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Can Catholics Vote For Obama?


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For those who believe that Romney is a "viable" candidate...

Do remember that Romney's people and the RNC ensured that by blatantly cheating at the convention.


I mean....when you make DARN sure NO one else has a chance by replacing voters to make sure they vote a certain way...

Ron Paul lost, not because he legit lost, but because Romney's people and the RNC legit cheated to ENSURE that he lost before he could even lose legit.

The RNC and Romney's people knew Ron Paul was a threat and acted. Everyone knows Ron Paul's chances were not good. So I suppose next time there is a play-off series for the World series and one team is leading 3 games to 1, we should just call the rest of the games for the team in the lead, right?

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351711804' post='2501342']

Get over it and face reality. The third-party team has lost this election. Now be a good loser and vote for one of the only two teams left.

No, the RNC changed the rules illegally to suit their game and replaced voters whom they didn't like.

I will be a good loser when there is a legit game.

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Ron Paul was a distant second at the time of the convention and had no chance to get the nomination.

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Yeah, Ron Paul was not going to get the nomination. There was a lot of fraud and cheating over the course of the primary season by the Romney campaign both against the Santorum people and the Paul people; the fraud that took place at the convention was more aimed at the Romney campaign's unprecedented changing of the rules to make future challenges to the establishment favorites like those that were posed both by Ron Paul AND by Rick Santorum to be less possible in the future.

Unfairly unseating the Paul delegates like they did was a whole other issue; that was petty heavy handed tactics to prevent the mention of Paul's name and the official tallying of his votes during the nominating process. We actually submitted a five state plurality anyway even without the delegates they had illicitly removed, but they ignored that as well.

The Romney Team's thuggish tactics as the future of the Republican Party will pretty much assure you that you are not going to see a plausible sincere pro-life or conservative candidate have a chance at the Republican Nomination for a very long time.

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351723434' post='2501447']
The Romney Team's thuggish tactics as the future of the Republican Party will pretty much assure you that you are not going to see a plausible sincere pro-life or conservative candidate have a chance at the Republican Nomination for a very long time.
[/quote]And will aiding the likelyhood of Obama's re-election and bolstering the political power of the Democratic Power provide any hope that we would see a plausible sincere pro-life or conservative candidate have a chance at the [s]Republican[/s] Democratic Nomination? Wouldn't that shift the political power that's a reality of being the incumbent politician to the political agents who are pro-abortion?

Edited by Anomaly
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If we really want a viable 3rd party candidate, then we need to go out and lobby for him starting November 7th, 2012 for the 2016 election. That means town hall meetings, donating dollars, starting websites/blogs, posting about it on facebook, sending letters to possible donors, speaking at universities etc.

Starting 11/1 when election day is 5 days away will not make a candidate viable by any means.

Edited by Slappo
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pro-lifers don't have a snowball's chance in hell at the democratic convention. the few that went to the DNC this year tried to get a bone throne to them in the party platform basically acknowledging some wider ranges of opinion on the abortion issue... they were crushed pretty easily.

actually, the direction of rules changes that the Romney Campaign worked so hard to get in at the RNC this time around have been in place in some form for the DNC for quite some time... making the Democratic Party even harder to work within than the Republican Party is... but don't worry, the RNC is doing its best to make it hard to work within them either... maybe the Romney era of the Republican Party could eventually be the kick in the pantaloons that leads to a real third party revolt... heck, even Sarah Palin said she thought the Republicans needed to go the way of the whigs after that whole disastrous display of power-grabbing by the Romney campaign in the RNC.

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[quote name='Slappo' timestamp='1351793832' post='2502097']
If we really want a viable 3rd party candidate, then we need to go out and lobby for him starting November 7th, 2012 for the 2016 election. That means town hall meetings, donating dollars, starting websites/blogs, posting about it on facebook, sending letters to possible donors, speaking at universities etc.

Starting 11/1 when election day is 5 days away will not make a candidate viable by any means.

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351799438' post='2502137']
pro-lifers don't have a snowball's chance in hell at the democratic convention. the few that went to the DNC this year tried to get a bone throne to them in the party platform basically acknowledging some wider ranges of opinion on the abortion issue... they were crushed pretty easily.[/quote]
What's really sad is the last pro-life Democratic senator was a huge sellout to Obama's other policies.

He even went to the Vigil Mass for Life at the National Shrine his first year as a senator. :( :ohno:

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351704190' post='2501220']

Have you been following the Freedom threads? Pretty sure she wears Romney pajamas.

Yo, I am not a shill for Romney. His record is just way better than Obamas. I want to vote Obama [u][b]OUT[/b][/u] and the only way to do that is to vote for Romney. I'm pretty sure you don't have to mention to anyone who you voted for, it's private.

Besides, it's nunya business what I wear to bed.

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[quote name='arfink' timestamp='1351707774' post='2501252']


[size=8]OUR VOTE CAN CHANGE WHO IS VIABLE.[/size][size=8] STOP IT.[/size]

Um, no it cannot. Not during the presidential elections because of the Electoral College.

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351919772' post='2503369']
Um, no it cannot. Not during the presidential elections because of the Electoral College.

But the electoral college is based on the popular vote, and works differently in various states. Some states give all of their electoral college votes to the winner of the popular vote in that state. Others divide up their votes proportionally.

So depending on where you live, your vote can definitely change who is relevant, even with the electoral college. :)

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[quote name='CherieMadame' timestamp='1351942132' post='2503406']
Who is "relevant", MAYBE, but certainly not who is viable.

And should any Catholic vote for Obama? No. Definitely not.
unless everyone started rejecting that mentality. then we could change who is viable.

the only reason our votes are unable to change who is viable is because of the self-fulfilling prophecy of everyone saying that their votes cannot change who is viable.

realistically, we know it's not going to happen this time around. but if we respond to that by stepping back into the paradigm of saying your votes can't change who is viable, then nothing will ever change. you fight the losing battle hoping that someday more will join you and you will win; if you give up the losing battle because you're going to lose this time, you're just part of the crowd that perpetuates the inability to win, the unviability.

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351943008' post='2503407']

unless everyone started rejecting that mentality. then we could change who is viable.

the only reason our votes are unable to change who is viable is because of the self-fulfilling prophecy of everyone saying that their votes cannot change who is viable.

realistically, we know it's not going to happen this time around. but if we respond to that by stepping back into the paradigm of saying your votes can't change who is viable, then nothing will ever change. you fight the losing battle hoping that someday more will join you and you will win; if you give up the losing battle because you're going to lose this time, you're just part of the crowd that perpetuates the inability to win, the unviability.
[/quote]With the same reason and logic, the 17,000,000 Catholics who voted for Obama in 2008 can help change the political landscape and not give the power of the Presidency and 4 more years to the political party that specifically has stated AND acted to defend thier ideology that Roe V Wade should not be overturned, Government should fund abortion, and it's a right of women to choose that should be defended.

Half of Catholic voters help keep that political party and agenda in the power position.

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