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Who Do You Hope Will Win The Election?

To Jesus Through Mary

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351798921' post='2502132']
I didn't give a simple answer because I don't have one. I see pro's and con's to each side winning, therefore I really don't have a preference between which of the two wins.
I called it.

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haha everyone should really give up, anyway... most of the important indicators have already called it for Obama:


5: Obama Halloween masks already beaten Romney Halloween masks.
4: The kids have already voted for Obama over Romney in the mock election.
2: The Olympics were held in London, they've been held there before so the incumbent party will win. Although I guess you could have hope for Obama only winning the popular vote and losing the election, as 2000 shows us, this indicator only works to predict the popular vote lol.

If the Redskins beat the Panthers this Sunday, I think we'll have to call it for Obama. Sorry guys :(
ON the bright side, since it's already been decided, you can all feel free to vote third party or do a write-in, right? :P :smokey:

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351800515' post='2502144']
haha everyone should really give up, anyway... most of the important indicators have already called it for Obama:


5: Obama Halloween masks already beaten Romney Halloween masks.
4: The kids have already voted for Obama over Romney in the mock election.
2: The Olympics were held in London, they've been held there before so the incumbent party will win. Although I guess you could have hope for Obama only winning the popular vote and losing the election, as 2000 shows us, this indicator only works to predict the popular vote lol.

If the Redskins beat the Panthers this Sunday, I think we'll have to call it for Obama. Sorry guys :(
ON the bright side, since it's already been decided, you can all feel free to vote third party or do a write-in, right? :P :smokey:
You forgot about the World Series. If anybody roots for the Redskins he must answer to me. :angry:

Edited by qfnol31
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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351801327' post='2502156']
what's the world series one? it wasn't in the cracked article.
[/quote] http://americanhistory.about.com/od/elections/a/baseballpres.htm

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1351770105' post='2501962']
Simple, honest questions deserve simple, honest answers.

I want the guy I vote for to win.

But we all know that's not going to happen. I graduated kindergarten and I can count with the help of my fingers and toes, so i know this.

[b]Therefore, I would want Romney to win. [/b]

There is your simple, honest answer.

Do I think he will be the greatest president ever, no..not by a long shot..And surprisingly none of his fanboys do either.

Which I guess is sad that the only thing to rally (and unfortunately fight and argue) around this guy is that if he is given a choice between killing 10 babies, 4 babies, or no babies; Romney/Ryan would kill 4.

But let's do the math, 4 is less than 10. But then, prostate cancer is better than alzheimer's, too...they both kill you, one is just easier on your diginty (in most cases).

My vote is my voice. my vote is my moral decision.

For anyone who says I am being selfish.. darn right i am. This is my country as much as it's your country. My vote counts as much as yours.

Anyone thinks I'm being foolish with my vote because "this" is how politicals work....put a sock in it. God didn't make to be a political genius (or any kind of genius), He created me to love..to have my thoughts, words, and actions reflect the love He has for me and for us. So I'm ok with being 'stupid', 'confused', 'foolish' and whatever else romneyfans want to call me.

I'm not participating any more in the culture of death. I will not be willingly involved, in any way, with the death of a child. Enough children are dead because of me. no more.

Is my candidate a lost cause? yes. He is going to lose? yes.

As it pertains to things temporal, if we learn anything from the Saints, and from Jesus himself.. is it really about winning? Since Ignatius was going to be fed to the lions, did he find a quick escape or renounce his faith, or do something else (other than be an amesome Catholic?) to "win" his life? Was he a loser since he lost his life? We all seem to agree with the Catholic premise of being dead to self, to save your life you must lose it...but we don't apply it here. We want to win, so we do what we must to win, even if it includes voting for someone like Romney. And, in all fairness, the Church allows this in certain scenarios; this election being one of them. The permission, like all things, can be argued, augmented, and presented as a matter of strict compliance, which is sad.

I am choosing someone who I know will lose because it's the right thing to do.

In the end, I am voting for someone who, chances are, you would agree with, i'm guessing.

perhaps i can posit that my vote is politically genius because it is setting the stage for 40 years in the future... but that would be stupid... i'm not that smart.

my vote is simply a moral decision that cannot be affected by how anyone else is making that same moral desicion, and it has a much deeper and much longer lasting effect on me than the country.

I know many of you personally. And though we do not agree on this, I know you are making your decisions with the same (if not more) love for Christ and His Church.

This is all we could ever expect of eachother.


Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to write that. Really well put and makes a lot of sense. For sure one of the better posts on the DT right now.

Who are you voting for, if I may ask?

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[quote name='Roamin_Catholic' timestamp='1351727855' post='2501525']
I'm of the opinion that Romney sets the pro-life movement back by at least 12 years if he wins.
If Romney will set the pro-life movement back by 12 years, then Obama will set it back 100 years.

While most of us would agree that Romney leaves a lot to be desired, Obama is a lot worse.
The whole problem is that if Romney loses this election, we will be stuck with four more years of Obama, and with whatever justices he appoints for life.

That's the inconvenient truth the whole "Don't vote for Romney!" crowd is neglecting.

I fail to see one single advantage to another Obama term.

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  • 6 months later...

The older I get, the more I just hope that God would win the elections and not these clowns.

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Well, it IS Eastern Orthodox Easter, so someone is celebrating by resurrecting an old thread from the dead. 

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Whoa, it is? Jesus waited a long time to come back.

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Well, it IS Eastern Orthodox Easter, so someone is celebrating by resurrecting an old thread from the dead. 


Coptic too. Wish me good parking.

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Coptic too. Wish me good parking.


Missed Coptic. Went Antiochian and then stopped by a few minutes of a Roman Mass.

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Hermann Cain. He should already be president. I'd vote for Hermann Cain/ Mike Huckabee. They seem to know what they're talking about. 

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