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Who Do You Hope Will Win The Election?

To Jesus Through Mary

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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1351733866' post='2501644']
I'd like to see Romney win in the hope that Planned Parenthood will be defunded. But at the end of the day, it'll make me feel only slightly better than if Obama wins.
[/quote]which party and president us more likely to protect or increase funding to Planned Parenting as part of budget negotiations?

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1351734014' post='2501651']
why do you think that Obama and Democrats won't be pro active and create more policies and programs that expand free abortion financed by tax payers?

Isn't that apart of Obama Care already?.... and as a side note they already do fund abortion in 15 states.

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I'm hoping and praying Romney will win. And I'm hoping and I'm praying that he's flipped his last flop on the abortion thing and actually defunds planned parenthood, reinstates the mexico city policy, and the gets rid of the HHS mandate...

I'm also praying he will convert to Catholicism as president. Don't laugh, Prayer is very very powerful, peeps.....and nothing is impossible with God... :)

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I kind of want to see Romney elected on some level, it's the only way we'll actually have the opportunity to analyze whether I was right or not. Of course, if Romney is elected I foresee little hope for us in the Republican Party for the next 8-12 years, possibly more; I don't think people quite realize the reformation of the power structures within the party he's been organizing to try to keep 'idealogues', including pro-lifers, from having an influence in the Republican Party.

I really don't want to see Obama elected, but I also would really like a chance at having a good option in 4 years. But then, he really is a pretty terrible president, his only redeeming quality is that he galvanizes conservatives to rally against him, generally being more willing to take moral stands; of course, he's pretty much extinguished the anti-war left with his super nobel prize powers. He will likely be more aggressive on the HHS mandate and various other things; but in many cases that will amount to him doing these bad things overtly rather than the subtle way Romney will likely find to do them.

It's a tough call. There are pro's and con's to either side winning. Unique challenges in moving forward after whichever side wins. But I will be sure to pray for whoever wins and try to stand vigilant against them when they do evil things.

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351736315' post='2501712']
I kind of want to see Romney elected on some level, it's the only way we'll actually have the opportunity to analyze whether I was right or not. Of course, if Romney is elected I foresee little hope for us in the Republican Party for the next 8-12 years, possibly more; I don't think people quite realize the reformation of the power structures within the party he's been organizing to try to keep 'idealogues', including pro-lifers, from having an influence in the Republican Party.

I really don't want to see Obama elected, but I also would really like a chance at having a good option in 4 years. But then, he really is a pretty terrible president, his only redeeming quality is that he galvanizes conservatives to rally against him, generally being more willing to take moral stands; of course, he's pretty much extinguished the anti-war left with his super nobel prize powers. He will likely be more aggressive on the HHS mandate and various other things; but in many cases that will amount to him doing these bad things overtly rather than the subtle way Romney will likely find to do them.

It's a tough call. There are pro's and con's to either side winning. Unique challenges in moving forward after whichever side wins. But I will be sure to pray for whoever wins and try to stand vigilant against them when they do evil things.

well that was a real no answer.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1351753537' post='2501923']

well that was a real no answer.
He's developing a reputation for doing that.

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[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1351727641' post='2501521']
I don't mean this to be a debate, but a sincere question for all of those voting 3rd party, especially Al. Who do you hope will win the election, Romney or Obama or do you see no difference between the two and will feel the same regardless of who wins? [/quote]

Simple, honest questions deserve simple, honest answers.

I want the guy I vote for to win.

But we all know that's not going to happen. I graduated kindergarten and I can count with the help of my fingers and toes, so i know this.

[b]Therefore, I would want Romney to win. [/b]

There is your simple, honest answer.

Do I think he will be the greatest president ever, no..not by a long shot..And surprisingly none of his fanboys do either.

Which I guess is sad that the only thing to rally (and unfortunately fight and argue) around this guy is that if he is given a choice between killing 10 babies, 4 babies, or no babies; Romney/Ryan would kill 4.

But let's do the math, 4 is less than 10. But then, prostate cancer is better than alzheimer's, too...they both kill you, one is just easier on your diginty (in most cases).

My vote is my voice. my vote is my moral decision.

For anyone who says I am being selfish.. darn right i am. This is my country as much as it's your country. My vote counts as much as yours.

Anyone thinks I'm being foolish with my vote because "this" is how politicals work....put a sock in it. God didn't make to be a political genius (or any kind of genius), He created me to love..to have my thoughts, words, and actions reflect the love He has for me and for us. So I'm ok with being 'stupid', 'confused', 'foolish' and whatever else romneyfans want to call me.

I'm not participating any more in the culture of death. I will not be willingly involved, in any way, with the death of a child. Enough children are dead because of me. no more.

Is my candidate a lost cause? yes. He is going to lose? yes.

As it pertains to things temporal, if we learn anything from the Saints, and from Jesus himself.. is it really about winning? Since Ignatius was going to be fed to the lions, did he find a quick escape or renounce his faith, or do something else (other than be an amesome Catholic?) to "win" his life? Was he a loser since he lost his life? We all seem to agree with the Catholic premise of being dead to self, to save your life you must lose it...but we don't apply it here. We want to win, so we do what we must to win, even if it includes voting for someone like Romney. And, in all fairness, the Church allows this in certain scenarios; this election being one of them. The permission, like all things, can be argued, augmented, and presented as a matter of strict compliance, which is sad.

I am choosing someone who I know will lose because it's the right thing to do.

In the end, I am voting for someone who, chances are, you would agree with, i'm guessing.

perhaps i can posit that my vote is politically genius because it is setting the stage for 40 years in the future... but that would be stupid... i'm not that smart.

my vote is simply a moral decision that cannot be affected by how anyone else is making that same moral desicion, and it has a much deeper and much longer lasting effect on me than the country.

I know many of you personally. And though we do not agree on this, I know you are making your decisions with the same (if not more) love for Christ and His Church.

This is all we could ever expect of eachother.


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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1351770105' post='2501962']
Simple, honest questions deserve simple, honest answers.

I want the guy I vote for to win.

But we all know that's not going to happen. I graduated kindergarten and I can count with the help of my fingers and toes, so i know this.

[b]Therefore, I would want Romney to win. [/b]

There is your simple, honest answer.

Do I think he will be the greatest president ever, no..not by a long shot..And surprisingly none of his fanboys do either.

Which I guess is sad that the only thing to rally (and unfortunately fight and argue) around this guy is that if he is given a choice between killing 10 babies, 4 babies, or no babies; Romney/Ryan would kill 4.

But let's do the math, 4 is less than 10. But then, prostate cancer is better than alzheimer's, too...they both kill you, one is just easier on your diginty (in most cases).

My vote is my voice. my vote is my moral decision.

For anyone who says I am being selfish.. darn right i am. This is my country as much as it's your country. My vote counts as much as yours.

Anyone thinks I'm being foolish with my vote because "this" is how politicals work....put a sock in it. God didn't make to be a political genius (or any kind of genius), He created me to love..to have my thoughts, words, and actions reflect the love He has for me and for us. So I'm ok with being 'stupid', 'confused', 'foolish' and whatever else romneyfans want to call me.

I'm not participating any more in the culture of death. I will not be willingly involved, in any way, with the death of a child. Enough children are dead because of me. no more.

Is my candidate a lost cause? yes. He is going to lose? yes.

As it pertains to things temporal, if we learn anything from the Saints, and from Jesus himself.. is it really about winning? Since Ignatius was going to be fed to the lions, did he find a quick escape or renounce his faith, or do something else (other than be an amesome Catholic?) to "win" his life? Was he a loser since he lost his life? We all seem to agree with the Catholic premise of being dead to self, to save your life you must lose it...but we don't apply it here. We want to win, so we do what we must to win, even if it includes voting for someone like Romney. And, in all fairness, the Church allows this in certain scenarios; this election being one of them. The permission, like all things, can be argued, augmented, and presented as a matter of strict compliance, which is sad.

I am choosing someone who I know will lose because it's the right thing to do.

In the end, I am voting for someone who, chances are, you would agree with, i'm guessing.

perhaps i can posit that my vote is politically genius because it is setting the stage for 40 years in the future... but that would be stupid... i'm not that smart.

my vote is simply a moral decision that cannot be affected by how anyone else is making that same moral desicion, and it has a much deeper and much longer lasting effect on me than the country.

I know many of you personally. And though we do not agree on this, I know you are making your decisions with the same (if not more) love for Christ and His Church.

This is all we could ever expect of eachother.

[/quote]You and I seemingly have a different idea what 'the right thing to do'. What is your criteria that helps you determine that? It's been established that voting for Romney and voting for a 3rd party and possibly abstaining from voting are all morally licit. Okay. Are we as intelligent rational beings obligated to use that intelligence to direct that choice to be as effectively good as possible?

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1351770105' ]
I'm not participating any more in the culture of death. I will not be willingly involved, in any way, with the death of a child. Enough children are dead because of me. no more.
[/quote]Thats the thing. If Obama wins, you will be involved with the death of a child. We all will be, through the taxes we pay to fund abortions and the insurance policies we pay for. That is the trade-off.

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1351774678' post='2501979']
You and I seemingly have a different idea what 'the right thing to do'. What is your criteria that helps you determine that? It's been established that voting for Romney and voting for a 3rd party and possibly abstaining from voting are all morally licit. Okay. Are we as intelligent rational beings obligated to use that intelligence to direct that choice to be as effectively good as possible?
i started to write something...and then I think I might have mistated something...

You are asking really good questions, and I want to give them good, honest answers.

Give me some time. :)

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351781335' post='2502023']
Thats the thing. If Obama wins, you will be involved with the death of a child. We all will be, through the taxes we pay to fund abortions and the insurance policies we pay for. That is the trade-off.
Know that quote about render unto Caesar? The one statists use as a proof-text for the State being super amesome and having a right to the property of others?

Well, it's actually permission to pay taxes in spite of Caesar being a murderous bastard. Sure, it's better to have the IRS come in and kill you for not contributing, but it is permissible to skip the whole kidnapping and caging thing by paying taxes to Moloch.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351781335' post='2502023']
If Obama wins, you will be involved with the death of a child. We all will be, through the taxes we pay to fund abortions and the insurance policies we pay for. That is the trade-off.

Then I guess it's a good thing I'm not voting for Obama. :)

see, we all win.

and further, unless you are no longer paying taxes from inaguartion day of Romney until abortion no longer happens, you are paying through your taxes to fund abortions. I know this, first hand, trust me. If you think taxpayer money is not already used to fund abortions, you are mistaken.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1351784776' post='2502049']
If you think taxpayer money is not already used to fund abortions, you are mistaken.
But the pablum says we aren't, yet! The pablum is true! Pablum is really steak and taters!

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1351784776' post='2502049']
Then I guess it's a good thing I'm not voting for Obama. :)

see, we all win.

and further, unless you are no longer paying taxes from inaguartion day of Romney until abortion no longer happens, you are paying through your taxes to fund abortions. I know this, first hand, trust me. If you think taxpayer money is not already used to fund abortions, you are mistaken.
I am part of the 47%. I pay no taxes.

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I didn't give a simple answer because I don't have one. I see pro's and con's to each side winning, therefore I really don't have a preference between which of the two wins.

Along with MIKolbe, I'd like the guy I voted for to win haha, but we all know that's not going to happen, because of folks like you who insist that it can't happen and therefore refuse to take a courageous stand for it.

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