voting Obama was a good Catholic choice?
Nobody, but there have been several people, including you, attempting to influence people's vote to help Obama get re-elected.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351743133' post='2501795']
Nobody, but there have been several people, including you, attempting to influence people's vote to help Obama get re-elected.
That's your assessment of the result of voting for the Republican fascist instead of the Democrat fascist.

I expose all of Romney. You concentrate on his latest rhetoric. And not even all of it.

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