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Will All Of You Pro-romney People Apologize When...

Roamin Catholic

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351839806' post='2502845']

Condoms cause abortions?

i guess you missed the part of some contraceptions that was mentioned. i never said all, i said some.

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obviously havok is talking about contraceptive pills and their abortificient quality. I have not seen calls from the Church specifically addressing illegalizing contraceptive pills on the basis of their abortificient qualities; it is certainly a strong argument for the immorality of their use, but I'm not entirely sure about them needing to be illegalized. The legality of contraceptives is not a 100% black/white issue for the Catholic pro-life movement though.

the morning after pill is much more likely to be a black/white issue for the Catholic pro-life movement, I will absolutely grant you that... personally I don't draw the line of defining pro-life based upon the legality of either contraceptives or the morning after pill, though; however, I would support a movement to illegalize the morning after pill.

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Shifting gears on this topic, I'm not sure where I heard this, but I've been told that when Mitt Romney said "There's no legislation with regards to abortion that I'm familiar with that would become part of my agenda" he actually did not say "There's no legislation with regards to abortion that I'm familiar with that would become part of my agenda"; simply because in other places he has talked about abortion related agenda items. Now, usually when someone says there's no abortion legislation that will be part of his agenda in one place, and then in another place says there is some abortion related agenda items he's interested in, well that's a contradiction and you have to determine which of the two statements he actually means.

But no, I guess the contradicting quote actually means he didn't actually say the other quote.

BTW, I want to have the last word in this thread, so treat it as if it's locked right after I make my point.

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351877299' post='2503002']
BTW, I want to have the last word in this thread, so treat it as if it's locked right after I make my point.

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351877299' post='2503002']
BTW, I want to have the last word in this thread, so treat it as if it's locked right after I make my point.


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